Change reference language to
New association of events in the history has failed
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String identifier :
Impacts events in the history referring to images that no longer exist, a <i>picture [Id #0] no longer exists in the base</i>
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String identifier :
%s unknow picture Id among history of event impacting %s events : <ul>%s</ul>
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String identifier :
All pictures Id in the history of event exist, No action shall be undertaken.
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String identifier :
When pictures are physically transferred from one directory, synchronization deletes pictures from the base and reinset then with a new reference. A transferred image then leaves in the history events linked to reference that no longer exist.</p><p><i>Astat</i> allows :<ul><li>to memorize picture references <u><i>before</i></u> to synchronize</li><li>link history events with exact picture reference <u><i>after</i></u> a synchronization</li></p><p><b>Beware !</b><br><ul><li>should pictures have the same file name outcome cannot be predicted</li><li>this function cannot deal with picture about which file name has been changed on the server</li></ul>
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String identifier :
(%s picture Ids cannot be linked to %s events in the history)
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String identifier :
Priming of the table succeeded, files can be reorganized on the server
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String identifier :
Linking event in the history has succeeded
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String identifier :
<u>Prior</u> to synchronization : prepare <i>AStat</i>
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String identifier :
Update history with user's references
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String identifier :
You have to login to add a translation.
String identifier :
This function forces to <i>guest</i> a user ID generated as event in the history whose account has been since deleted.
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String identifier :
%s unknown user ID among history events impacting %s events : <ul>%s</ul>
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String identifier :
All users ID in the history of event exist, No action shall be undertaken.
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String identifier :
General information on history
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String identifier :
<ul><li>%s events are present in the history</li>
<li>Table weights %s (Table: %s ; Index: %s)</li>
<li>Date of first event : %s</li>
<li>Date of last event : %s</li>
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String identifier :
Given date is not valid !
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String identifier :
Given date is upper or equal to date of the day
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String identifier :
You have to login to add a translation.
String identifier :
You have to login to add a translation.
String identifier :