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ConcoursPhoto » sv_SE Svenska [SE]

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- After creating the result, a CSV file can be downloaded (click on the corresponding icon to the right of the contest).
Main options and rules for Photo Contest.
Criteria, sub-criteria and default criteria
- The default criteria are those that are loaded by default when creating a new contest.
- The criteria and sub-criteria contains the following parameters: Name / Description / Note min / Note max / coefficient multipl.
- When a criteria contains sub-criteria, only sub-criterias are used for the notation. In this case, the main criteria is only used as a group.
- You can change the default criteria at any time, they will not affect contests already in progress or completed.
- You can add as many default criteria and sub-criteria as you want.
Methods of calculating the result
There are four methods to generate the result:
- "Sum" -> It corresponds to the simple sum of the scores / scores obtained per photo that defines the ranking regardless of the number of voters for the photos.
- "Average" -> It corresponds the average of the scores / scores obtained by photo between the voters (for the same photo) which defines the ranking.
- "Average (weighting1)" -> This is the average of the scores / scores obtained per photo that defines the ranking. If a user does not vote for all the photos, a score is awarded to the photos not voted for corresponding to the average score of the same voter.
- "Average (weighting2)" -> This is the average of the scores / scores obtained per photo that defines the ranking. An increase / decrease is calculated with the difference between minimum and maximum score of the same voter. This mark-up is added to the photo's score before calculating the result.
<i>Moderation 1 and 2 reduce the significant difference in score and rebalance the votes.</i>
Result presentation and PWG_Stuffs usage
- Once the contest is closed (<u> and result generated </u>), the result can be accessed via the link in piwigo menu.
- You can also add a module with PWG_Stuffs which allows to highlight the podium of winning photos in a dedicated block.
Closed contest to display
Concours Photo plugin functionality
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