Using Piwigo 13.5 on Debian. I have a combination of photos and videos however can't usually find where they are other than filtering on the tag of Videos. Is there a way when you are navigating thru the albums that instead of just saying:
52 photos
it could say
50 photos 2 videos
Haven't fired up Piwigo in ages and rebuilt it and found still didn't have this separation of information?
I vote for this request/remark. Having both information would be great.
My vote also.
May the piwigo team @plg handles this request?
Thank you
Hello !
On the contrary, I would like to keep only one word to list all published elements. I do not have any videos, but photos, PDF and hiking tracks (.gpx). If one enables the display of details, it could give a long list of items in the description field of the album thumbnail.
Personnally, I modified the language strings with local Files Editor to replace "Photos" with "Documents" or "items" according to the language.
Katryne wrote:
Hello !
On the contrary, I would like to keep only one word to list all published elements. I do not have any videos, but photos, PDF and hiking tracks (.gpx). If one enables the display of details, it could give a long list of items in the description field of the album thumbnail.
Personnally, I modified the language strings with local Files Editor to replace "Photos" with "Documents" or "items" according to the language.
The majority of users want's this feature!
Then it should not be the object of a unique function but available with a choice of options: whether I want to display the global number of files or the analytical detail.
I don't want to have in an album description: "contains 3 photos, 5 videos, 4 gpx files, 25 pdf files, 34 doc files, 27 html files..."
You can stop reading when a single user argues that a majority of users wanted his/her feature..
Why not make it available as a choice? Now that can't be SO dangerous?? :-) Let's have a poll!!? Oh I forgot theres no such option here...
Best Regards
Last edited by BigIsland270972 (2023-02-17 21:03:53)
There is always one in every situation. Makes life crappy.
Katryne sounds like is using Piwigo as a document management system and doesn't want to know what content is in each library. Photos and Videos I feel are in the same context but things like PDFs I would think don't belong in Piwigo but what do I know. Either way, sure make it an option but I've seen this request a number of times for years so don't worry about it Katryne, your fighting a battle of your beliefs for no reason.