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Add a banner
Add a banner
Album specific banners
Album specific banners
Banner added
Banner added
Banner deleted
Banner deleted
Banner size
Banner size
Choose an image from your computer
Choose an image from your computer
Choose the part of the image you want to use as your header.
Choose the part of the image you want to use as your header.
Crop banner image
Crop banner image
Default banner
Default banner
Display banner on photo page
Display banner on photo page
For MontBlancXL and BlancMontXL, advised size is 900×190.
For MontBlancXL and BlancMontXL, advised size is 900×190.
Gallery title above image
Gallery title above image
Image only
Image only
In order to add a specific banner, go to the admin page of the desired album.
In order to add a specific banner, go to the admin page of the desired album.
Incorrect file type,
Incorrect file type,
No banner added yet
No banner added yet
Non recursive
Non recursive
Picture id.
Picture id.
Put <b>%header_manager%</b> where you want to display the image.
Put <b>%header_manager%</b> where you want to display the image.
Respect %s aspect ratio
Respect %s aspect ratio
Restore default banner
Restore default banner
Select an image
Select an image
The numeric identifier can be found on the picture edition page, near the thumbnail.
The numeric identifier can be found on the picture edition page, near the thumbnail.
Unknown picture id
Unknown picture id
With text
With text
You can customize the display by adding CSS rules to
You can customize the display by adding CSS rules to
You can upload a custom header image or select one from your gallery. On the next screen you will be able to crop the image.
You can upload a custom header image or select one from your gallery. On the next screen you will be able to crop the image.
or choose a picture from the gallery
or choose a picture from the gallery