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site : what_is_piwigo » tr_TR Türkçe [TR]

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 The difference between the two meanings of free is often characterized as "Free as in speech vs. free as in beer."
 The GPL is free as in speech.
500,000 photos in your collection? Not a problem for Piwigo.
Lightning fast performances is included, by default.
You can download Piwigo from <span style="color:#f70;">Piwigo.org</span> and install it on your web hosting, with the appropriate technical requirements.
Using Piwigo is free, you only pay your hosting provider.
Piwigo also comes <em>as a service</em> on <span style="color:#ff3363">Piwigo.com</span>: take a few seconds to open a trial account, use Piwigo and forget about technical details.
A Piwigo.com account involves hosting fees.
Managing a family albums over the last 20 years, organizing a collection of European spiders, showing your best landscape photos as photo amateur...
these are a few examples of how Piwigo is used by its community.
Infinitely customizable
No technical Skills necessary
One click installation
Piwigo has always been, and will always be a free software.
A code you can read and understand is a code you can trust.
Public sector, companies, foundations... all of them have to manage their own collection.
In the <em>Digital Asset Management</em> field, Piwigo focuses on ease-of-use, affordability, performances and sustainability.
Pro photographers need to show their work to their clients, publicly or privately.
Piwigo provides advanced permissions control.
Clients can download photos one by one or whole albums.
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