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They manage their photo library online with Piwigo: discover our clients testimonials and our references in all industries.
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Our clients: case studies and testimonials - Piwigo
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More than 3,000 customers in many industries use Piwigo daily.
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Piwigo allows us to save our photos in a secure and shared space: it is a collaborative tool that makes it much easier to share files.
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Since the implementation of Piwigo, we lose much less time looking for the photos we need, it's instantaneous, we're always up to date.
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For the complete features, the reactive support and the very competitive price: I recommend Piwigo with pleasure !
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I chose Piwigo to manage our photo library and I am completely satisfied. Piwigo is cheaper, simpler and more powerful than our old software.
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With Piwigo, we are getting good value for money. The support is really helpful, and the product is easy to use.
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Cotentin Tourism Office: A collaborative et secure photo library for the tourist communication of 130 municipalities.
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ECT manages its corporate image bank with Piwigo, for more productivity and collaboration.
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A shared photo library for the 11 campuses of Icam (Institut Catholique d’Arts et Métiers)
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A cheaper and easier to use photo library for the Indre County Council
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Wessex Water chose Piwigo for Digital Asset Management
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They manage their photo library online with Piwigo
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