Auto |
Auto |
Automatic start |
Automatic start |
Border Width ratio is out of range (Correct range: 0-10). |
Panoramic border size is out of range (Correct range: 0-10). |
Border color |
Panoramic border color |
Border width |
Panoramic border size [0-10] |
Caption Color |
Description text color |
Control display |
Control display |
Footer Color |
Footer background color |
Footer Control Color |
Footer control color |
Footer display |
Footer display |
Left |
Left |
Maximal Viewport width is out of range (Correct range: Minimal/+). |
Maximal Viewport width is out of range (Correct range: Minimal/+). |
Minimal Viewport width is out of range (Correct range: 320/+). |
Minimal Viewport width is out of range (Correct range: 320/+). |
Mode 180 (Alternative left-right restart) |
Mode 180 (Alternative left-right restart) |
Mode 360 |
Mode 360 |
Off |
Off |
On |
On |
Panoramas configuration |
Panoramas configuration |
Permanent |
Permanent |
Picture name substring could not be empty. |
Picture name substring could not be empty. |
Picture name substring to display in Mode 180 [ != previous substring ] |
Picture name substring to display in Mode 180 [ != previous substring ] |
Picture name substring to display in Mode 360 |
Picture name substring to display in Mode 360 |
Picture name substrings must be different. |
Picture name substrings must be different. |
Relative speed factor [10-90] |
Relative speed factor [10-90] |
Relative speed factor is out of range (Correct range: 10-90). |
Relative speed factor is out of range (Correct range: 10-90). |
Remove substring from picture title |
Remove substring from picture title |
Right |
Right |
Rotation direction |
Rotation direction |
Start position [% between 0-99] |
Start position [% between 0-99] |
Start position ratio is out of range (Correct range: 0-99). |
Start position ratio is out of range (Correct range: 0-99). |
Viewport maximal width [pixels >= minimal width] |
Viewport maximal width [pixels >= minimal width] |
Viewport minimal width [pixels > 320] |
Viewport minimal width [pixels > 320] |
Viewport width [% between 50-100] |
Viewport width [% between 50-100] |
Viewport width ratio is out of range (Correct range: 50-100). |
Viewport width ratio is out of range (Correct range: 50-100). |
You are not authorized to change this configuration (Webmaster only). |
You are not authorized to change this configuration (Webmaster only). |
Your configuration is NOT saved due to above reasons. |
Your configuration is NOT saved due to above reasons. |
Your configuration is saved. |
Your configuration is saved. |