Pages: 1
Warning: Undefined array key "SHOW_PICTURE_NAME_ON_TITLE" in /home/swanland/public_html/piwigo/_data/templates_c/f7mxz4^d640db531c112ffb6b9f466c9a19b65492bbbc6b_0.file.slideshow.tpl.php on line 103
Warning: Attempt to read property "value" on null in /home/swanland/public_html/piwigo/_data/templates_c/f7mxz4^d640db531c112ffb6b9f466c9a19b65492bbbc6b_0.file.slideshow.tpl.php on line 103
The stop function "stop the slideshow" with an icon and the number of the photo and the total number of photos in the folder/gallery on the left hand side of the screen, does not work, with the Microsoft Edge browser.
The Firefox browser showed a message "Firefox prevented this page from automatically redirecting to another page" and had an "Allow" button. When that button was clicked over, the slideshow moved on to display the next photo with the same message and the two warnings (as above) being shown again.
The Firefox browser showed the six icons (for controlling the slideshow) on the top right of the window. The Edge browser did not show these.
I suggest: remove the Slideshow icon from Piwigo until these problems are sorted out.
Piwigo 14.5.0 Check for upgrade
Installed on 21 June 2016, 8 years 1 month 3 weeks 6 days ago
Operating system: Linux
PHP: 8.0.30 (Show info) [2024-08-19 11:31:26]
MySQL: 8.0.37 [2024-08-19 12:31:26]
Graphics Library: ImageMagick 6.9.13-14
Cache size 2885.2 Mo calculated 13 hours ago Refresh
Microsoft Edge version 127.0.2651.105 (official build) (64-bit) Edge is up-to-date
Firefox version 129.0.1 (64-bit)
Activated plugin list 18
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