Nov 15, 2008, 10:11:58 PM (15 years ago)

merge -c2880 from trunk to branch 2.0

  • Add fetchRemote function which allow to retrieve datas over HTTP protocol using cURL method, file_get_contents function or fsockopen method. This allow to retrieve datas or files even if allow_url_fopen is deactivated.
  • Use fetchRemote function in plugins manager and in latest version checking.
  • Add german translations for upgrade.lang.php.
  • Remove empty line at the end of pclzip.lib.php.
  • Change display of deactivated plugins after upgrade.
1 edited


  • branches/2.0/language/de_DE/upgrade.lang.php

    r2864 r2881  
    2222// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
    24 /* TODO */
    2524$lang['Upgrade'] = 'Upgrade';
    26 $lang['introduction message'] = 'This page proposes to upgrade your database corresponding to your old version of Piwigo to the current version.
    27 The upgrade assistant thinks you are currently running a <strong>release %s</strong> (or equivalent).';
    28 $lang['Upgrade from %s to %s'] = 'Upgrade from version %s to %s';
    29 $lang['Statistics'] = 'Statistics';
    30 $lang['total upgrade time'] = 'total upgrade time';
    31 $lang['total SQL time'] = 'total SQL time';
    32 $lang['SQL queries'] = 'SQL queries';
    33 $lang['Upgrade informations'] = 'Upgrade informations';
    34 $lang['perform a maintenance check'] = 'Perform a maintenance check in [Administration>Specials>Maintenance] if you encounter any problem.';
    35 $lang['deactivated plugins'] = 'As a precaution, following plugins have been deactivated. You must check for plugins upgrade before reactiving them:';
    36 $lang['upgrade login message'] = 'Only administrator can run upgrade: please sign in below.';
    37 $lang['You do not have access rights to run upgrade'] = 'You do not have access rights to run upgrade';
    38 $lang['in include/mysql.inc.php, before ?>, insert:'] = 'In <i>include/mysql.inc.php</i>, before <b>?></b>, insert:';
     25$lang['introduction message'] = 'Diese Seite schlägt vor aktualisieren Ihre Datenbank von Ihre alte Version von Piwigo auf die aktuelle Version.
     26Der Upgrade-Assistent denkt Sie derzeit ein <strong>Freigabe %s</strong> (oder gleichwertig).';
     27$lang['Upgrade from %s to %s'] = 'Upgrade von Version %s bis %s';
     28$lang['Statistics'] = 'Statistik';
     29$lang['total upgrade time'] = 'insgesamt Upgrade-Zeit';
     30$lang['total SQL time'] = 'insgesamt SQL-Zeit';
     31$lang['SQL queries'] = 'SQL-Abfragen';
     32$lang['Upgrade informations'] = 'Upgrade-Informationen';
     33$lang['perform a maintenance check'] = 'Führen Sie einen Wartungs-Check am [Administration> Specials> Wartung], wenn Sie auf ein Problem stoßen';
     34$lang['deactivated plugins'] = 'Als Vorsichtsmaßnahme folgenden Plugins wurden deaktiviert. Sie müssen prüfen, ob Plugins aktualisieren, bevor sie reactiving:';
     35$lang['upgrade login message'] = 'Nur Administrator können Upgrade ausführen : Bitte melden Sie sich an unter.';
     36$lang['You do not have access rights to run upgrade'] = 'Sie haben nicht das Recht auf Zugang zum Upgrade ausführen';
     37$lang['in include/mysql.inc.php, before ?>, insert:'] = 'In <i>include/mysql.inc.php</i>, vor <b>?></b>, wird Folgendes eingefügt:';
    4039// Upgrade informations from upgrade_1.3.1.php
    41 $lang['all sub-categories of private categories become private'] = 'All sub-categories of private categories become private';
    42 $lang['user permissions and group permissions have been erased'] = 'User permissions and group permissions have been erased';
    43 $lang['only thumbnails prefix and webmaster mail saved'] = 'Only thumbnails prefix and webmaster mail address have been saved from previous configuration';
     40$lang['all sub-categories of private categories become private'] = 'Alle Unter-Kategorien von privaten Gruppen wirden privaten';
     41$lang['user permissions and group permissions have been erased'] = 'Benutzer und Gruppen Berechtigungen wurden gelöscht';
     42$lang['only thumbnails prefix and webmaster mail saved'] = 'Nur Miniaturansichten Präfix und Webmaster Mail-Adresse gespeichert wurden aus früheren Konfiguration';
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