Change reference language to
Applies auto-generated tags to images
You have to login to add a translation.
String identifier :
Applies auto-generated tags to images
You have to login to add a translation.
String identifier :
Apply tags
Click on tags to select them
You have to login to add a translation.
String identifier :
Click on tags to select them
You have to login to add a translation.
String identifier :
Fetching the API...
You have to login to add a translation.
String identifier :
Generate tags
Generate tags for this image
You have to login to add a translation.
String identifier :
Generate tags for this image
You have to login to add a translation.
String identifier :
Language code
Loading... %d1/%d2 processed photos
You have to login to add a translation.
String identifier :
Loading... %d1/%d2 processed photos
You have to login to add a translation.
String identifier :
Maximum number
You have to login to add a translation.
String identifier :
Maximum number of tags
You have to login to add a translation.
String identifier :
Proposed tags
You have to login to add a translation.
String identifier :
Tag Recognition
Tag successfully generated and added
You have to login to add a translation.
String identifier :
Tag successfully generated and added
You have to login to add a translation.
String identifier :
Tags successfully added
There is an error with the API
You have to login to add a translation.
String identifier :
There is an error with the API
You have to login to add a translation.
String identifier :
Use this API
You have to login to add a translation.
String identifier :
With %s API
You haven't enough request left this month for this action
You have to login to add a translation.
String identifier :
You haven't enough request left this month for this action