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Active shares
Shared albums
Activity logs shown below
Activity logs shown below
Advanced options
Advanced options
Apply shares to sub-albums
Apply shares to sub-albums
Are you sure you wish to cancel this album sharing ?
Are you sure you want to cancel this album sharing?
Cancel sharing
Cancel sharing
Connection log for selected album
Connection log for selected album
Copy to clipboard
Copy to clipboard
Defines the number of maximum images are displayed per page for shared albums. This setting applies to all shared albums
Defines the maximum number of images to display per page for shared albums. This setting applies to all shared albums
Enable non-admin powerusers to share albums
Enable non-admin powerusers to share albums
For this, add power users into the group <b>'sharealbum_powerusers'</b>.
For this, add power users into the group <b>'sharealbum_powerusers'</b>.
Hide menus for albums visitors
Hide menus for album visitors
IP address
IP address
Last visit
Last visit
Link was successfully copied to clipboard. You can now use system paste functionnality to share it !
Link was successfully copied to the clipboard. You can now use the system's paste functionality to share it!
Link was successfully deleted. Album is no longer publicly shared.
Link was successfully deleted. Album is no longer publicly shared.
Link was successfully renewed. Click the share button to display it.
Link was successfully renewed. Click the share button to display it.
No private album to be shared (or which is not yet shared)
No private album to be shared (or which is not yet shared)
No shared album
No shared album
Number of displayed images per page for shared albums
Number of displayed images per page for shared albums
Please choose an action : 
Please choose an action: 
Please select the link and use the Edit > Copy function from your browser.
Please select the link and use your browser's the Edit > Copy function.
Renew link
Renew link
Replace navigation breadcrumbs with album name
Replace navigation breadcrumbs with album name
Sets remember me cookie for logged in guests (auto-login)
Sets remember me cookie for logged in guests (auto-login)
Share a new album
Share a new album
Share link was successfully created. Click the share button to display it.
Share link was successfully created. Click the share button to display it.
Share this album
Share this album
Shared by
Shared by
Shared link
Shared link
Show a login menu
Show a login menu
Show links
Show links
The link was not copied to clipboard. Your browser may now support this functionnality.
The link was not copied to the clipboard. Your browser may not support this functionality.
This album is shared via a public link
This album is shared via a public link
This will disconnect you from the current album and load the identification page. Do you confirm ?
This will disconnect you from the current album and load the login page. Are you sure?
Visit date
Visit date
Warning : those users will be able to create shared albums as well as to remove existing shares
Warning : those users will be able to create shared albums as well as to remove existing shares
When checked, a login menu is shown for guests browsing via a shared link
When checked, a login menu is shown for guests browsing via a shared link
When checked, any user belonging to the group 'sharealbum_powerusers' has access to the share option in private album pages
When checked, any user belonging to the group 'sharealbum_powerusers' has access to the share option in private album pages
When checked, breadcrumbs are replaced with the album name
When checked, breadcrumbs are replaced with the album name
When checked, menus are hidden for visitors of the shared album
When checked, menus are hidden for visitors of the shared album
When checked, nested albums are shared as well as the parent shared album
When checked, nested albums can be browsed as well
When checked, users can go back to root Piwigo url and automatically logged in to browse the last visited shared album
When checked, users can go back to Piwigo's root URL,  automatically logged in to browse the last visited shared album
You are going to renew the shared link for this album. Previously communicated link will no more be active. Do you confirm ?
You are going to renew the shared link for this album. Previously communicated link will no more be active. Are you sure?