Change reference language to
Your password has been reset
You have to login to add a translation.
String identifier :
Your password has been reset
Your username has been successfully changed to : %s
You have to login to add a translation.
String identifier :
Your username has been successfully changed to : %s
Your website URL is invalid
You have to login to add a translation.
String identifier :
Your website URL is invalid
add this photo to your favorites
You have to login to add a translation.
String identifier :
add this photo to your favorites
You have to login to add a translation.
String identifier :
You have to login to add a translation.
String identifier :
available for administrators only
You have to login to add a translation.
String identifier :
available for administrators only
You have to login to add a translation.
String identifier :
You have to login to add a translation.
String identifier :
You have to login to add a translation.
String identifier :
You have to login to add a translation.
String identifier :
You have to login to add a translation.
String identifier :
comment date
You have to login to add a translation.
String identifier :
created after %s (%s)
You have to login to add a translation.
String identifier :
created before %s (%s)
created between %s (%s) and %s (%s)
You have to login to add a translation.
String identifier :
created between %s (%s) and %s (%s)
You have to login to add a translation.
String identifier :
created on %s
customize the appareance of the gallery
You have to login to add a translation.
String identifier :
customize the appareance of the gallery
You have to login to add a translation.
String identifier :
You have to login to add a translation.
String identifier :
You have to login to add a translation.
String identifier :