I switched to greydragon today, with all plugins updated, but can no longer login to my gallery, I just get a 403 forbidden error?
I also noticed this error as well.
Smarty: Source: Missing name <-- thrown in /home/bikesnst/public_html/cannardy.com/gallery/include/smarty/libs/sysplugins/smarty_template_source.php on line 168
Kinsman wrote:
I switched to greydragon today, with all plugins updated, but can no longer login to my gallery, I just get a 403 forbidden error?
I also noticed this error as well.
Smarty: Source: Missing name <-- thrown in /home/bikesnst/public_html/cannardy.com/gallery/include/smarty/libs/sysplugins/smarty_template_source.php on line 168
There should be more around this error
Smarty is core lib. there should be some indication what template actually causing the issue
version 1.3.9
- Fixed issue with undefined variable p_pict_descr and p_pict_comment in footer JS
+ Removed some compatibility warnings by adjusting <meta> tags
+ Font Awesome updated to 6.2
+ Bootstrap CSS updated to 5.0.2
+ Deprecated support PNG for IE 7
+ Deprecated obsolete.list
I've been using GreyDragon for YEARS and love it.
Recently updated to Debian 12 (using PHP 8.2.7) and Piwigo 14. GreyDragon 1.3.9 (the config menu still says 1.3.8?) as well as gdTumb are both broken. I get a lot of strange PHP errors.
Anyone has it working?
I can confirm that 1.3.9 does still show Version 1.3.8 in the Theme configuration menu.
Do your strange errors look anything like this?
/config/www/gallery/_data/templates_c/p6jhns^3e526aedde65f5d1fe67aa31f596d9a9f97a9503_0.file.admin.tpl.php on line 87
fa-solid fa-ban error">
cause i get that too.
Also i get a warning in the footer section:
Warning: Attempt to read property "value" on null in /config/www/gallery/_data/templates_c/1y2ayvc^1d1b7371dfb43e84216756a98e5cf1cecefd3c64_0.file.footer.tpl.php on line 48
What i have tried already: Resetting the Theme to default -> purged precompiled presets from the admin menu, but that didn't do anything to solve this.
Given they are just warnings i am happy to ignore them if necessary, but knowing what causes them would make me sleep better :)
I think this theme is no longer supported / maintained. I have since moved to one of the built in themes (which looks 95% the same and is more friendly to mobile devices) I'm now able to keep Piwigo up to date without being locked down to theme makers keeping their stuff updated.
I tried that, but they just don't have as many ways to configure them.
I use gdThumb to get better looking Gallery views, but with the default themes that means my Album thumbnails get stretched to like 6:1 aspect ratio... Seems like its static limited to displaying 3 album thumbnails per line, rather than arranging them dynamically.
Haven't found anything that can handle 32:9 screens or 4k 6" screens.
With this i can set a minimum thumbnail size and a maximum, that way it looks somewhat decent in both cases.
Maybe i can modify one of the default themes
It has been a while. Theme is still alive but my life was busy.
I do have version 1.4.1 published.
Works with latest version of Piwigo, plugins and PHP
Last edited by Serge D (2024-11-24 06:30:43)
version 1.4.2
- Fixed issue with missing Bootstrap JS files