With version 15, password policy has benn changed. It is assigned via the activation link now.
Unfortunatelly it is valid only for 1 hour. I have no idea why. In my opinion, it is safe when you lost your password, but necessary fot new users.
I add few users every week. I'm sure that many of them will not click the activation link within this 1 hour.
Is it possible to increase it?
Piwigo 15.0.0
Last edited by noiragneau (2024-11-06 13:42:12)
Yes, I agree, that seems very short. I would have to liaise with my users by WhatsApp or iMessage to be ready before sending the email.
Incidentally I tried it with a new install to myself and the email hasn't come through which is even more of a problem if that is the only way to add new users?
I was happy after hearing about this change but at the moment this solution is worse than the previous one.
The validation duration is hard-coded in function generate_reset_password_link
list($expire) = pwg_db_fetch_row(pwg_query('SELECT ADDDATE(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 HOUR)'));
While I think 1 hour is a good value to "reset" a password, you're also right to say that to "initialize" a password, it should be valid longer. @Linty, what do you think?
same remark than others
- one hour for reset password : Ok
- one hour for new user : too short .. 24 or 48h should be correct
Even 72h.
And this information should be placed in Welcome e-mail. Now, there is no such information. Just "To set your password, visit the following address:"
noiragneau wrote:
And this information should be placed in Welcome e-mail.
Good point
Currently for me the emails are not being sent out or delivered, although there is no error message when I send them.
I'll test further unless this is a known bug that will be fixed in the next release?
That "1 hour validation link" you can go around just using password reminder procedure :) https://yourpiwigo.com/password.php
So the reason for implementing this functionality is even more useless.