May 27, 2013, 9:06:53 PM (11 years ago)

[extensions] - Force_HTTPS - update Lexiglot

1 edited


  • extensions/Force_HTTPS/language/en_UK/plugin.lang.php

    r22560 r22889  
    22$lang['fhp_about'] = 'About';
    3 $lang['fhp_description'] = 'This plugin fills a security gap in Piwigo. It allows administrators to force the usage of SSL secured connections for browsing Piwigo (when https is available on the hosting server).
    4 <br>It is highly recommend to use secured connections to protect user and password transmissions.
    5 ';
     3$lang['fhp_description'] = 'This plugin fills a security gap in Piwigo. It allows administrators to force the usage of SSL secured connections for browsing Piwigo (when https is available on the hosting server). <br>It is highly recommend to use secured connections to protect user and password transmissions.';
    74$lang['fhp_security_group'] = 'Security settings';
    85$lang['fhp_options_group'] = 'Options';
    129$lang['fhp_test_https_link'] = 'Test this page in https (popup window)';
    1310$lang['fhp_activate_sts_label'] = 'Use STS';
    14 $lang['fhp_activate_sts_comment'] = 'Active HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS)<br/>
    15                                                                         This option must be activated if you own a signed TLS certficate. It has no effect if "Force HTTPS" is turned off<br/><br/>
    16                                                                         <i>HSTS is a web security mechanism whereby the web server declares the web browser to interact with it only using secure HTTPS connections.
    17                                                                         When HSTS is active, a header field "Strict-Transport-Security" is placed in http header, and any site link is automatically replaced with a secured link.<br/>
    18                                                                         </i>';
     11$lang['fhp_activate_sts_comment'] = 'Active HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS)<br/>This option must be activated if you own a signed TLS certficate. It has no effect if "Force HTTPS" is turned off<br/><br/> <i>HSTS is a web security mechanism whereby the web server declares the web browser to interact with it only using secure HTTPS connections. When HSTS is active, a header field "Strict-Transport-Security" is placed in http header, and any site link is automatically replaced with a secured link.<br/></i>';
    1912$lang['fhp_sts_maxage_label'] = 'STS max-age';
    2013$lang['fhp_sts_maxage_comment'] = 'STS max-age in seconds';
    2214$lang['fhp_submit'] = 'Submit';
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