I noticed on main index that it shows total images across the whole gallery.
My questions are :
1) Is it possible to show total hits across the gallery for all images in the same way?
2) A way to show how much data has been transfered in total for all image hits in total?
Hopefully someone tell me know if it is possible or not.
1) Possible (I didn't already try it).
2) Possible, bit complex, pure estimation (High resolution not included, hit count, hits*filesize).
That's not page hits... It's only picture.php page hits, right?
VDigital wrote:
1) Possible (I didn't already try it).
2) Possible, bit complex, pure estimation (High resolution not included, hit count, hits*filesize).
That's not page hits... It's only picture.php page hits, right?
You are correct. I was not thinking about it in that way but that would be a different approach for when you visit the main image.
I was referring too all the hits from the 'hit' part of the database in phpwebgallery_images(hit) with sum_total via mysql code to give the result in total. I have tried this myself but I am not very good @ php/mysql.
If I have not been clear enough I will try to explain differently.
Which PhpWebGallery version are you using?
Last one 1.7 ?
I propose to add these figures to the actual plugin Footer count.
Are you confortable with that idea?
Yeah sure, I'm fine with that.
I'd be just as happy using the plugin which I didn't have before which is installed and working :)
This plugin brings me back to the sort of thing I'm looking at. Would it be possible to use the plugin in between the categories and specials menu in the same way so that it is a mini stats menu?