I had several Menalto Gallery 1.5 installations on my server and they finally permanently broke when I upgraded to PHP 7. I wrote a script that pulls the data directly into Piwigo without any intermediate steps. It's not perfect (no username/permissions support) and would have to be cleaned up a bit for public consumption. Would anyone even be interested in such a thing?
you are totally free to release it in our Extensions, as a Tool
it uses the same id for login as the English forum
I have a really big installation of Gallery-1 running on SuSE Linux 13.1.
I want to change this to an Raspberry Pi 4 (Debian) and shutdown the old server.
Is there any way you can help with your script?
Regards, Hajo.
This thread is more than 2 years old and Gallery 1 is much older, but you can try [extension by plg] Menalto2Piwigo.
Thanks. I know, Gallery1 is really old. Thats the reason I want to shut down the old SuSE.
Unfortunately the Raspian for the Pi4 does not support PHP5, which is required for the old scripts.
I just looked to your link. As far as I can see, there is only an import for Gallery2. The related script from dschwen also imports only from G2.
Sorry, I never did get around to cleaning up my script and uploading it. I still have the script but I don't remember all the details anymore. I can post it as-is and it should get people most of the way there.
(I tried logging into the extensions page to post it there but it won't take my password and it won't let me register. Not sure what's going on there...)
This is a Perl script intended to be run on a host that has both the Gallery 1.x directory structure (albums/, for example) and the Piwigo installation (piwigo/, for example). You'll need the Piwigo database credentials. Various Perl modules will probably need to be installed.
Rough instructions from my notes:
1. Install Piwigo and initialize database.
2. Copy the image files from the gallery directory to the Piwigo directory.
rsync -avP --exclude="*.dat" --exclude="*.bak" --exclude="*.lock" --exclude=".*" --exclude="*.sized.*" --exclude="*.thumb.*" --exclude="*.highlight.*" albums/ piwigo/galleries/
3. Edit the below script with the correct values for $g1_albumdir and $pwg_db_*.
4. Run the below script with the -m option. That will generate some mv commands. Check the commands for sanity and then execute them. That will put the files in the expected locations.
5. Run Tools -> Synchronize from the Piwigo GUI to populate the Piwigo database with entries for the photos.
6. Run the below script without the -m option to update the Piwigo database with the "metadata" from the Gallery directory.
This process is a little rough in some places and the above instructions might have some of the deails wrong. But it's better than nothing, eh?
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use Getopt::Std; use Data::Dumper; use PHP::Serialization qw(unserialize); use POSIX qw(strftime); use Storable qw(dclone); use DBI; # -m to generate filesystem mv commands and exit # -c to NOT import comments (which would be duplicated if they were already imported) my %opts; getopts('mc', \%opts); # G1 albums directory my $g1_albumdir = "/home/myuser/public_html/albums/"; my $pwg_db_dsn = "DBI:mysql:database=myuser_piwigo;host=localhost"; my $pwg_db_user = "myuser_piwigo"; my $pwg_db_pass = "abc123"; my $pwg_db_prefix = "piwigo_"; # Connect to the new Piwigo database my $dbh = DBI->connect( $pwg_db_dsn, $pwg_db_user, $pwg_db_pass, { PrintError => 0, RaiseError => 1 }); # Get a list of the G1 album names my @g1_albums = getalbums($g1_albumdir); # %parsedgallery will hold all info pulled from G1. Isn't used outside of the loop right now. my %parsedgallery; # Highlights for albums of albums need to be saved for a later pass to find their highlights. my %externalalbumhighlights; # All keywords appearing in G1 my %g1_keywords; # Loop through all of the albums my $i = 0; ALBUM: for my $albumname (@g1_albums) { $i++; # get detailed information about the given G1 album $parsedgallery{$albumname} = dclone( getalbuminfo($g1_albumdir, $albumname) ); # Generate shell command to move album directory to proper subdirectory if ($opts{m}) { if ( $parsedgallery{$albumname}{parentAlbumName} ne "0" ) { print "mv $albumname `find . -type d -name $parsedgallery{$albumname}{parentAlbumName}`\n"; } next ALBUM; } print "Processing $albumname ($i of ", scalar @g1_albums, ")...\n"; my $pwg_name = $parsedgallery{$albumname}{title}; my $pwg_comment = $parsedgallery{$albumname}{description}; my $pwg_lastmodified = $parsedgallery{$albumname}{last_mod_time}; my $pwg_status = "public"; unless ($parsedgallery{$albumname}{canRead}) { $pwg_status = "private"; } # name is a direct copy of title # comment is a direct copy of description. (TODO What about summary?) # lastmodified is a copy of last_mod_time (converted from epoch) # rank is infered from the serialized order # The G1 serialized data is written out in the order the albums appear. # Using the serialized index means albums will be in the right order but numbers will be # skipped (because some albums are moved to subalbums). Piwigo doesn't seem to care # if numbers are skipped. # image_order is forced to manual since G1 doesn't seem to diferientiate between # automatically and manually sorted. The actual order of the images is set in # the individual image records. # status is a modified copy of canRead my $sth = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE ".$pwg_db_prefix."categories SET name = ?, comment = ?, lastmodified = FROM_UNIXTIME( ? ), rank = ?, image_order = 'rank ASC', status = ? WHERE dir = ? "); $sth->execute($pwg_name, $pwg_comment, $pwg_lastmodified, $i, $pwg_status, $albumname ); # We moved album directories into other album directories above. # The only way for us to reliably locate a Piwigo image database record # is with the full path to the image. We need to determine the new location # of the album to get the full path. my $pwg_albumpath = &getpwgcatpath($albumname); # Get detailed information about the photos in the given album and loop through them. $parsedgallery{$albumname}{photos} = dclone( getphotosinfo($g1_albumdir, $albumname) ); PHOTO: foreach my $photo (keys %{ $parsedgallery{$albumname}{photos} } ) { # If the current "photo" is actually an album, the only info it (might) have # is the highlight photo. We can't reliably resolve that yet so tuck it away # for later processing and skip to the next photo. if (defined $parsedgallery{$albumname}{photos}{$photo}{isAlbumName} && defined $parsedgallery{$albumname}{photos}{$photo}{highlight} && $parsedgallery{$albumname}{photos}{$photo}{highlight} ) { $externalalbumhighlights{$albumname} = $parsedgallery{$albumname}{photos}{$photo}{isAlbumName}; } next PHOTO if defined $parsedgallery{$albumname}{photos}{$photo}{isAlbumName} && $parsedgallery{$albumname}{photos}{$photo}{isAlbumName}; # G1 stores the filename in two parts. We need to use them individually later on. my $img_file_name = $parsedgallery{$albumname}{photos}{$photo}{name}; my $img_file_ext = $parsedgallery{$albumname}{photos}{$photo}{type}; my $pwg_img_full_path = "./galleries/$pwg_albumpath/$img_file_name.$img_file_ext"; # Set a default empty comment my $pwg_comment = undef; my $g1_caption = $parsedgallery{$albumname}{photos}{$photo}{caption}; # Only copy the G1 caption if it's not empty and it's not the filename if ( $g1_caption && $g1_caption ne $img_file_name && $g1_caption ne uc($img_file_name.'.'.$img_file_ext) ) { $pwg_comment = $g1_caption; } my $pwg_date_available = $parsedgallery{$albumname}{photos}{$photo}{uploadDate}; my $pwg_hit = $parsedgallery{$albumname}{photos}{$photo}{clicks}; # Piwigo level 0 is everyone and level 8 is admins-only. my $pwg_level = 0; if ( defined $parsedgallery{$albumname}{photos}{$photo}{hidden} && $parsedgallery{$albumname}{photos}{$photo}{hidden} ) { $pwg_level = 8; } # Update the image details in the Piwigo database my $sth = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE ".$pwg_db_prefix."images SET comment = ?, date_available = FROM_UNIXTIME(?), hit = ?, level = ? WHERE path = ? "); $sth->execute($pwg_comment, $pwg_date_available, $pwg_hit, $pwg_level, $pwg_img_full_path); # Don't import comments if flagged so we can avoid duplicates. # All comments are imported as the guest user. Good enough for now. # Being more accurate pretty much requires importing the users. TODO if ( ! $opts{c} && defined $parsedgallery{$albumname}{photos}{$photo}{comments} && scalar keys %{ $parsedgallery{$albumname}{photos}{$photo}{comments} } > 0) { foreach my $g1_comment (keys %{ $parsedgallery{$albumname}{photos}{$photo}{comments} }) { my $text = $parsedgallery{$albumname}{photos}{$photo}{comments}{$g1_comment}{commentText}; my $name = $parsedgallery{$albumname}{photos}{$photo}{comments}{$g1_comment}{name}; my $date = $parsedgallery{$albumname}{photos}{$photo}{comments}{$g1_comment}{datePosted}; my $ip = $parsedgallery{$albumname}{photos}{$photo}{comments}{$g1_comment}{IPNumber}; my $sth = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO ".$pwg_db_prefix."comments (image_id, date, author, author_id, anonymous_id, content) SELECT ".$pwg_db_prefix."images.id, FROM_UNIXTIME(?), ?, ".$pwg_db_prefix."users.id, ?, ? FROM ".$pwg_db_prefix."images, ".$pwg_db_prefix."users WHERE ".$pwg_db_prefix."images.path = ? AND ".$pwg_db_prefix."users.username = 'guest' "); $sth->execute($date, $name, $ip, $text, $pwg_img_full_path); } } # Add keywords to hash to be used later if (defined $parsedgallery{$albumname}{photos}{$photo}{keywords} && $parsedgallery{$albumname}{photos}{$photo}{keywords}) { # This assumes keywords are characters separated by spaces or commas. my @g1_photo_keywords = split(/[,\s]+/, $parsedgallery{$albumname}{photos}{$photo}{keywords}); foreach my $g1_photo_keyword ( trim(@g1_photo_keywords) ) { $g1_photo_keyword = lc($g1_photo_keyword); push @{ $g1_keywords{$g1_photo_keyword} }, $pwg_img_full_path; } } # Image order is implied by the order of the serialized G1 data (see album notes). my $pwg_img_rank = $parsedgallery{$albumname}{photos}{$photo}{rank}; # Update the image order in the Piwigo database # We have to join tables to be able to get the category and image ids with the info we have $sth = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE ".$pwg_db_prefix."image_category pic JOIN ".$pwg_db_prefix."images pi ON pic.image_id = pi.id JOIN ".$pwg_db_prefix."categories pc ON pic.category_id = pc.id SET pic.rank = ? WHERE pi.path = ? AND pc.dir = ?"); $sth->execute($pwg_img_rank, $pwg_img_full_path, $albumname); # check if the current image is the highlight image for the album if ( defined $parsedgallery{$albumname}{photos}{$photo}{highlight} && $parsedgallery{$albumname}{photos}{$photo}{highlight} ) { # Update the album details with the highlight image id my $sth2 = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE ".$pwg_db_prefix."categories pc JOIN ".$pwg_db_prefix."images pi ON pc.id = pi.storage_category_id SET pc.representative_picture_id = pi.id WHERE pi.path = ?"); $sth2->execute( $pwg_img_full_path ); } } } # Quit if we are just generating the mv commands exit if $opts{m}; # Populate the Piwigo global_rank for categories. # We can't do this until all individual albums have had their rank populated. print "Updating global_rank...\n"; my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT id FROM ".$pwg_db_prefix."categories"); $sth->execute; my ( $id ); $sth->bind_columns(\$id ); while ( $sth->fetch() ) { my $sth2 = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE ".$pwg_db_prefix."categories SET global_rank = ? WHERE id = ?"); $sth2->execute( getglobalrank($id), $id ); } # Albums that only contain other albums don't have photos they can choose as highlight photos. # They can just point at another album and use that album's highlight photo. # We can't determine the id of another album's photo until that album has been loaded. # Even worse, that album may be another album of albums that has an unknown highlight photo. # So we take the whole list of albums of albums and repeastedly loop over it # until all the highlight photos are known. print "Updating highlight photos of albums without photos...\n"; while (keys %externalalbumhighlights > 0) { foreach my $albumofalbums (keys %externalalbumhighlights ) { my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT pc1.representative_picture_id, pc2.representative_picture_id FROM `".$pwg_db_prefix."categories` pc1 JOIN `".$pwg_db_prefix."categories` pc2 ON pc1.id = pc2.id_uppercat WHERE pc1.dir = ? AND pc2.dir = ?"); $sth->execute($albumofalbums, $externalalbumhighlights{$albumofalbums}); my ($rpid, $child_rpid) = $sth->fetchrow_array(); # If the child category doesn't have a highlight photo yet, # bail and save it for the next loop. next if not defined $child_rpid; $sth = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE ".$pwg_db_prefix."categories SET representative_picture_id = ? WHERE dir = ? "); $sth->execute($child_rpid, $albumofalbums); # We have our highlight photo, delete the category from the hash. delete $externalalbumhighlights{$albumofalbums}; } } print "Adding tags...\n"; foreach my $g1_keyword (keys %g1_keywords) { # Does the keyword already exist from a previous run? my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".$pwg_db_prefix."tags WHERE name = ? "); $sth->execute($g1_keyword); my ($count) = $sth->fetchrow_array; # If it doesn't already exist, insert it. if ($count == 0) { my $sth = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO ".$pwg_db_prefix."tags (name, url_name) VALUES (?, ?) "); $sth->execute($g1_keyword, $g1_keyword); } foreach my $photo (@{ $g1_keywords{$g1_keyword} }) { my $sth = $dbh->prepare("INSERT IGNORE INTO ".$pwg_db_prefix."image_tag (image_id, tag_id) SELECT pi.id, pt.id FROM ".$pwg_db_prefix."images pi, ".$pwg_db_prefix."tags pt WHERE pi.path = ? AND pt.name = ? "); $sth->execute($photo, $g1_keyword); } } ############################# # Subroutines ############################# sub getalbums { my ($gallerydirectory) = @_; my $data; my @albums; open FILE, "$gallerydirectory/albumdb.dat" or die "Couldn't open $gallerydirectory: $!"; { undef $/; $data = <FILE>; } close FILE; my $albumdb = unserialize($data); for my $albumname (@$albumdb) { push @albums, $albumname; } return @albums; } sub getalbuminfo { my ($gallerydirectory, $albumname) = @_; my $data; open FILE, "$gallerydirectory/$albumname/album.dat" or die "Couldn't open $gallerydirectory/$albumname/album.dat: $!"; { undef $/; $data = <FILE>; } close FILE; my $albumtree = unserialize($data); my %albuminfo; $albuminfo{name} = $albumtree->{fields}{name}; $albuminfo{title} = $albumtree->{fields}{title}; $albuminfo{parentAlbumName} = $albumtree->{fields}{parentAlbumName}; if ( $albumtree->{fields}{description} ) { $albuminfo{description} = $albumtree->{fields}{description}; } else { $albuminfo{description} = undef; } $albuminfo{summary} = $albumtree->{fields}{summary}; $albuminfo{last_mod_time} = $albumtree->{fields}{last_mod_time}; $albuminfo{canRead} = $albumtree->{fields}{perms}{canRead}{everybody}; return \%albuminfo; } sub getphotosinfo { my ($gallerydirectory, $albumname) = @_; my $data; open FILE, "$gallerydirectory/$albumname/photos.dat" or die "Couldn't open $gallerydirectory/$albumname/photos.dat: $!"; { undef $/; $data = <FILE>; } close FILE; my $photostree = unserialize($data); my %photosinfo; for my $i ( 0 .. $#{$photostree} ) { no warnings 'uninitialized'; $photosinfo{$i}{rank} = $i; $photosinfo{$i}{isAlbumName} = @{$photostree}[$i]->{'isAlbumName'}; $photosinfo{$i}{name} = @{$photostree}[$i]->{'image'}{'name'}; $photosinfo{$i}{type} = @{$photostree}[$i]->{'image'}{'type'}; $photosinfo{$i}{uploadDate} = @{$photostree}[$i]->{'uploadDate'}; $photosinfo{$i}{highlight} = @{$photostree}[$i]->{'highlight'}; $photosinfo{$i}{hidden} = @{$photostree}[$i]->{'hidden'}; $photosinfo{$i}{caption} = @{$photostree}[$i]->{'caption'}; $photosinfo{$i}{keywords} = @{$photostree}[$i]->{'keywords'}; $photosinfo{$i}{clicks} = @{$photostree}[$i]->{'clicks'}; for my $j ( 0 .. $#{ @{$photostree}[$i]->{'comments'} } ) { $photosinfo{$i}{comments}{$j}{name} = @{$photostree}[$i]->{'comments'}[$j]->{'name'}; $photosinfo{$i}{comments}{$j}{datePosted} = @{$photostree}[$i]->{'comments'}[$j]->{'datePosted'}; $photosinfo{$i}{comments}{$j}{commentText} = @{$photostree}[$i]->{'comments'}[$j]->{'commentText'}; $photosinfo{$i}{comments}{$j}{IPNumber} = @{$photostree}[$i]->{'comments'}[$j]->{'IPNumber'}; } } return \%photosinfo; } # Get the list of fileststem directories for a Piwigo category sub getpwgcatpath() { my ($albumname) = @_; # uppercats is a comma-separated list of the individual category ids of the # categories in the tree. my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT uppercats FROM ".$pwg_db_prefix."categories WHERE dir = '$albumname'; "); $sth->execute; my ($uppercats) = $sth->fetchrow_array(); my @cats = split /,/, $uppercats; my $albumpath = ''; foreach my $cat (@cats) { # Get the directory name of the current category my $sth2 = $dbh->prepare("SELECT dir FROM ".$pwg_db_prefix."categories WHERE id = $cat; "); $sth2->execute; # Add the current directory to the end of the list of directories. my ($dir) = $sth2->fetchrow_array(); if ($albumpath) { $albumpath = join('/', $albumpath, $dir); } else { $albumpath = $dir; } } return $albumpath; } # Get the global_rank value for a given category # The global_rank lists the rank value of each category in the tree sub getglobalrank { my ($id) = @_; # Get the parent category's id and the current category's rank my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT id_uppercat, rank FROM ".$pwg_db_prefix."categories WHERE id = $id"); $sth->execute; my ($id_uppercat, $rank) = $sth->fetchrow_array(); my $global_rank; # If a parent category is listed, we aren't at the top of the tree yet. if (defined $id_uppercat && $id_uppercat) { # Recurse to get the id(s) from the parent(s) and add ours to the list $global_rank = getglobalrank($id_uppercat) . "." . $rank; } else { $global_rank = $rank; } return $global_rank; } # trim simply trims any leading or trailing whitespace from a string or array of strings. # It returns the trimmed strings. # sub trim { my @out = @_; for (@out) { s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//; } return wantarray ? @out : $out[0]; } __END__
I've written this and it worked for me:
https://github.com/elsonico/gallery-piw … /tree/main
Also a blog post about it: https://www.auroranrunner.com/2024/08/0 … -solution/
I read your article, great job indeed :applause:
and you AI Chatbot has good answers for a question like "What about Piwigo?"
Best regards