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piwigo-openstreetmap » lv_LV Latviešu [LV]

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You clicked the map at 
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Copy and paste the URL below:
Country code
Custom map style
Tile server URL
Only if 'custom' is selected as map style. Example: http://tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png
Only if 'custom' is selected as map style. Who delivers the map style (tiles)?
Category's description
Check out <a href="http://leaflet-extras.github.io/leaflet-providers/preview/" target="_blank">this example</a> with half a hundred different layers to choose from.
Configuration if the active theme has a left pannel
Configuration if the active theme has a right pannel
Default Leaflet blue
Default Leaflet green
Default Leaflet red
Are you sure? Latitude and longitude will be deleted.
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