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piwigo-openstreetmap » fi_FI Finnish [FI]

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No Worldwarp
Normally the world will continue to the left and the right. This option restricts the view to 'one world'.
Add a place
<a href="http://www.openstreetmap.org" target="_blank">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors, (<a href="http://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright" target="_blank">ODbL</a>)
New place
OS World Map
Own pin (custom style)
Other places the map is displayed
Select pin
Pin point offset
The position on the pin image, where the pin hits the map. 0x0 is the top-left corner. Example: crosshairs = center of the image
Own pin (custom style)
Path to your pin (only if 'own' is selected).
Popup offset
The position on the pin image, where the popup hits the pin. 0x0 is the pin point.
Path to your pin's shadow image.
Dimensions of the picture in px. The delimiter is 'x'. Example: '24x24'
Pin size
Dimensions of the picture in px. The delimiter is 'x'. Example: '24x24'
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