May 11, 2013, 5:47:17 PM (11 years ago)

[trunk_public] Update sl_SI, thanks to : MarkoAm

1 edited


  • trunk/language/sl_SI/common.lang.php

    r22185 r22616  
    5757$lang['Close this window'] = 'Zapri okno';
    5858$lang['Confirm Password'] = 'Potrdi geslo';
    59 $lang['Connection settings'] = 'Nastavitve povezave';
     59$lang['Connection settings'] = 'Prijavni podatki';
    6060$lang['Contact webmaster'] = 'Kontaktiraj skrbnika';
    6161$lang['Create a new account'] = 'Ustvari nov račun';
    153153$lang['Sort order'] = 'Urejeno po';
    154154$lang['Tag'] = 'Označba';
    155 $lang['Tags'] = 'Označbe';
     155$lang['Tags'] = 'Oznake';
    156156$lang['The RSS notification feed provides notification on news from this website : new photos, updated albums, new comments. Use a RSS feed reader.'] = 'RSS viri omogočajo prijavo na dogodke te spletne strani, kot so: nove slike, nove kategorije, novi komentarji. Za uporabo je potreben RSS odjemalec.';
    157157$lang['Default'] = 'Privzeto';
    365365$lang['Password: %s'] = 'Geslo: %s';
    366366$lang['Username: %s'] = 'Uporabnik: %s';
    367 $lang['Here are your connection settings'] = 'Tukaj so vaše nastavitve povezave';
     367$lang['Here are your connection settings'] = 'To so vaši prijavni podatki';
    368368$lang['If you think you\'ve received this email in error, please contact us at %s'] = 'Če mislite, da ste prejeli to e-pošto po pomoti, se obrnite na nas na %s';
    369369$lang['large'] = 'velika';
    370370$lang['medium'] = 'srednja';
    371371$lang['Original'] = 'Original';
    372 $lang['Send my connection settings by email'] = 'Pošlji nastavitve povezave po e-pošti';
     372$lang['Send my connection settings by email'] = 'Pošlji prijavne podatke po e-pošti';
    373373$lang['small'] = 'majhna';
    374374$lang['square'] = 'kvadratno';
    375 $lang['Successfully registered, you will soon receive an email with your connection settings. Welcome!'] = 'Uspešna registracija. Po e-pošti boste kmalu prejeli nastavitve povezave. Dobrodošli !';
     375$lang['Successfully registered, you will soon receive an email with your connection settings. Welcome!'] = 'Uspešna registracija. Po e-pošti boste kmalu prejeli vaše prijavne podatke. Dobrodošli !';
    376376$lang['Thank you for registering at %s!'] = 'Hvala za registracijo na %s!';
    377377$lang['thumb'] = 'sličica';
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