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Astats » pl_PL Polski [PL]

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For the choosen period, represent in percent number of pages & pictures seen by categories, as the average number of view per picture
For the choosen period, represent number of pages & pictures seen by an IP address
For the choosen period, number of views for each pictures, as the representation in percent of number of views on the total number of view
For the choosen period, represent number of pages & pictures seen, as the number of distincts IP adresses connected
Action aborted : adviser profile dot not permit this kind of action
Unable to be imported old category 
Unknown [%s]
Specifics settings for statistics by categories
Specifics settings for statistics per pictures
Specifics settings for statistics by IP
Specific settings for statistics by periods
Assigns for events in the history that no longer exist. Deleted category
%s unexisting directory are listed among events in history and impact %s events : <ul>%s</ul>
All event categories in the history exist. No action shall be undertaken.
Update the history with picture referrals
Make the process
<u>After</u> synchronization : link again new picture ID to events in the history
Priming has failed
New association of events in the history has failed
Impacts events in the history referring to images that no longer exist, a <i>picture [Id #0] no longer exists in the base</i>
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