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Disclaimer for the guest, with the ability to choose its age
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Disclaimer for the guest, with the ability to choose its age to unlock the adult content
NEW! Check the Plugin PWG Stuffs to add the disclaimer on the index/album pages
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String identifier :
NEW! Check the Plugin PWG Stuffs to add the disclaimer on the index/album pages
No options. Just check "Allow unregistered users to select their age?" on the Adult Content administration page
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String identifier :
No options. Just check "Allow unregistered users to select their age?" on the Adult Content administration page
Activate the erotic contents
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String identifier :
Activate the pornographic contents
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String identifier :
You have to login to add a translation.
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You have to login to add a translation.
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Do you want to change your status ?
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String identifier :
You have to login to add a translation.
String identifier :
You have to login to add a translation.
String identifier :
You have to login to add a translation.
String identifier :
You have to login to add a translation.
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This stage is essential but not will be asked to you anymore
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String identifier :
I do not wish to activate this kind of contents and I return on the previous page
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String identifier :
I don't want to see that kind of content
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I come back on the previous page
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You have to login to add a translation.
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This gallery contains images for mature persons and\or adults.
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<u> ... and I guarantee on the honor that </u>: <br>
- <B>I am 16 or 17 years old.</B> <br>
- I am warned that this site proposes images with pornographic and erotic character. <br>
- The laws of my country authorize me to reach this site.
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String identifier :
<u>... and I guarantee on the honor that </u>: <br>
- <B>I am more than 18 years old and I am major </B> according to the law current in my country. <br>
- I am warned that this site proposes images with pornographic and erotic character. <br>
- The laws of my country authorize me to reach this site.
You have to login to add a translation.
String identifier :