1. I want to thank the Creator and Developers for allowing me to use Piwigo.
2. I hope this is the right place for the topic of security in Piwigo. As I wrote earlier, I kindly ask You not to ignore my message (no one has replied to me so far). I don't demand that my request be implemented, although many people on Github have liked it and I think it has high priority for everyone. I would be happy to hear anyone's opinion on this topic from Piwigo, because the discussion will allow me to understand the plans in this topic.
Here it was brought to my attention that I wrote about my request in the wrong place:
so I don't want to duplicate my posts, so I'm providing links to them:
[Github] Piwigo issue #2168
I hope that someone from Piwigo will find a moment to read the above links and write what they think about the proposed features.
kind regards,
Authorization Token from Mobile App seems to be much better than 2FA. Has anyone from Piwigo considered your suggestion?
This is a feature I would really like to see :)
Excellente idée ! Récemment, j'ai remarqué des commentaires laids sur des photos de ma famille. Il s'est avéré que c'était la faute de ma sœur cadette. Elle a partagé le slogan avec ses amis. Quelqu'un voit ce sujet-là ?