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Automatic start
Automatic start
Border Width ratio is out of range (Correct range: 0-10).
Panoramic border size is out of range (Correct range: 0-10).
Border color
Panoramic border color
Border width
Panoramic border size [0-10]
Caption Color
Description text color
Control display
Control display
Footer Color
Footer background color
Footer Control Color
Footer control color
Footer display
Footer display
Maximal Viewport width is out of range (Correct range: Minimal/+).
Maximal Viewport width is out of range (Correct range: Minimal/+).
Minimal Viewport width is out of range (Correct range: 320/+).
Minimal Viewport width is out of range (Correct range: 320/+).
Mode 180 (Alternative left-right restart)
Mode 180 (Alternative left-right restart)
Mode 360
Mode 360
Panoramas configuration
Panoramas configuration
Picture name substring could not be empty.
Picture name substring could not be empty.
Picture name substring to display in Mode 180 [ != previous substring ]
Picture name substring to display in Mode 180 [ != previous substring ]
Picture name substring to display in Mode 360
Picture name substring to display in Mode 360
Picture name substrings must be different.
Picture name substrings must be different.
Relative speed factor [10-90]
Relative speed factor [10-90]
Relative speed factor is out of range (Correct range: 10-90).
Relative speed factor is out of range (Correct range: 10-90).
Remove substring from picture title
Remove substring from picture title
Rotation direction
Rotation direction
Start position [% between 0-99]
Start position [% between 0-99]
Start position ratio is out of range (Correct range: 0-99).
Start position ratio is out of range (Correct range: 0-99).
Viewport maximal width [pixels >= minimal width]
Viewport maximal width [pixels >= minimal width]
Viewport minimal width [pixels > 320]
Viewport minimal width [pixels > 320]
Viewport width [% between 50-100]
Viewport width [% between 50-100]
Viewport width ratio is out of range (Correct range: 50-100).
Viewport width ratio is out of range (Correct range: 50-100).
You are not authorized to change this configuration (Webmaster only).
You are not authorized to change this configuration (Webmaster only).
Your configuration is NOT saved due to above reasons.
Your configuration is NOT saved due to above reasons.
Your configuration is saved.
Your configuration is saved.