Amateurs |
Amateurs |
Batch Downloader |
Batch Downloader |
Collections |
Collections |
Families |
Families |
Fansites |
Fansites |
GNU License |
GNU License |
How to use Piwigo ? |
How to use Piwigo? |
Lightning Fast |
Lightning Fast |
Multiple Administrators |
Multiple Administrators |
Share with Clients |
Share with Clients |
What can I use Piwigo for ? |
What can I use Piwigo for? |
Why choosing Piwigo ? |
Why choose Piwigo? |
porg_whatispiwigo_desc1 |
Piwigo is a web application to manage your collection of photos, and other medias. |
porg_whatispiwigo_desc2 |
Embedding powerful features, it powers photo galleries all around the world. |
porg_whatispiwigo_download |
Download Piwigo |
porg_whatispiwigo_full_autonomy |
Full autonomy |
porg_whatispiwigo_gnu_desc1 |
The GNU General Public License, or GPL, is an open source license. |
porg_whatispiwigo_gnu_desc2 |
Open source doesn't just mean that you can view the source code — it has political and philosophical implications as well. |
porg_whatispiwigo_gnu_desc3 |
Open source, or "Free Software", means you are free to modify and redistribute the source code under certain conditions. |
porg_whatispiwigo_gnu_desc4 |
Free doesn't refer to the price, it refers to freedom. |
porg_whatispiwigo_gnu_desc5 |
The difference between the two meanings of free is often characterized as "Free as in speech vs. free as in beer." |
porg_whatispiwigo_gnu_desc6 |
The GPL is free as in speech. |
porg_whatispiwigo_high_volume_desc1 |
500,000 photos in your collection? Not a problem for Piwigo. |
porg_whatispiwigo_high_volume_desc2 |
Lightning fast performances is included, by default. |
porg_whatispiwigo_how_to_desc1 |
You can download Piwigo from <span style="color:#f70;"></span> and install it on your web hosting, with the appropriate technical requirements. |
porg_whatispiwigo_how_to_desc2 |
Using Piwigo is free, you only pay your hosting provider. |
porg_whatispiwigo_how_to_desc3 |
Piwigo also comes <em>as a service</em> on <span style="color:#ff3363"></span>: take a few seconds to open a trial account, use Piwigo and forget about technical details. |
porg_whatispiwigo_how_to_desc4 |
A account involves hosting fees. |
porg_whatispiwigo_individual_desc1 |
Managing a family albums over the last 20 years, organizing a collection of European spiders, showing your best landscape photos as photo amateur... |
porg_whatispiwigo_individual_desc2 |
these are a few examples of how Piwigo is used by its community. |
porg_whatispiwigo_infinitely_customizable |
Infinitely customizable |
porg_whatispiwigo_noSkills |
No technical Skills necessary |
porg_whatispiwigo_oneClick |
One click installation |
porg_whatispiwigo_open_source_desc1 |
Piwigo has always been, and will always be a free software. |
porg_whatispiwigo_open_source_desc2 |
A code you can read and understand is a code you can trust. |
porg_whatispiwigo_organisation_desc1 |
Public sector, companies, foundations... all of them have to manage their own collection. |
porg_whatispiwigo_organisation_desc2 |
In the <em>Digital Asset Management</em> field, Piwigo focuses on ease-of-use, affordability, performances and sustainability. |
porg_whatispiwigo_professional_desc1 |
Pro photographers need to show their work to their clients, publicly or privately. |
porg_whatispiwigo_professional_desc2 |
Piwigo provides advanced permissions control. |
porg_whatispiwigo_professional_desc3 |
Clients can download photos one by one or whole albums. |
porg_whatispiwigo_self_hosting |
Self Hosting |
porg_whatispiwigo_support |
Support, updates and maintenance included |
porg_whatispiwigo_sustainable_desc1 |
Born in 2002, Piwigo has clearly reached the <em>maturity</em> level. |
porg_whatispiwigo_sustainable_desc2 |
Of course it keeps evolving to match current techs! |
porg_whatispiwigo_test_free |
Test for free |
porg_whatispiwigo_use_desc1 |
There is a wide variety of usages among Piwigo users community. |
porg_whatispiwigo_use_desc2 |
From medium sized galleries to huge image banks, Piwigo can make your life easier and save you time and effort. |