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piwigo-videojs » fa_IR پارسی [IR]

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Select the player type and version.
FFmpeg could not generate the poster, check logs and try manually
The preload attribute informs the browser whether or not the video data should begin downloading as soon as the video tag is loaded.
Resolution switcher.
Select the style you want to apply to the player or <a href="http://designer.videojs.com/" target="_blank">create your own skin</a>.
Metadata extracted from the database
Delete VideoJS thumbnails and extra video sources
Are you sure? Extra video sources and VideoJS thumbnails will be deleted.
Useful for videos that do not include an orientation metadata and which are displayed with a VideoJS player in conjonction with the videojs-zoomrotate plugin. The video and its poster remain untouched. Only the orientation parameter stored in the database is updated.
video(s) detected
unknown duration, the poster cannot be created
too short duration, poster produced at another position
error(s) during synchronization
Synchronization of metadata and thumbnail creation for videos:
Metadata cannot be retrieved with MediaInfo because the XML library is missing
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