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site : release-13.2.0 » es_ES Español [ES]

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[User Creation] Popin doesn't give any reponse after creation.
Change label of button to apply order to albums at root
some RAW files incorrectly considered as TIFF files
[13.x, upload form] promotion to mobile applications page always in English
Linked albums popin height always changes
[Album Manager] No tooltip on the sort order button
[13.x] slow album manager with many albums
[Album manager] Bad UX for the album creation popin
[History page] Can't filter on a specific IP
[History page] Add possibility to filter on an image from the edit image page
[History page] Add possibility to filter on a user from the user page
[Linked Albums popin] The scroll bar is always visible in Chrome
PHP8 'get_magic_quotes_gpc' is removed and break user input escape
[Album Manager] Sort validation button label isn't correct
[Album Manager] Press enter causes multiple album creations
[Edit photo] The title isn't translated
[Album Edit] Titles for photo order and notifications breaks the page
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