I upgraded to the latest 13.3 version, the behavior do not change compared with previous versions including 12.3.
How it works really?
In "configuration" > "Option" : selected "Default photo order : filename A -> Z , numeric identifier 1 -> 9"
-Why the filename cannot be : A -> Z AND 0 -> 9 ?
-How the photos with filenames including letters and numbers are sort?
In "album" > "Manage" > edit one album
why "Manual order" is displayed by default even if " automatic order with filename A -> Z , numeric identifier 1 -> 9" is selected and saved. There is still a wrong message displayed
Images manual order saved
Your configuration settings are saved
automatic order was selected.
Thank you
Piwigo 13.3
On raspberry Pi : Raspberry Pi 4 Model B Rev 1.4
with Raspbian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye) armv7l
Last edited by Phil35 (2022-12-02 11:57:55)
filename A -> Z , numeric identifier 1 -> 9"
-Why the filename cannot be : A -> Z AND 0 -> 9 ?
-How the photos with filenames including letters and numbers are sort?
Just imagine that A->Z does not include only characters between A and Z but the whole character range, that includes digits and other characters.
Sorting order likely is by Unicode code position, which for characters <128 is ASCII code position, so 0-9A-Za-z, as SORT_LOCALE_STRING (see https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.sort.php ) seems not be used in Piwigo. Due to a peculiarity of PHP (see https://www.php.net/manual/en/language. … arison.php ), names consisting only of digits may be sorted numeric, so "9" < "12".
Hi erAck,
Thank you.
"Just imagine that A->Z does not include only characters between A and Z but the whole character range, that includes digits and other characters."
ah ah ok, but this is not explicit.
However the screenshot demonstrates a bug from my point of view:
- selected "automatic order"
- valid
- displayed "manual order saved" ?
The filenames for all my photos are mainly on the schema
- xxxx.jpg like 0001.jpg 0002.jpg and so on
- like P1020185.JPG, P1020228.JPG and so on
usually 0001.jpg is the first displayed on the tab "Photos sort order" : good, after this is not in order
for albums with P1020185.JPG and so on, it is not in order too.
So by default for all albums, I have to do manual ordering :-(
Hi erAck,
I noticed that once the choice is done, ie automatic order 'A->Z', and validated.
- it is then ok on my phone when I look at this album. All photos are sorted as expected,
- it is stiil ko on piwigo webpage in the tab "photos order" even if the webpage is reloaded.
That's disturbing.
king regards
Last edited by Phil35 (2022-12-11 11:13:17)