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History IP Excluder » it_IT Italiano [IT]

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Error! Your IP has been banned. You can not subscribe to this gallery. Contact the administrator for further details.
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Registration blacklist
 Prevent registration to the gallery of excluded IPs (blacklist)
IPs by member
Show the IPs used by members, sorted by IP
IPs for a member
Search and displays the IPs associated with a registered user (sorted by IP)
Members for one IP
Search and display users attached to one IP (sorted by name)
Only Guests IPs
Show the IPs only used by Guests and the number of times it's found in the history table, sorted by the number of times
Enter the complete IP or IP ranges to exclude (one per line) in the box below. To specify an IP range, use the wildcard character "%".<br>Example : or 74.6.%
IP Exclusion
Queries on history table
Result of the historic request
This plugin allows to exclude from the history and statistics of IP or IP ranges. <br>Its activation blocks record in the table of IP *_history specified in the table below.
Cleaning of the history table done.
Request OK.
Configuration saved.
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