As the support of HEIC format images was announced in Piwigo 14.0 I tried to use it but failed for the moment.
What was done:
1) Piwigo upgraded from 13.8.0 to 14.1.0 successfully.
2) in local config I set
$conf['upload_form_all_types'] = true;
to enable new file types upload including HEIC files.
Image library is ImageMagick 6.9.11-60
I check the support for HEIC format from command line:
> convert -list format | grep HEIC
> AVIF* HEIC rw+ AV1 Image File Format (1.11.0)
> HEIC* HEIC rw+ Apple High efficiency Image Format (1.11.0)
In my understanding that's OK.
Manual convert from command line with no options works without errors
> convert upload/2024/01/12/20240112172617-1adc71f0.heic ~user/tmp/heic.jpg
and I see jpg file in destination directory and that is correct jpeg image.
But what I have as a result:
upload works fine but I didn't get image preview but the icon of the image of unknown format - unknown-sq.png
The same unknown-(me,la,xl).png I see in the album instead of converted jpg image
I do not see any command like "convert -options file.heic file.jpg" in the log file (may be debug level is low, not checked yet).
I tried to set in the local config
$conf['graphics_library'] = 'imagick';
instead of
$conf['graphics_library'] = 'auto';
But that didn't help either.
That's not critical for me but would be interesting to know how to make HEIC format working for me.
Piwigo 14.1.0
PHP: 7.4.33 [2024-01-12 18:26:37]
MySQL: 8.0.34-26 [2024-01-12 18:26:37]
ImageMagick 6.9.11-60
I have the same issue and got it to work by setting:
$conf['graphics_library'] = 'ext_imagick';
However this only works on upload, not when I synchronise a folder in th admin/tools/synchronize.
ronbruins wrote:
I have the same issue and got it to work by setting:
$conf['graphics_library'] = 'ext_imagick';
However this only works on upload, not when I synchronise a folder in th admin/tools/synchronize.
That's work for me too.
Thanks a lot!
I did everything above and i still can't see my heic pictures.
Piwigo 14.2.0
Operating system: Linux
PHP: 8.2.15 (Show info) [2024-02-23 15:18:15]
MySQL: 8.0.36 [2024-02-23 10:18:15]
Graphics Library: External ImageMagick 6.9.12-93
When trying to check the heic support, i have nothing
$ convert -list format | grep HEIC
That might mean there's something missing.
Anyone have an idea?
Last edited by rkpoulin (2024-02-23 16:24:27)
Hi :-)
have you add heic in local config ?
You mean this:
$conf['upload_form_all_types'] = true;
$conf['graphics_library'] = 'ext_imagick';
I think my problem is the imagemagick version.
I think i need V7 to support HEIC.
Last edited by rkpoulin (2024-02-23 16:34:13)
The below configuration:
Piwigo 14.2.0
Operating system: Linux
PHP: 8.0.30 [2024-02-25 20:33:06]
MySQL: 10.6.16-MariaDB-1:10.6.16+maria~deb11-log [2024-02-25 20:33:06]
Graphics Library: External ImageMagick 6.9.11-60
accepts HEIC photos with the following lines in the first tab of LocalFiles Editor:
$conf['file_ext'] = array_merge(
$conf['graphics_library'] = 'ext_imagick';
$conf['upload_form_all_types'] = true;
So this should work with your version 6.9.12-93 of External ImageMagick.
Thought I'd give this a shot, but I get the broken thumbnails too when uploading an HEIC file.
Piwigo 14.2.0 Installed on 30 January 2017, 7 years 3 weeks 4 days ago Operating system: Linux PHP: 8.2.10-2ubuntu1 MySQL: 8.3.0 [2024-02-25 16:14:20] Graphics Library: External ImageMagick 6.9.11-60
My installed version of ImageMagick contains HEIC support:
$ convert -list format | grep HEIC AVIF* HEIC --- AV1 Image File Format (1.16.2) HEIC* HEIC r-- Apple High efficiency Image Format (1.16.2)
And in local files editor:
$conf['graphics_library'] = 'ext_imagick';
Checking the log, I see the 'convert' line being executed. If I run that on the command-line I get this:
convert-im6.q16: no images defined `././upload/2024/02/25/pwg_representative/20240225160635-1e65cd65.jpg' @ error/convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/3229.
Last edited by windracer (2024-02-26 03:13:07)
Installed the latest version of ImageMagick (used https://github.com/SoftCreatR/imei to install and compile):
Piwigo 14.2.0 Installed on 30 January 2017, 7 years 3 weeks 5 days ago Operating system: Linux PHP: 8.2.10-2ubuntu1 MySQL: 8.3.0 [2024-02-26 18:08:21] Graphics Library: External ImageMagick 7.1.1-29
And HEIC files are working for me now.
$ magick --version Version: ImageMagick 7.1.1-29 Q16-HDRI x86_64 cfc71f0aa:20240225 https://imagemagick.org Copyright: (C) 1999 ImageMagick Studio LLC License: https://imagemagick.org/script/license.php Features: Cipher DPC HDRI Modules OpenMP(4.5) Delegates (built-in): bzlib cairo djvu fftw fontconfig freetype gslib gvc heic jbig jng jp2 jpeg jxl lcms lqr ltdl lzma openexr pangocairo png ps raqm raw rsvg tiff webp wmf x xml zip zlib zstd Compiler: gcc (13.2)
$ convert -list format | grep HEIC AVIF HEIC rw+ AV1 Image File Format (1.17.6) HEIC HEIC rw+ High Efficiency Image Format (1.17.6) HEIF HEIC rw+ High Efficiency Image Format (1.17.6)
thanks for the help
I tried everything with all updates. Still not working here.
Piwigo 14.2.0 Check for upgrade
Installed on 11 April 2013, 10 years 10 months 2 weeks 3 days ago
Operating system: Linux
PHP: 8.2.15 (Show info) [2024-02-28 19:28:24]
MySQL: 8.0.36 [2024-02-28 14:28:24]
Graphics Library: ImageMagick 7.1.1-19
In my phpinfo, i see the support for HEIC.
I also tried on Ubuntu. Same results. I can't see my heic pictures.
Piwigo 14.3.0 Check for upgrade
Installed on 11 April 2013, 10 years 10 months 3 weeks 2 days ago
Operating system: Linux
PHP: 8.2.15 (Show info) [2024-03-05 14:41:02]
MySQL: 10.6.16-MariaDB-0ubuntu0.22.04.1 [2024-03-05 09:41:02]
Graphics Library: ImageMagick 7.1.1-29
Cache size 4175.65 MB calculated right now Refresh
i can't figure out where's the problem.
When i upload heic picture, i don't see the preview file. There's a ?
heif-convert --list-decoders
HEIC decoders:
libde265 = libde265 HEVC decoder, version 1.0.8
AVIF decoders:
aom = AOMedia Project AV1 Decoder v3.8.1
JPEG decoders:
jpeg = libjpeg-turbo 2.1.2 (libjpeg 8.0)
JPEG 2000 decoders:
openjpeg = OpenJPEG 2.4.0
uncompressed: yes
heif-enc --list-encoders
HEIC encoders:
x265 = x265 HEVC encoder (3.5+1-f0c1022b6) [default]
AVIF encoders:
aom = AOMedia Project AV1 Encoder v3.8.1 [default]
JPEG encoders:
jpeg = libjpeg-turbo 2.1.2 (libjpeg 8.0) [default]
JPEG 2000 encoders:
openjpeg = OpenJPEG 2.4.0 [default]
Uncompressed encoders:
uncompressed = uncompressed [default]
Here's my local editor config file:
/* The file does not exist until some information is entered
below. Once information is entered and saved, the file will be created. */
//$conf['enable_i_log'] = true;
// Size of chunks, in kilobytes. Fast connections will have better
// performances with high values, such as 5000.
$conf['upload_form_chunk_size'] = 15000;
// in the upload form, let users upload only picture_exts or all file_exts?
// for some file types, Piwigo will try to generate a pwg_representative
// (TIFF, videos, PDF)
$conf['upload_form_all_types'] = true;
$conf['graphics_library'] = 'imagick';
// permitted characters for files/directories during synchronization
$conf['sync_chars_regex'] = '/^[a-zA-Z0-9-_.]+$/';
// show_exif: Show EXIF metadata on picture.php (table or line presentation
// available)
$conf['show_exif'] = true;
$conf['file_ext'] = array_merge(
$conf['show_exif_fields'] = array(
Last edited by rkpoulin (2024-03-05 15:46:00)
I'm with rkpoulin on this . cant see heic images .
/* The file does not exist until some information is entered
below. Once information is entered and saved, the file will be created. */
$conf['sync_chars_regex'] = '/^[\'a-zA-Z0-9-_. (),+]+$/';
ini_set('memory_limit', '-1');
$conf['file_ext'] = array_merge(
$conf['graphics_library'] = 'ext_imagick';
$conf['upload_form_all_types'] = true;
Latest Piwigo
Graphics Library: External ImageMagick 6.9.11-60
see no heic files
Further testing and some changes It seems as though its working now . Still experimenting