Change reference language to
You have to login to add a translation.
String identifier :
You have to login to add a translation.
String identifier :
You have to login to add a translation.
String identifier :
You have to login to add a translation.
String identifier :
This Thumb mode cannot be used in Slide mode. Changed to default
You have to login to add a translation.
String identifier :
This Thumb mode cannot be used in Slide mode. Changed to default
Thumb animation cannot be used in Slide mode. Disabled
You have to login to add a translation.
String identifier :
Thumb animation cannot be used in Slide mode. Disabled
You have to login to add a translation.
String identifier :
Thumbnail Mode
You have to login to add a translation.
String identifier :
Thumbnails max height
Thumbnails max height must be an integer
You have to login to add a translation.
String identifier :
Thumbnails max height must be an integer
Title Display Mode (Album)
You have to login to add a translation.
String identifier :
Title Display Mode (Album)
Title Display Mode (Photo)
You have to login to add a translation.
String identifier :
Title Display Mode (Photo)
You have to login to add a translation.
String identifier :
Use Description if Set
You have to login to add a translation.
String identifier :