I've just installed Piwigo, this after trying a number of other applications and finding them too complicated or simply flaky. Piwigo, installed just fine, and I thank the supporters for the very good install info.
I want a family server, by this I mean I want each member of our family to be able to take a photo and the based on their own thoughts upload it to our server so we can all enjoy it and its in a safe place for future reference.
I was wondering if the forum had any advice for achieving this, anything I should configure now or apps I should install. Yes, I can and will probably take my own path to sort this but thought others might also benefit from your advice.
(Copy here your environment details, found on your Piwigo page [Administration > Tools > Maintenance])
Piwigo URL: http://photos.delicatedave.com
Sounds like you want [extension by plg] Community.