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premium_plugins » de_DE Deutsch [DE]

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Add a Wysiwyg editor to customize the entered texts (bold, italic, styles...)
Display another slideshow than the default one
Change the thumbnail display on an album
Allows Piwigo to connect to an Active Directory (LDAP)
Edit Piwigo files from the administration
Add a menu item displaying a random photo
Add a menu tags when no related tags
Apply mobile theme for tablets
Various options to customize the gallery pages via blocks: login, tags, most viewed photos... Blocks can be visible or not depending on the users
Allows you to navigate in a panoramic image
Determine security rules for user passwords: complexity score, renewal policy, management of failed login attempts, etc.
Sell photos with Paypal
Add a custom favicon to your gallery
Customize the information displayed in the gallery footer
Add on each photo the information "Added by"
Generate a link to share a private album and send it by email to someone who does not have an account.
Create smart albums, automatically filled according to various criteria.
Add sharing buttons on social networks (Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, Pinterest...)
Add an external script to track visits (Google Analytic, Matomo...)
Be notified by email when a new comment is made on a photo/album (not compatible with the theme Bootstrap Darkroom)
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