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Batch Downloader
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You have to login to add a translation.
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You have to login to add a translation.
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GNU License
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How to use Piwigo ?
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Lightning Fast
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Multiple Administrators
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Share with Clients
What can I use Piwigo for?
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What can I use Piwigo for ?
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Why choosing Piwigo ?
Piwigo is a web application to manage your collection of photos, and other medias.
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Embedding powerful features, it powers photo galleries all around the world.
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The GNU General Public License, or GPL, is an open source license.
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Open source doesn't just mean that you can view the source code — it has political and philosophical implications as well.
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Open source, or "Free Software", means you are free to modify and redistribute the source code under certain conditions.
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Free doesn't refer to the price, it refers to freedom.
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