ForceHTTPS » en_UK English [UK] » plugin.lang.php Close this window

301 permanent, 302 temporary
301 permanent, 302 temporary
Advanced options
Advanced options
Force HTTPS for administration
Force HTTPS for administration
Force HTTPS for identification
Force HTTPS for identification
Force usage of HTTPS on this site
Force usage of HTTPS on this site
Global HTTPS
Global HTTPS
Global activation
Global activation
HTTPS activated for administration pages only
HTTPS activated for administration pages only
HTTPS activated for identification, register and profile pages only
HTTPS activated for identification, register and profile pages only
HTTPS available
HTTPS available
HTTPS unavailable
HTTPS unavailable
I have proceeded to the manual check
I have proceeded to the manual check
Manual Verification
Manual Verification
Parial activation
Partial activation
Plugin could not automatically verify your host SSL/HTTPS compatibility. Please manually check that HTTPS navigation is available using the following button. Do NOT activate HTTPS if page within the popup can not be loaded successfully.
Plugin could not automatically verify your host SSL/HTTPS compatibility. Please manually check that HTTPS navigation is available using the following button. Do NOT activate HTTPS if page within the popup can not be loaded successfully.
Your hosting server does not support HTTPS, a SSL certificate is required. Plugin activation is disabled.
Your hosting server does not support HTTPS, a SSL certificate is required. Plugin activation is disabled.
Your hosting server does support HTTPS.
Your hosting server does support HTTPS.
Active HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS)<br/>This option must be activated if you own a signed TLS certficate. It has no effect if "Force HTTPS" is turned off<br/><br/> <i>HSTS is a web security mechanism whereby the web server declares the web browser to interact with it only using secure HTTPS connections. When HSTS is active, a header field "Strict-Transport-Security" is placed in http header, and any site link is automatically replaced with a secured link.<br/></i>
Activates HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS). To use only if you own a signed TLS certficate
This plugin fills a security gap in Piwigo. It allows administrators to force the usage of SSL secured connections for browsing Piwigo (when https is available on the hosting server). <br>It is highly recommend to use secured connections to protect user and password transmissions.
Activate this option to force clients to connect to Piwigo through a secured connection.
<b>Warning!</b> Before activating secured connection, please verify your server supports https. You can click on the following link to test (loads this page in https mode).
Security settings
STS max-age in seconds
STS max-age
Test this page in https (popup window)
max-age must be set to a minimum of six months (15768000), but longer periods such as two years (63072000) are recommended
Max-age should equal a minimum of six months duration (15768000), but a longer period like two years (63072000) is recommended