Hi, wondering if anyone can help diag why my sites dont work after my host forced a php update. Rather lost on what to do or where to start. Nothing loads anymore.
Hi :-)
version piwigo ?
Version PHP ?
I'm not sure how to tell what version was installed, nothing loads on the site so cant log into it to check version. all i get is a blank page when visiting. i submitted a ticket with my host to try and get piwigo version. According to my host PHP version is 8.1 on maddiegw.com and 8.2 on photofill.com
Blank page usually means a hosting error or 5xx web server status. Check your web server logs.
Thanks, but I have no idea how to check server logs, or even what to look for if I could check them.
Then ask your hosting provider.
I got a reply from my hosting provider that only way they could get site to work was to roll both websites back to PHP 7.4, which they no longer support and they apply fees to having that version. The maddiegw.com/gallery install still just gives the 404 not found error. I let them know that, so I'll see what they have to say.
The photofill.com/gallery install was loading so i went to update it to the latest version 14.3.0 and got this error:
Fatal error: Uncaught --> Smarty: Smarty->_clearTemplateCache() undefined method <-- thrown in /home/photofill/photofill.com/gallery/include/smarty/libs/sysplugins/smarty_internal_undefined.php on line 64
I'm not sure what to do with that error, so I navigated back to the root photofill.com/gallery and it shows this: This page proposes to upgrade the database from your old Piwigo version to the new version. The upgrade assistant thinks you are currently running release 11.0.0 (or equivalent). So I clicked the "upgrade from version 11.0.0 to 14.3.0:" button. Seems like everything worked and it says "Currently running version 14.3.0" on the updates page. I went to extensions page and made sure those were all updated as well. Went to themes page and all themes are up to date.
So given that things seemed to be working fine on photofill.com/gallery, I updated the PHP to Version 8.2 to not be charged the fee, which my host does support and doesnt charge the fee. After upgrading to 14.3.0 and PHP 8.2 the piwigo seems to be working now on the one website.
My Piwigo 14.1.0 runs correctly under php 8.1.
Try with php 8.1. If you still meet issues, try uninstalling plugins to find if any of them causes the problem.