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piwigo-videojs » de_DE Deutsch [DE]

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Select the style you want to apply to the player or <a href="http://designer.videojs.com/" target="_blank">create your own skin</a>.
Detailed information
Will overwrite the information in the database with the metadata from the video.
Output format
Select the output format for the poster and thumbnail.
Create a poster at position in second
Add film effect
Apply an overlay on the poster creation.
Overwrite existing posters
Overwrite existing thumbnails with new ones. If uncheck it should only run for newly added video.
Create a poster from the video at specify position.
Create a thumbnail at every seconds
Create a thumbnail every x seconds.
Size of the thumbnail
Size in pixel, keep it small, default is fine, Youtube use 190x68.
Displays thumbnail images over the progress bar.
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