Changeset 28951 for trunk/plugins

Jul 5, 2014, 5:22:55 PM (10 years ago)

[take a tour]
empty language value with a space
tour 2.7 : search page, select js
tour privacy : wip

5 added
27 edited


  • trunk/plugins/TakeATour/language/ar_SA/plugin.lang.php

    r28582 r28951  
    2121// | USA.                                                                  |
    2222// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
    23 $lang['first_contact_title2'] = ' ';
    24 $lang['first_contact_title10'] = ' ';
    25 $lang['first_contact_title12'] = ' ';
    26 $lang['first_contact_title13'] = ' ';
    27 $lang['first_contact_title14'] = ' ';
    28 $lang['first_contact_title16'] = ' ';
    29 $lang['first_contact_title17'] = ' ';
    30 $lang['first_contact_title23'] = ' ';
    31 $lang['first_contact_title24'] = ' ';
    32 $lang['first_contact_title26'] = ' ';
    33 $lang['first_contact_title27'] = ' ';
    34 $lang['first_contact_title30'] = ' ';
    35 $lang['first_contact_title31'] = ' ';
    36 $lang['first_contact_title32'] = ' ';
    37 $lang['first_contact_title40'] = ' ';
    38 $lang['first_contact_title41'] = ' ';
    39 $lang['first_contact_title5'] = ' ';
    40 $lang['first_contact_title6'] = ' ';
    41 $lang['first_contact_title7'] = ' ';
    42 $lang['first_contact_title8'] = ' ';
    43 $lang['2_7_0_stp10'] = ' ';
    44 $lang['2_7_0_title6'] = ' ';
    45 $lang['2_7_0_title7'] = ' ';
    46 $lang['2_7_0_title8'] = ' ';
    47 $lang['2_7_0_title9'] = ' ';
    48 $lang['2_7_0_stp4'] = ' ';
    49 $lang['2_7_0_stp5'] = ' ';
    50 $lang['2_7_0_stp6'] = ' ';
    51 $lang['2_7_0_stp7'] = ' ';
    52 $lang['2_7_0_stp8'] = ' ';
    53 $lang['2_7_0_stp9'] = ' ';
    54 $lang['2_7_0_title10'] = ' ';
    55 $lang['2_7_0_title4'] = ' ';
    56 $lang['2_7_0_title5'] = ' ';
     23$lang['first_contact_title2'] = '';
     24$lang['first_contact_title10'] = '';
     25$lang['first_contact_title12'] = '';
     26$lang['first_contact_title13'] = '';
     27$lang['first_contact_title14'] = '';
     28$lang['first_contact_title16'] = '';
     29$lang['first_contact_title17'] = '';
     30$lang['first_contact_title23'] = '';
     31$lang['first_contact_title24'] = '';
     32$lang['first_contact_title26'] = '';
     33$lang['first_contact_title27'] = '';
     34$lang['first_contact_title30'] = '';
     35$lang['first_contact_title31'] = '';
     36$lang['first_contact_title32'] = '';
     37$lang['first_contact_title40'] = '';
     38$lang['first_contact_title41'] = '';
     39$lang['first_contact_title5'] = '';
     40$lang['first_contact_title6'] = '';
     41$lang['first_contact_title7'] = '';
     42$lang['first_contact_title8'] = '';
     43$lang['2_7_0_stp10'] = '';
     44$lang['2_7_0_title6'] = '';
     45$lang['2_7_0_title7'] = '';
     46$lang['2_7_0_title8'] = '';
     47$lang['2_7_0_title9'] = '';
     48$lang['2_7_0_stp4'] = '';
     49$lang['2_7_0_stp5'] = '';
     50$lang['2_7_0_stp6'] = '';
     51$lang['2_7_0_stp7'] = '';
     52$lang['2_7_0_stp8'] = '';
     53$lang['2_7_0_stp9'] = '';
     54$lang['2_7_0_title10'] = '';
     55$lang['2_7_0_title4'] = '';
     56$lang['2_7_0_title5'] = '';
  • trunk/plugins/TakeATour/language/bg_BG/plugin.lang.php

    r28679 r28951  
    2121// | USA.                                                                  |
    2222// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
    23 $lang['2_7_0_stp4'] = ' ';
    24 $lang['2_7_0_stp5'] = ' ';
    25 $lang['2_7_0_stp6'] = ' ';
    26 $lang['2_7_0_stp7'] = ' ';
    27 $lang['2_7_0_stp8'] = ' ';
    28 $lang['2_7_0_stp9'] = ' ';
    29 $lang['2_7_0_title10'] = ' ';
    30 $lang['2_7_0_title4'] = ' ';
    31 $lang['2_7_0_title5'] = ' ';
    32 $lang['2_7_0_title6'] = ' ';
    33 $lang['2_7_0_title7'] = ' ';
    34 $lang['2_7_0_title8'] = ' ';
    35 $lang['2_7_0_title9'] = ' ';
    36 $lang['first_contact_title10'] = ' ';
    37 $lang['first_contact_title12'] = ' ';
    38 $lang['first_contact_title13'] = ' ';
    39 $lang['first_contact_title14'] = ' ';
    40 $lang['first_contact_title16'] = ' ';
    41 $lang['first_contact_title17'] = ' ';
    42 $lang['first_contact_title2'] = ' ';
    43 $lang['first_contact_title23'] = ' ';
    44 $lang['first_contact_title24'] = ' ';
    45 $lang['first_contact_title26'] = ' ';
    46 $lang['first_contact_title27'] = ' ';
    47 $lang['first_contact_title30'] = ' ';
    48 $lang['first_contact_title31'] = ' ';
    49 $lang['first_contact_title32'] = ' ';
    50 $lang['first_contact_title40'] = ' ';
    51 $lang['first_contact_title41'] = ' ';
    52 $lang['first_contact_title5'] = ' ';
    53 $lang['first_contact_title6'] = ' ';
    54 $lang['first_contact_title7'] = ' ';
    55 $lang['first_contact_title8'] = ' ';
     23$lang['2_7_0_stp4'] = '';
     24$lang['2_7_0_stp5'] = '';
     25$lang['2_7_0_stp6'] = '';
     26$lang['2_7_0_stp7'] = '';
     27$lang['2_7_0_stp8'] = '';
     28$lang['2_7_0_stp9'] = '';
     29$lang['2_7_0_title10'] = '';
     30$lang['2_7_0_title4'] = '';
     31$lang['2_7_0_title5'] = '';
     32$lang['2_7_0_title6'] = '';
     33$lang['2_7_0_title7'] = '';
     34$lang['2_7_0_title8'] = '';
     35$lang['2_7_0_title9'] = '';
     36$lang['first_contact_title10'] = '';
     37$lang['first_contact_title12'] = '';
     38$lang['first_contact_title13'] = '';
     39$lang['first_contact_title14'] = '';
     40$lang['first_contact_title16'] = '';
     41$lang['first_contact_title17'] = '';
     42$lang['first_contact_title2'] = '';
     43$lang['first_contact_title23'] = '';
     44$lang['first_contact_title24'] = '';
     45$lang['first_contact_title26'] = '';
     46$lang['first_contact_title27'] = '';
     47$lang['first_contact_title30'] = '';
     48$lang['first_contact_title31'] = '';
     49$lang['first_contact_title32'] = '';
     50$lang['first_contact_title40'] = '';
     51$lang['first_contact_title41'] = '';
     52$lang['first_contact_title5'] = '';
     53$lang['first_contact_title6'] = '';
     54$lang['first_contact_title7'] = '';
     55$lang['first_contact_title8'] = '';
  • trunk/plugins/TakeATour/language/ca_ES/plugin.lang.php

    r28439 r28951  
    2626$lang['first_contact_stp16'] = 'aquí hi ha l\'opció per afegir o eliminar la foto dels àlbums. l\'enllaç es virtual, físicament mai no es mou cap foto .';
    2727$lang['first_contact_stp15'] = 'En aquesta pàgina podeu editar totes les propietats d\'una foto, per exemple...';
    28 $lang['first_contact_title14'] = ' ';
    29 $lang['first_contact_title41'] = ' ';
    30 $lang['first_contact_title10'] = ' ';
    31 $lang['first_contact_title12'] = ' ';
    32 $lang['first_contact_title13'] = ' ';
    33 $lang['first_contact_title16'] = ' ';
    34 $lang['first_contact_title17'] = ' ';
    35 $lang['first_contact_title2'] = ' ';
    36 $lang['first_contact_title23'] = ' ';
    37 $lang['first_contact_title24'] = ' ';
    38 $lang['first_contact_title26'] = ' ';
    39 $lang['first_contact_title27'] = ' ';
    40 $lang['first_contact_title30'] = ' ';
    41 $lang['first_contact_title31'] = ' ';
    42 $lang['first_contact_title32'] = ' ';
    43 $lang['first_contact_title40'] = ' ';
     28$lang['first_contact_title14'] = '';
     29$lang['first_contact_title41'] = '';
     30$lang['first_contact_title10'] = '';
     31$lang['first_contact_title12'] = '';
     32$lang['first_contact_title13'] = '';
     33$lang['first_contact_title16'] = '';
     34$lang['first_contact_title17'] = '';
     35$lang['first_contact_title2'] = '';
     36$lang['first_contact_title23'] = '';
     37$lang['first_contact_title24'] = '';
     38$lang['first_contact_title26'] = '';
     39$lang['first_contact_title27'] = '';
     40$lang['first_contact_title30'] = '';
     41$lang['first_contact_title31'] = '';
     42$lang['first_contact_title32'] = '';
     43$lang['first_contact_title40'] = '';
    4444$lang['TAT_descrp'] = 'Benvinguts! Aquí teniu llistats totes les possibles visites per descobrir totes les característiques de la galeria Piwigo.<br/> Escolliu una visita i seguiu les instruccions. Cliqueu Següent/Anterior (o utilitzeu les tecles de desplaçament) per navegar durant la visita. Si aneu a una altra pàgina de l\'administració sereu redirigits cap a la pàgina actual de la visita. Si voleu aturar-ho o no podeu acabar la visita, aneu a <em>Connectors » Feu una visita </em> per finalitzar la visita.';
    4545$lang['takeatour_configpage'] = 'Feu una visita » Llista de visites';
    6363$lang['first_contact_title39'] = 'Connectors';
    6464$lang['first_contact_title4'] = 'Som-hi, afegeix una foto!';
    65 $lang['first_contact_title5'] = ' ';
    66 $lang['first_contact_title6'] = ' ';
    67 $lang['first_contact_title7'] = ' ';
    68 $lang['first_contact_title8'] = ' ';
     65$lang['first_contact_title5'] = '';
     66$lang['first_contact_title6'] = '';
     67$lang['first_contact_title7'] = '';
     68$lang['first_contact_title8'] = '';
    6969$lang['first_contact_title42'] = 'Idiomes';
    7070$lang['first_contact_title9'] = 'El gestor per lots';
    8888$lang['first_contact_stp43'] = 'Aquesta visita ha estat una mica llarga, però només hem vist una petita part de totes les característiques de Piwigo. Tot té un final i aquesta visita preliminar s\'ha acabat.<br/> Podeu descobrir més característiques de Piwigo agafant una altra visita o llegint la documentació al lloc web de';
    8989$lang['first_contact_stp20'] = 'Quan el ratolí passa per sobre d\'un àlbum apareix la informació i els enllaços. Quan cliqueu i arrastreu un àlbum -un bloc arrodonit- podeu canviar la posició i més tard guardar o cancel·lar l\'ordre manual.';
    90 $lang['2_7_0_stp4'] = ' ';
    91 $lang['2_7_0_stp5'] = ' ';
    92 $lang['2_7_0_stp6'] = ' ';
    93 $lang['2_7_0_stp7'] = ' ';
    94 $lang['2_7_0_stp8'] = ' ';
    95 $lang['2_7_0_stp9'] = ' ';
    96 $lang['2_7_0_title10'] = ' ';
    97 $lang['2_7_0_title4'] = ' ';
    98 $lang['2_7_0_title5'] = ' ';
    99 $lang['2_7_0_title6'] = ' ';
    100 $lang['2_7_0_title7'] = ' ';
    101 $lang['2_7_0_title8'] = ' ';
    102 $lang['2_7_0_title9'] = ' ';
    103 $lang['2_7_0_stp10'] = ' ';
     90$lang['2_7_0_stp4'] = '';
     91$lang['2_7_0_stp5'] = '';
     92$lang['2_7_0_stp6'] = '';
     93$lang['2_7_0_stp7'] = '';
     94$lang['2_7_0_stp8'] = '';
     95$lang['2_7_0_stp9'] = '';
     96$lang['2_7_0_title10'] = '';
     97$lang['2_7_0_title4'] = '';
     98$lang['2_7_0_title5'] = '';
     99$lang['2_7_0_title6'] = '';
     100$lang['2_7_0_title7'] = '';
     101$lang['2_7_0_title8'] = '';
     102$lang['2_7_0_title9'] = '';
     103$lang['2_7_0_stp10'] = '';
  • trunk/plugins/TakeATour/language/da_DK/plugin.lang.php

    r28444 r28951  
    9595$lang['first_contact_stp25'] = 'Som det fremgår af hjælpen i Piwigo-linket øverst til højre, opsættes albumrettigheder via grupper eller brugere. Du kan direkte opsætte flere private eller offentlige albummer ved hjælp af siden Administration » Albummer » Egenskaber.';
    9696$lang['first_contact_stp26'] = 'Her opsætter man det aktuelle album som privat, giver dernæst adgang til brugere og grupper. Som standard nedarves rettighederne ikke til underalbummer, men overliggende albummer vil blive tildelt de samme rettigheder, for at kunne give brugere, som har fået tildelt rettigheder, til at gennemse albummet.';
    97 $lang['first_contact_title10'] = ' ';
    98 $lang['first_contact_title12'] = ' ';
    99 $lang['first_contact_title13'] = ' ';
    100 $lang['first_contact_title14'] = ' ';
    101 $lang['first_contact_title16'] = ' ';
    102 $lang['first_contact_title17'] = ' ';
    103 $lang['first_contact_title2'] = ' ';
    104 $lang['first_contact_title23'] = ' ';
    105 $lang['first_contact_title24'] = ' ';
    106 $lang['first_contact_title26'] = ' ';
    107 $lang['first_contact_title27'] = ' ';
    108 $lang['first_contact_title30'] = ' ';
    109 $lang['first_contact_title31'] = ' ';
    110 $lang['first_contact_title32'] = ' ';
    111 $lang['first_contact_title40'] = ' ';
    112 $lang['first_contact_title41'] = ' ';
    113 $lang['first_contact_title5'] = ' ';
    114 $lang['first_contact_title6'] = ' ';
    115 $lang['first_contact_title7'] = ' ';
    116 $lang['first_contact_title8'] = ' ';
     97$lang['first_contact_title10'] = '';
     98$lang['first_contact_title12'] = '';
     99$lang['first_contact_title13'] = '';
     100$lang['first_contact_title14'] = '';
     101$lang['first_contact_title16'] = '';
     102$lang['first_contact_title17'] = '';
     103$lang['first_contact_title2'] = '';
     104$lang['first_contact_title23'] = '';
     105$lang['first_contact_title24'] = '';
     106$lang['first_contact_title26'] = '';
     107$lang['first_contact_title27'] = '';
     108$lang['first_contact_title30'] = '';
     109$lang['first_contact_title31'] = '';
     110$lang['first_contact_title32'] = '';
     111$lang['first_contact_title40'] = '';
     112$lang['first_contact_title41'] = '';
     113$lang['first_contact_title5'] = '';
     114$lang['first_contact_title6'] = '';
     115$lang['first_contact_title7'] = '';
     116$lang['first_contact_title8'] = '';
    117117$lang['End tour'] = 'Afslut udflugt';
    118118$lang['Next '] = 'Næste';
    119119$lang['Prev'] = 'Forrige';
    120 $lang['2_7_0_stp4'] = ' ';
    121 $lang['2_7_0_stp5'] = ' ';
    122 $lang['2_7_0_stp6'] = ' ';
    123 $lang['2_7_0_stp7'] = ' ';
    124 $lang['2_7_0_stp8'] = ' ';
    125 $lang['2_7_0_stp9'] = ' ';
    126 $lang['2_7_0_title10'] = ' ';
    127 $lang['2_7_0_title4'] = ' ';
    128 $lang['2_7_0_title5'] = ' ';
    129 $lang['2_7_0_title6'] = ' ';
    130 $lang['2_7_0_title7'] = ' ';
    131 $lang['2_7_0_title8'] = ' ';
    132 $lang['2_7_0_title9'] = ' ';
    133 $lang['2_7_0_stp10'] = ' ';
     120$lang['2_7_0_stp4'] = '';
     121$lang['2_7_0_stp5'] = '';
     122$lang['2_7_0_stp6'] = '';
     123$lang['2_7_0_stp7'] = '';
     124$lang['2_7_0_stp8'] = '';
     125$lang['2_7_0_stp9'] = '';
     126$lang['2_7_0_title10'] = '';
     127$lang['2_7_0_title4'] = '';
     128$lang['2_7_0_title5'] = '';
     129$lang['2_7_0_title6'] = '';
     130$lang['2_7_0_title7'] = '';
     131$lang['2_7_0_title8'] = '';
     132$lang['2_7_0_title9'] = '';
     133$lang['2_7_0_stp10'] = '';
    134134$lang['2_7_0_stp3'] = 'Den hurtige søgning er lavet om:<br>
    135135- tilføjelse af OR-operator<br>
  • trunk/plugins/TakeATour/language/de_DE/plugin.lang.php

    r28521 r28951  
    2222// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
    2323$lang['first_contact_stp22'] = 'Hier kannst du die Eigenschaften eines Albums bearbeiten, wie bei den Fotos';
    24 $lang['first_contact_title10'] = ' ';
    25 $lang['first_contact_title12'] = ' ';
    26 $lang['first_contact_title13'] = ' ';
    27 $lang['first_contact_title41'] = ' ';
     24$lang['first_contact_title10'] = '';
     25$lang['first_contact_title12'] = '';
     26$lang['first_contact_title13'] = '';
     27$lang['first_contact_title41'] = '';
    2828$lang['first_contact_title42'] = 'Sprachen';
    2929$lang['first_contact_title43'] = 'Es war eine tolle Zeit';
    30 $lang['first_contact_title5'] = ' ';
    31 $lang['first_contact_title6'] = ' ';
    32 $lang['first_contact_title7'] = ' ';
    33 $lang['first_contact_title8'] = ' ';
     30$lang['first_contact_title5'] = '';
     31$lang['first_contact_title6'] = '';
     32$lang['first_contact_title7'] = '';
     33$lang['first_contact_title8'] = '';
    3434$lang['first_contact_title9'] = 'Der Batch Manager';
    3535$lang['takeatour_configpage'] = 'Mache eine Tour >> Liste der Touren';
    36 $lang['first_contact_title14'] = ' ';
    37 $lang['first_contact_title16'] = ' ';
    38 $lang['first_contact_title17'] = ' ';
    39 $lang['first_contact_title2'] = ' ';
    40 $lang['first_contact_title23'] = ' ';
    41 $lang['first_contact_title24'] = ' ';
    42 $lang['first_contact_title26'] = ' ';
    43 $lang['first_contact_title27'] = ' ';
    44 $lang['first_contact_title30'] = ' ';
    45 $lang['first_contact_title31'] = ' ';
    46 $lang['first_contact_title32'] = ' ';
     36$lang['first_contact_title14'] = '';
     37$lang['first_contact_title16'] = '';
     38$lang['first_contact_title17'] = '';
     39$lang['first_contact_title2'] = '';
     40$lang['first_contact_title23'] = '';
     41$lang['first_contact_title24'] = '';
     42$lang['first_contact_title26'] = '';
     43$lang['first_contact_title27'] = '';
     44$lang['first_contact_title30'] = '';
     45$lang['first_contact_title31'] = '';
     46$lang['first_contact_title32'] = '';
    4747$lang['first_contact_title33'] = 'Gäste Einstellung';
    4848$lang['first_contact_title34'] = 'Themen';
    5353$lang['first_contact_title39'] = 'Plugins';
    5454$lang['first_contact_title4'] = 'Lass uns ein Foto hin zu fügen';
    55 $lang['first_contact_title40'] = ' ';
     55$lang['first_contact_title40'] = '';
    5656$lang['first_contact_title15'] = 'Die Bearbeiten Seite eines Fotos';
    5757$lang['first_contact_title18'] = 'Alben verwalten';
    101101$lang['first_contact_stp23'] = 'Das Sperren eines Albums bedeutet, das nur Administratoren in der Lage sind, das Album zu sehen: Es dient in der Regel dazu das Album nicht sofort zu veröffentlichen, während ein Admin die  Eigenschaften des Albums verändert.';
    102102$lang['first_contact_stp21'] = 'Die nächste Registerkarte ist eine Seite, mit der du virtuelle Album verschieben kannst. <br> Die Permalink Registerkarte dient dazu eine bestimmte url für ein Album zu erstellen, z.B. aus technischen Gründen um bestimmte Schablone oder Coole bearbeitete Links zu senden. <br> Aber lass uns ein Album bearbeiten: Klicke auf Bearbeiten eines Albums';
    103 $lang['2_7_0_title6'] = ' ';
    104 $lang['2_7_0_title7'] = ' ';
    105 $lang['2_7_0_title8'] = ' ';
    106 $lang['2_7_0_title9'] = ' ';
    107 $lang['2_7_0_stp10'] = ' ';
    108 $lang['2_7_0_stp4'] = ' ';
    109 $lang['2_7_0_stp5'] = ' ';
    110 $lang['2_7_0_stp6'] = ' ';
    111 $lang['2_7_0_stp7'] = ' ';
    112 $lang['2_7_0_stp8'] = ' ';
    113 $lang['2_7_0_stp9'] = ' ';
    114 $lang['2_7_0_title10'] = ' ';
    115 $lang['2_7_0_title4'] = ' ';
    116 $lang['2_7_0_title5'] = ' ';
     103$lang['2_7_0_title6'] = '';
     104$lang['2_7_0_title7'] = '';
     105$lang['2_7_0_title8'] = '';
     106$lang['2_7_0_title9'] = '';
     107$lang['2_7_0_stp10'] = '';
     108$lang['2_7_0_stp4'] = '';
     109$lang['2_7_0_stp5'] = '';
     110$lang['2_7_0_stp6'] = '';
     111$lang['2_7_0_stp7'] = '';
     112$lang['2_7_0_stp8'] = '';
     113$lang['2_7_0_stp9'] = '';
     114$lang['2_7_0_title10'] = '';
     115$lang['2_7_0_title4'] = '';
     116$lang['2_7_0_title5'] = '';
    117117$lang['first_contact_stp3'] = 'Der erste Tab ist wo man Bilder direkt vom Browser hinzufügen kann. Die anderen Tab´s zeigen andere Wege Bilder hoch zu laden.';
    118118$lang['first_contact_stp40'] = 'Hi ich bin´s! Schalte mich nicht ab, hier kannst du sehen wie man aktivierte Plugin´s abschaltet oder wieder herstellt.';
  • trunk/plugins/TakeATour/language/el_GR/plugin.lang.php

    r28879 r28951  
    2727$lang['first_contact_title29'] = 'Διαμόρφωση -> Επιλογές -> Γενικά';
    2828$lang['first_contact_title28'] = 'Διαμόρφωση';
    29 $lang['first_contact_title27'] = ' ';
    30 $lang['first_contact_title26'] = ' ';
     29$lang['first_contact_title27'] = '';
     30$lang['first_contact_title26'] = '';
    3131$lang['first_contact_title25'] = 'Άδειες Λευκώματος';
    32 $lang['first_contact_title24'] = ' ';
    33 $lang['first_contact_title23'] = ' ';
     32$lang['first_contact_title24'] = '';
     33$lang['first_contact_title23'] = '';
    3434$lang['first_contact_title22'] = 'Σελίδα Επεξεργασίας Λευκώματος';
    3535$lang['first_contact_title21'] = 'Άλλες Καρτέλες';
    3636$lang['first_contact_title20'] = 'Διαχείριση Λευκωμάτων';
    37 $lang['first_contact_title2'] = ' ';
     37$lang['first_contact_title2'] = '';
    3838$lang['first_contact_title19'] = 'Διαχείριση Λευκωμάτων';
    3939$lang['first_contact_title18'] = 'Διαχείριση Λευκωμάτων';
    40 $lang['first_contact_title17'] = ' ';
    41 $lang['first_contact_title16'] = ' ';
     40$lang['first_contact_title17'] = '';
     41$lang['first_contact_title16'] = '';
    4242$lang['first_contact_title15'] = 'Η σελίδα επεξεργασίας μιας φωτογραφίας';
    43 $lang['first_contact_title14'] = ' ';
    44 $lang['first_contact_title13'] = ' ';
    45 $lang['first_contact_title12'] = ' ';
     43$lang['first_contact_title14'] = '';
     44$lang['first_contact_title13'] = '';
     45$lang['first_contact_title12'] = '';
    4646$lang['first_contact_title11'] = 'Πώς να επεξεργαστείτε μια φωτογραφία';
    47 $lang['first_contact_title10'] = ' ';
     47$lang['first_contact_title10'] = '';
    4848$lang['first_contact_title1'] = 'Καλώς ήρθατε στην γκαλερί σας στο Piwigo';
    4949$lang['takeatour_configpage'] = 'Κάνετε μια Περιήγηση » Κατάλογος Περιηγήσεων';
    5050$lang['first_contact_title9'] = 'Ο Διαχειριστής δέσμης';
    51 $lang['first_contact_title8'] = ' ';
    52 $lang['first_contact_title7'] = ' ';
    53 $lang['first_contact_title6'] = ' ';
    54 $lang['first_contact_title5'] = ' ';
     51$lang['first_contact_title8'] = '';
     52$lang['first_contact_title7'] = '';
     53$lang['first_contact_title6'] = '';
     54$lang['first_contact_title5'] = '';
    5555$lang['first_contact_title43'] = 'Είναι μια υπέροχη στιγμή';
    5656$lang['first_contact_title42'] = 'Γλώσσες';
    57 $lang['first_contact_title41'] = ' ';
    58 $lang['first_contact_title40'] = ' ';
     57$lang['first_contact_title41'] = '';
     58$lang['first_contact_title40'] = '';
    5959$lang['first_contact_title4'] = 'Ας προσθέσουμε μια φωτογραφία!';
    6060$lang['first_contact_title39'] = 'Πρόσθετα';
    6565$lang['first_contact_title34'] = 'Θέματα';
    6666$lang['first_contact_title33'] = 'Ρυθμίσεις Επισκεπτών';
    67 $lang['first_contact_title32'] = ' ';
    68 $lang['first_contact_title31'] = ' ';
    69 $lang['first_contact_title30'] = ' ';
     67$lang['first_contact_title32'] = '';
     68$lang['first_contact_title31'] = '';
     69$lang['first_contact_title30'] = '';
    7070$lang['first_contact_title3'] = 'Σελίδα Προσθήκης Φωτογραφίας';
    7171$lang['first_contact_stp14'] = 'Θα δούμε τώρα τη σελίδα επεξεργασίας μίας εικόνας. Αυτή η σελίδα είναι προσβάσιμη από εδώ, αλλά και από τη σελίδα της δημόσιας εικόνας όταν είστε συνδεδεμένοι ως διαχειριστής. Κάντε κλικ στο Επεθεργασία ή πηγαίνετε στο επόμενο';
    9292$lang['2_7_0_stp10'] = '  ';
    9393$lang['2_7_0_stp4'] = '  ';
    94 $lang['2_7_0_stp5'] = ' ';
    95 $lang['2_7_0_stp6'] = ' ';
    96 $lang['2_7_0_stp7'] = ' ';
    97 $lang['2_7_0_stp8'] = ' ';
    98 $lang['2_7_0_stp9'] = ' ';
    99 $lang['2_7_0_title10'] = ' ';
    100 $lang['2_7_0_title4'] = ' ';
    101 $lang['2_7_0_title5'] = ' ';
    102 $lang['2_7_0_title6'] = ' ';
    103 $lang['2_7_0_title7'] = ' ';
    104 $lang['2_7_0_title8'] = ' ';
    105 $lang['2_7_0_title9'] = ' ';
     94$lang['2_7_0_stp5'] = '';
     95$lang['2_7_0_stp6'] = '';
     96$lang['2_7_0_stp7'] = '';
     97$lang['2_7_0_stp8'] = '';
     98$lang['2_7_0_stp9'] = '';
     99$lang['2_7_0_title10'] = '';
     100$lang['2_7_0_title4'] = '';
     101$lang['2_7_0_title5'] = '';
     102$lang['2_7_0_title6'] = '';
     103$lang['2_7_0_title7'] = '';
     104$lang['2_7_0_title8'] = '';
     105$lang['2_7_0_title9'] = '';
    106106$lang['2_7_0_title3'] = 'Γρήγορη Αναζήτηση';
    107107$lang['2_7_0_title2'] = 'Πρώτο νέο χαρακτηριστικό';
  • trunk/plugins/TakeATour/language/en_UK/plugin.lang.php

    r28775 r28951  
    116116 * file:.jpg - only jpg images<br>
    117117- use singular/plural inflections (English/french only for now)<br>';
    118 $lang['2_7_0_title4'] = '';
    119 $lang['2_7_0_stp4'] = '';
    120 $lang['2_7_0_title5'] = '';
    121 $lang['2_7_0_stp5'] = '';
    122 $lang['2_7_0_title6'] = '';
    123 $lang['2_7_0_stp6'] = '';
     118$lang['2_7_0_title4'] = 'Search Page';
     119$lang['2_7_0_stp4'] = 'The Search page has been reworked: ability to select properties on which the word search applies, list of authors found in database, auto-complete list of tags, auto-complete list of albums...';
     120$lang['2_7_0_title5'] = 'Time';
     121$lang['2_7_0_stp5'] = 'You can set the time in addition to the date, using Hour and Minute sliders';
     122$lang['2_7_0_title6'] = 'Select script';
     123$lang['2_7_0_stp6'] = 'The selection script for picking albums, tags etc has changed to a new one more user-friendly. Test it below';
    124124$lang['2_7_0_title7'] = '';
    125125$lang['2_7_0_stp7'] = '';
  • trunk/plugins/TakeATour/language/eo_EO/plugin.lang.php

    r28928 r28951  
    2424$lang['Start the Tour'] = 'Komenci la traviziton';
    2525$lang['Visit your Piwigo!'] = 'Vizitu vian Piwigo-n!';
    26 $lang['first_contact_title10'] = ' ';
    27 $lang['first_contact_title12'] = ' ';
    28 $lang['first_contact_title13'] = ' ';
    29 $lang['first_contact_title14'] = ' ';
    30 $lang['first_contact_title16'] = ' ';
    31 $lang['first_contact_title17'] = ' ';
    32 $lang['first_contact_title2'] = ' ';
    33 $lang['first_contact_title23'] = ' ';
    34 $lang['first_contact_title24'] = ' ';
    35 $lang['first_contact_title26'] = ' ';
    36 $lang['first_contact_title27'] = ' ';
    37 $lang['first_contact_title30'] = ' ';
    38 $lang['first_contact_title31'] = ' ';
    39 $lang['first_contact_title32'] = ' ';
    40 $lang['first_contact_title40'] = ' ';
    41 $lang['first_contact_title41'] = ' ';
    42 $lang['first_contact_title5'] = ' ';
    43 $lang['first_contact_title6'] = ' ';
    44 $lang['first_contact_title7'] = ' ';
    45 $lang['first_contact_title8'] = ' ';
     26$lang['first_contact_title10'] = '';
     27$lang['first_contact_title12'] = '';
     28$lang['first_contact_title13'] = '';
     29$lang['first_contact_title14'] = '';
     30$lang['first_contact_title16'] = '';
     31$lang['first_contact_title17'] = '';
     32$lang['first_contact_title2'] = '';
     33$lang['first_contact_title23'] = '';
     34$lang['first_contact_title24'] = '';
     35$lang['first_contact_title26'] = '';
     36$lang['first_contact_title27'] = '';
     37$lang['first_contact_title30'] = '';
     38$lang['first_contact_title31'] = '';
     39$lang['first_contact_title32'] = '';
     40$lang['first_contact_title40'] = '';
     41$lang['first_contact_title41'] = '';
     42$lang['first_contact_title5'] = '';
     43$lang['first_contact_title6'] = '';
     44$lang['first_contact_title7'] = '';
     45$lang['first_contact_title8'] = '';
    4646$lang['first_contact_stp22'] = 'Kiel por bildo, vi povas ĉi-tie redakti la ecojn de fotaro';
    4747$lang['TAT_descrp'] = 'Bonvenon! Jen listiĝas ĉiuj travizitoj disponeblaj por malkovri la trajtojn de via Piwigo-galerio. <br> Lanĉu traviziton malsupre, kaj sekvu la instrukciojn. Alklaku sur Sekva/Antaŭa (aŭ uzu la sagojn de la klavaro) por navigi dum travizito. Dum travizito, se vi iras al alia paĝo de la administraĵo, vi estos alidirektita al la aktuala paĝo de la travizito. Se vi estas blokita kaj ne povas fini la traviziton, iri al <em>Kromprogramoj » Traviziti</ em> finos la viziton.';
    5050$lang['first_contact_stp11'] = 'Do vi povas selekti ĉitie inter unu kaj pli da fotoj';
    5151$lang['Take a tour and discover the features of your Piwigo gallery » Go to the available tours'] = 'Travizitu kaj malkovru la trajtojn de via Piwigo-galerio » Iru al la disponeblaj travizitoj';
    52 $lang['2_7_0_title6'] = ' ';
    53 $lang['2_7_0_title7'] = ' ';
    54 $lang['2_7_0_title8'] = ' ';
    55 $lang['2_7_0_title9'] = ' ';
    56 $lang['2_7_0_stp4'] = ' ';
    57 $lang['2_7_0_stp5'] = ' ';
    58 $lang['2_7_0_stp6'] = ' ';
    59 $lang['2_7_0_stp7'] = ' ';
    60 $lang['2_7_0_stp8'] = ' ';
    61 $lang['2_7_0_stp9'] = ' ';
    62 $lang['2_7_0_title10'] = ' ';
    63 $lang['2_7_0_title4'] = ' ';
    64 $lang['2_7_0_title5'] = ' ';
    65 $lang['2_7_0_stp10'] = ' ';
     52$lang['2_7_0_title6'] = '';
     53$lang['2_7_0_title7'] = '';
     54$lang['2_7_0_title8'] = '';
     55$lang['2_7_0_title9'] = '';
     56$lang['2_7_0_stp4'] = '';
     57$lang['2_7_0_stp5'] = '';
     58$lang['2_7_0_stp6'] = '';
     59$lang['2_7_0_stp7'] = '';
     60$lang['2_7_0_stp8'] = '';
     61$lang['2_7_0_stp9'] = '';
     62$lang['2_7_0_title10'] = '';
     63$lang['2_7_0_title4'] = '';
     64$lang['2_7_0_title5'] = '';
     65$lang['2_7_0_stp10'] = '';
    6666$lang['2.7 Tour'] = 'Travizito 2.7';
    6767$lang['2_7_0_descrp'] = 'Malkovru tion, kio novas en Piwigo 2.7';
  • trunk/plugins/TakeATour/language/es_ES/plugin.lang.php

    r28450 r28951  
    6363$lang['first_contact_stp32'] = 'Ahora, guarde los cambios';
    6464$lang['first_contact_stp37'] = 'Para instalar nuevos temas, puede bajarlos directamente desde el enlace "Añadir temas". Solo los temas compatibles con su versión de Piwigo se mostraran.<br/>Ahora, vamos a descubrir los Plugins ! Clic en Plugins->Gestión.';
    65 $lang['2_7_0_stp10'] = ' ';
    66 $lang['2_7_0_stp4'] = ' ';
    67 $lang['2_7_0_stp5'] = ' ';
    68 $lang['2_7_0_stp6'] = ' ';
    69 $lang['2_7_0_stp7'] = ' ';
    70 $lang['2_7_0_stp8'] = ' ';
    71 $lang['2_7_0_stp9'] = ' ';
    72 $lang['2_7_0_title10'] = ' ';
    73 $lang['2_7_0_title4'] = ' ';
    74 $lang['2_7_0_title5'] = ' ';
    75 $lang['first_contact_title13'] = ' ';
    76 $lang['first_contact_title14'] = ' ';
    77 $lang['first_contact_title16'] = ' ';
    78 $lang['first_contact_title17'] = ' ';
    79 $lang['first_contact_title7'] = ' ';
    80 $lang['first_contact_title8'] = ' ';
    81 $lang['first_contact_title40'] = ' ';
    82 $lang['first_contact_title41'] = ' ';
    83 $lang['first_contact_title2'] = ' ';
    84 $lang['first_contact_title23'] = ' ';
    85 $lang['first_contact_title24'] = ' ';
    86 $lang['first_contact_title26'] = ' ';
    87 $lang['first_contact_title27'] = ' ';
    88 $lang['first_contact_title30'] = ' ';
    89 $lang['first_contact_title31'] = ' ';
    90 $lang['first_contact_title32'] = ' ';
    91 $lang['2_7_0_title6'] = ' ';
    92 $lang['2_7_0_title7'] = ' ';
    93 $lang['2_7_0_title8'] = ' ';
    94 $lang['2_7_0_title9'] = ' ';
    95 $lang['first_contact_title10'] = ' ';
    96 $lang['first_contact_title12'] = ' ';
    97 $lang['first_contact_title5'] = ' ';
    98 $lang['first_contact_title6'] = ' ';
     65$lang['2_7_0_stp10'] = '';
     66$lang['2_7_0_stp4'] = '';
     67$lang['2_7_0_stp5'] = '';
     68$lang['2_7_0_stp6'] = '';
     69$lang['2_7_0_stp7'] = '';
     70$lang['2_7_0_stp8'] = '';
     71$lang['2_7_0_stp9'] = '';
     72$lang['2_7_0_title10'] = '';
     73$lang['2_7_0_title4'] = '';
     74$lang['2_7_0_title5'] = '';
     75$lang['first_contact_title13'] = '';
     76$lang['first_contact_title14'] = '';
     77$lang['first_contact_title16'] = '';
     78$lang['first_contact_title17'] = '';
     79$lang['first_contact_title7'] = '';
     80$lang['first_contact_title8'] = '';
     81$lang['first_contact_title40'] = '';
     82$lang['first_contact_title41'] = '';
     83$lang['first_contact_title2'] = '';
     84$lang['first_contact_title23'] = '';
     85$lang['first_contact_title24'] = '';
     86$lang['first_contact_title26'] = '';
     87$lang['first_contact_title27'] = '';
     88$lang['first_contact_title30'] = '';
     89$lang['first_contact_title31'] = '';
     90$lang['first_contact_title32'] = '';
     91$lang['2_7_0_title6'] = '';
     92$lang['2_7_0_title7'] = '';
     93$lang['2_7_0_title8'] = '';
     94$lang['2_7_0_title9'] = '';
     95$lang['first_contact_title10'] = '';
     96$lang['first_contact_title12'] = '';
     97$lang['first_contact_title5'] = '';
     98$lang['first_contact_title6'] = '';
    9999$lang['2_7_0_stp3'] = 'La búsqueda rápida se ha rediseñado:<br>
    100100- añade el operador OR<br>
  • trunk/plugins/TakeATour/language/fr_FR/plugin.lang.php

    r28446 r28951  
    9797$lang['first_contact_stp28'] = 'Nous allons maintenant observer les options disponibles pour faire  fonctionner Piwigo à votre façon. Cliquez sur Configuration->Options juste sur Suivant.';
    9898$lang['first_contact_stp25'] = 'Comme vous pouvez le lire dans l\'aide de votre Piwigo (lien en haut à droite), les permissions sur les albums sont positionnées par groupe ou par utilisateur. Vous pouvez rendre publique/privé plusieurs albums simultanément en utilisant la page d\'administration des propriétés des albums.';
    99 $lang['2_7_0_stp10'] = ' ';
    100 $lang['2_7_0_stp4'] = ' ';
    101 $lang['2_7_0_stp5'] = ' ';
    102 $lang['2_7_0_stp6'] = ' ';
    103 $lang['2_7_0_stp7'] = ' ';
    104 $lang['2_7_0_stp8'] = ' ';
    105 $lang['2_7_0_stp9'] = ' ';
    106 $lang['2_7_0_title10'] = ' ';
    107 $lang['2_7_0_title4'] = ' ';
    108 $lang['2_7_0_title5'] = ' ';
    109 $lang['2_7_0_title6'] = ' ';
    110 $lang['2_7_0_title7'] = ' ';
    111 $lang['2_7_0_title8'] = ' ';
    112 $lang['2_7_0_title9'] = ' ';
     99$lang['2_7_0_stp10'] = '';
     100$lang['2_7_0_stp4'] = '';
     101$lang['2_7_0_stp5'] = '';
     102$lang['2_7_0_stp6'] = '';
     103$lang['2_7_0_stp7'] = '';
     104$lang['2_7_0_stp8'] = '';
     105$lang['2_7_0_stp9'] = '';
     106$lang['2_7_0_title10'] = '';
     107$lang['2_7_0_title4'] = '';
     108$lang['2_7_0_title5'] = '';
     109$lang['2_7_0_title6'] = '';
     110$lang['2_7_0_title7'] = '';
     111$lang['2_7_0_title8'] = '';
     112$lang['2_7_0_title9'] = '';
    113113$lang['2_7_0_stp3'] = 'La recherche rapide a été retravaillée :<br/>
    114114- ajout de l\'opérateur OR<br/>
  • trunk/plugins/TakeATour/language/it_IT/plugin.lang.php

    r28680 r28951  
    6666$lang['first_contact_stp27'] = 'Fatto importante: il webmaster e gli amministratori non sono onnisciente durante la navigazione nella parte pubblica, ma possono accedere ad ogni album e alle foto sulla parte amministrativa.';
    6767$lang['first_contact_stp14'] = 'Vediamo ora la pagina di modifica di una foto. Quella pagina è raggiungibile da qui ma anche dalla pagina foto pubbliche quando connesso come amministratore. Clicca su Modifica o vai alla prossima';
    68 $lang['first_contact_title10'] = ' ';
    69 $lang['first_contact_title12'] = ' ';
    70 $lang['first_contact_title13'] = ' ';
    71 $lang['first_contact_title14'] = ' ';
    72 $lang['first_contact_title16'] = ' ';
    73 $lang['first_contact_title17'] = ' ';
    74 $lang['first_contact_title2'] = ' ';
    75 $lang['first_contact_title23'] = ' ';
    76 $lang['first_contact_title24'] = ' ';
    77 $lang['first_contact_title26'] = ' ';
    78 $lang['first_contact_title27'] = ' ';
    79 $lang['first_contact_title30'] = ' ';
    80 $lang['first_contact_title31'] = ' ';
    81 $lang['first_contact_title32'] = ' ';
    82 $lang['first_contact_title40'] = ' ';
    83 $lang['first_contact_title41'] = ' ';
    84 $lang['first_contact_title5'] = ' ';
    85 $lang['first_contact_title6'] = ' ';
    86 $lang['first_contact_title7'] = ' ';
    87 $lang['first_contact_title8'] = ' ';
     68$lang['first_contact_title10'] = '';
     69$lang['first_contact_title12'] = '';
     70$lang['first_contact_title13'] = '';
     71$lang['first_contact_title14'] = '';
     72$lang['first_contact_title16'] = '';
     73$lang['first_contact_title17'] = '';
     74$lang['first_contact_title2'] = '';
     75$lang['first_contact_title23'] = '';
     76$lang['first_contact_title24'] = '';
     77$lang['first_contact_title26'] = '';
     78$lang['first_contact_title27'] = '';
     79$lang['first_contact_title30'] = '';
     80$lang['first_contact_title31'] = '';
     81$lang['first_contact_title32'] = '';
     82$lang['first_contact_title40'] = '';
     83$lang['first_contact_title41'] = '';
     84$lang['first_contact_title5'] = '';
     85$lang['first_contact_title6'] = '';
     86$lang['first_contact_title7'] = '';
     87$lang['first_contact_title8'] = '';
    8888$lang['Next '] = 'Avanti';
    8989$lang['Prev'] = 'Indietro';
  • trunk/plugins/TakeATour/language/lv_LV/plugin.lang.php

    r28546 r28951  
    8787$lang['first_contact_stp42'] = 'Piwigo ir daudzvalodu. Pēc noklusējuma Piwigo lietotā valoda mainās atkarībā no apmeklētāja interneta pārlūkā izmantotās valodas. Ja apmeklētāja valoda Piwigo nav pieejama, tad tiek izmantota valoda pēc noklusējuma.  ';
    8888$lang['first_contact_stp26'] = 'Šeit tekošo albūmu var istatīt kā privāto, tad dot atļauju to apmeklēt lietotājiem un grupām. Pēc noklusējuma atļaujas nav rekursīvas apakšalbūmiem, bet augstākiem albūmiem tiks piešķirtas tās pašas atļaujas, kas ļauj īpašajiem (granted) lietotājiem pārlūkot albūmu.';
    89 $lang['first_contact_title27'] = ' ';
    90 $lang['first_contact_title30'] = ' ';
    91 $lang['first_contact_title31'] = ' ';
    92 $lang['first_contact_title32'] = ' ';
    93 $lang['first_contact_title40'] = ' ';
    94 $lang['first_contact_title41'] = ' ';
    95 $lang['first_contact_title5'] = ' ';
    96 $lang['first_contact_title6'] = ' ';
    97 $lang['first_contact_title7'] = ' ';
    98 $lang['first_contact_title8'] = ' ';
    99 $lang['first_contact_title10'] = ' ';
    100 $lang['first_contact_title12'] = ' ';
    101 $lang['first_contact_title13'] = ' ';
    102 $lang['first_contact_title14'] = ' ';
    103 $lang['first_contact_title16'] = ' ';
    104 $lang['first_contact_title17'] = ' ';
    105 $lang['first_contact_title2'] = ' ';
    106 $lang['first_contact_title23'] = ' ';
    107 $lang['first_contact_title24'] = ' ';
    108 $lang['first_contact_title26'] = ' ';
     89$lang['first_contact_title27'] = '';
     90$lang['first_contact_title30'] = '';
     91$lang['first_contact_title31'] = '';
     92$lang['first_contact_title32'] = '';
     93$lang['first_contact_title40'] = '';
     94$lang['first_contact_title41'] = '';
     95$lang['first_contact_title5'] = '';
     96$lang['first_contact_title6'] = '';
     97$lang['first_contact_title7'] = '';
     98$lang['first_contact_title8'] = '';
     99$lang['first_contact_title10'] = '';
     100$lang['first_contact_title12'] = '';
     101$lang['first_contact_title13'] = '';
     102$lang['first_contact_title14'] = '';
     103$lang['first_contact_title16'] = '';
     104$lang['first_contact_title17'] = '';
     105$lang['first_contact_title2'] = '';
     106$lang['first_contact_title23'] = '';
     107$lang['first_contact_title24'] = '';
     108$lang['first_contact_title26'] = '';
    109109$lang['first_contact_stp21'] = 'Nākamā cilne ir lapa, kurā jūs varat pārvietot jebkuru virtuālo albūmu.<br>Permalinka cilne ir, lai iestatītu konkrētu url albūmam, tehnisku iemeslu dēļ, piemēram, lai iestatītu konkrētu veidni vai vienkārši pielāgotas saites nosūtīšanai.<br>Bet sāksim rediģēt albumu: noklikšķiniet uz Edit albūmā';
    110110$lang['first_contact_stp36'] = 'Tēmas ir sistēmiski atkarīgas: tas ir iemesls, kāpēc dažas tēmas nevar izdzēst (pamattēmu nevar izdzēst, ja ir iespējota atvasinātā tēma), vai nevar iespējot citas (atvasinātai tēma ir nepieciešama tās pamattēma). Piemēram, ja jūs novirzāt peli virs Delete saites, ja tēmu nevar izdzēst, uznirstošā informācijas paskaidros kāpēc.';
    120120$lang['first_contact_stp35'] = 'Tēmas var arī iestatīt kā noklusējumu, tas nozīmē, ka tā ir tēma nereģistrētiem apmeklētājiem (viesiem, atceries?) un jebkuram jaunam reģistrētam lietotājam būs šī tēma. Bet jebkuram iepriekš reģistrētam lietotājam, tēma nemainīsies, kamēr jūs to nenomainīsit lietotāja Pārvaldes lapā vai atspējosit šo tēmu: esiet uzmanīgi, jūs varētu traucēt saviem lietotājiem, mainot visu viņu attēla izskatu.';
    121121$lang['first_contact_stp1'] = 'Sveiki! Es būšu jūsu ceļvedis lai atklātu jums Piwigo. Lūdzu, sekojiet maniem norādījumiem un noklikšķiniet uz Tālāk (Next) (vai izmantojiet tastatūras bultas) lai navigētu. Ja iesiet uz citu administrēšanas lapu, jūs tiksiet novirzīts uz apskata tekošo lapu. Ja esat iestrēdzis un nevarat pārtraukt ceļojumu, dodieties uz <em> Spraudņi »Take Tour </ em> un apskats beigsies. <br>Sāksim, pievienojot bildes!';
    122 $lang['2_7_0_stp10'] = ' ';
    123 $lang['2_7_0_title6'] = ' ';
    124 $lang['2_7_0_title7'] = ' ';
    125 $lang['2_7_0_title8'] = ' ';
    126 $lang['2_7_0_title9'] = ' ';
    127 $lang['2_7_0_stp4'] = ' ';
    128 $lang['2_7_0_stp5'] = ' ';
    129 $lang['2_7_0_stp6'] = ' ';
    130 $lang['2_7_0_stp7'] = ' ';
    131 $lang['2_7_0_stp8'] = ' ';
    132 $lang['2_7_0_stp9'] = ' ';
    133 $lang['2_7_0_title10'] = ' ';
    134 $lang['2_7_0_title4'] = ' ';
    135 $lang['2_7_0_title5'] = ' ';
     122$lang['2_7_0_stp10'] = '';
     123$lang['2_7_0_title6'] = '';
     124$lang['2_7_0_title7'] = '';
     125$lang['2_7_0_title8'] = '';
     126$lang['2_7_0_title9'] = '';
     127$lang['2_7_0_stp4'] = '';
     128$lang['2_7_0_stp5'] = '';
     129$lang['2_7_0_stp6'] = '';
     130$lang['2_7_0_stp7'] = '';
     131$lang['2_7_0_stp8'] = '';
     132$lang['2_7_0_stp9'] = '';
     133$lang['2_7_0_title10'] = '';
     134$lang['2_7_0_title4'] = '';
     135$lang['2_7_0_title5'] = '';
    136136$lang['2_7_0_stp1'] = 'Sveiki! Būšu jūsu ceļvedis ekskursijā pa Piwigo. Lūdzu sekojiet manām norādēm un noklikšķiniet uz Next (vai izmantojiet bultas uz tastatūras), lai pārvietotos. Ja ejat uz citu lapu, jūs tikiet novirzīti uz pašreizējo Ekskursijas lapu.';
    137137$lang['2_7_0_stp2'] = 'Kā redzat, pievienots jauns noklusējuma spraudnis: Iepazīsim to. Šis spraudnis ļauj jums atklāt Piwigo spējas. Šeit ir uzskaitītas visas pieejamās ekskursijas pa Piwigo.Šī lapa ir pieejama <em> Plugins »Take Tour </ em>';
  • trunk/plugins/TakeATour/language/nl_NL/plugin.lang.php

    r28654 r28951  
    2121// | USA.                                                                  |
    2222// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
    23 $lang['2_7_0_stp10'] = ' ';
    24 $lang['2_7_0_stp4'] = ' ';
    25 $lang['2_7_0_stp5'] = ' ';
    26 $lang['2_7_0_stp6'] = ' ';
    27 $lang['2_7_0_stp7'] = ' ';
    28 $lang['2_7_0_stp8'] = ' ';
    29 $lang['2_7_0_stp9'] = ' ';
    30 $lang['2_7_0_title10'] = ' ';
    31 $lang['2_7_0_title4'] = ' ';
    32 $lang['2_7_0_title5'] = ' ';
    33 $lang['2_7_0_title6'] = ' ';
    34 $lang['2_7_0_title7'] = ' ';
    35 $lang['2_7_0_title8'] = ' ';
    36 $lang['2_7_0_title9'] = ' ';
    37 $lang['first_contact_title10'] = ' ';
    38 $lang['first_contact_title14'] = ' ';
    39 $lang['first_contact_title12'] = ' ';
    40 $lang['first_contact_title13'] = ' ';
    41 $lang['first_contact_title16'] = ' ';
    42 $lang['first_contact_title17'] = ' ';
    43 $lang['first_contact_title2'] = ' ';
    44 $lang['first_contact_title23'] = ' ';
    45 $lang['first_contact_title24'] = ' ';
    46 $lang['first_contact_title26'] = ' ';
    47 $lang['first_contact_title27'] = ' ';
    48 $lang['first_contact_title30'] = ' ';
    49 $lang['first_contact_title31'] = ' ';
    50 $lang['first_contact_title32'] = ' ';
     23$lang['2_7_0_stp10'] = '';
     24$lang['2_7_0_stp4'] = '';
     25$lang['2_7_0_stp5'] = '';
     26$lang['2_7_0_stp6'] = '';
     27$lang['2_7_0_stp7'] = '';
     28$lang['2_7_0_stp8'] = '';
     29$lang['2_7_0_stp9'] = '';
     30$lang['2_7_0_title10'] = '';
     31$lang['2_7_0_title4'] = '';
     32$lang['2_7_0_title5'] = '';
     33$lang['2_7_0_title6'] = '';
     34$lang['2_7_0_title7'] = '';
     35$lang['2_7_0_title8'] = '';
     36$lang['2_7_0_title9'] = '';
     37$lang['first_contact_title10'] = '';
     38$lang['first_contact_title14'] = '';
     39$lang['first_contact_title12'] = '';
     40$lang['first_contact_title13'] = '';
     41$lang['first_contact_title16'] = '';
     42$lang['first_contact_title17'] = '';
     43$lang['first_contact_title2'] = '';
     44$lang['first_contact_title23'] = '';
     45$lang['first_contact_title24'] = '';
     46$lang['first_contact_title26'] = '';
     47$lang['first_contact_title27'] = '';
     48$lang['first_contact_title30'] = '';
     49$lang['first_contact_title31'] = '';
     50$lang['first_contact_title32'] = '';
    5151$lang['first_contact_title40'] = '  ';
    5252$lang['first_contact_title41'] = '  ';
    53 $lang['first_contact_title5'] = ' ';
    54 $lang['first_contact_title6'] = ' ';
    55 $lang['first_contact_title7'] = ' ';
    56 $lang['first_contact_title8'] = ' ';
     53$lang['first_contact_title5'] = '';
     54$lang['first_contact_title6'] = '';
     55$lang['first_contact_title7'] = '';
     56$lang['first_contact_title8'] = '';
    5757$lang['first_contact_stp24'] = 'Zeker een van de belangrijkste pagina is de permissie pagina van een eigen album. Klik op het tabblad permissie of klik op volgende';
    5858$lang['first_contact_stp29'] = 'Hier op die eerste pagina, vindt u de essentiële en basisconfiguratie voor de instellingen van uw galerie.';
  • trunk/plugins/TakeATour/language/pl_PL/plugin.lang.php

    r28818 r28951  
    2121// | USA.                                                                  |
    2222// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
    23 $lang['2_7_0_stp10'] = ' ';
    24 $lang['2_7_0_stp4'] = ' ';
    25 $lang['2_7_0_stp5'] = ' ';
    26 $lang['2_7_0_stp6'] = ' ';
    27 $lang['2_7_0_stp7'] = ' ';
    28 $lang['2_7_0_stp8'] = ' ';
    29 $lang['2_7_0_stp9'] = ' ';
    30 $lang['2_7_0_title10'] = ' ';
    31 $lang['2_7_0_title4'] = ' ';
    32 $lang['2_7_0_title5'] = ' ';
    33 $lang['2_7_0_title6'] = ' ';
    34 $lang['2_7_0_title7'] = ' ';
    35 $lang['2_7_0_title8'] = ' ';
    36 $lang['2_7_0_title9'] = ' ';
    37 $lang['first_contact_title10'] = ' ';
    38 $lang['first_contact_title12'] = ' ';
    39 $lang['first_contact_title13'] = ' ';
    40 $lang['first_contact_title14'] = ' ';
    41 $lang['first_contact_title16'] = ' ';
    42 $lang['first_contact_title17'] = ' ';
    43 $lang['first_contact_title2'] = ' ';
    44 $lang['first_contact_title23'] = ' ';
    45 $lang['first_contact_title24'] = ' ';
    46 $lang['first_contact_title26'] = ' ';
    47 $lang['first_contact_title27'] = ' ';
    48 $lang['first_contact_title8'] = ' ';
    49 $lang['first_contact_title30'] = ' ';
    50 $lang['first_contact_title31'] = ' ';
    51 $lang['first_contact_title32'] = ' ';
    52 $lang['first_contact_title40'] = ' ';
    53 $lang['first_contact_title41'] = ' ';
    54 $lang['first_contact_title5'] = ' ';
    55 $lang['first_contact_title6'] = ' ';
    56 $lang['first_contact_title7'] = ' ';
     23$lang['2_7_0_stp10'] = '';
     24$lang['2_7_0_stp4'] = '';
     25$lang['2_7_0_stp5'] = '';
     26$lang['2_7_0_stp6'] = '';
     27$lang['2_7_0_stp7'] = '';
     28$lang['2_7_0_stp8'] = '';
     29$lang['2_7_0_stp9'] = '';
     30$lang['2_7_0_title10'] = '';
     31$lang['2_7_0_title4'] = '';
     32$lang['2_7_0_title5'] = '';
     33$lang['2_7_0_title6'] = '';
     34$lang['2_7_0_title7'] = '';
     35$lang['2_7_0_title8'] = '';
     36$lang['2_7_0_title9'] = '';
     37$lang['first_contact_title10'] = '';
     38$lang['first_contact_title12'] = '';
     39$lang['first_contact_title13'] = '';
     40$lang['first_contact_title14'] = '';
     41$lang['first_contact_title16'] = '';
     42$lang['first_contact_title17'] = '';
     43$lang['first_contact_title2'] = '';
     44$lang['first_contact_title23'] = '';
     45$lang['first_contact_title24'] = '';
     46$lang['first_contact_title26'] = '';
     47$lang['first_contact_title27'] = '';
     48$lang['first_contact_title8'] = '';
     49$lang['first_contact_title30'] = '';
     50$lang['first_contact_title31'] = '';
     51$lang['first_contact_title32'] = '';
     52$lang['first_contact_title40'] = '';
     53$lang['first_contact_title41'] = '';
     54$lang['first_contact_title5'] = '';
     55$lang['first_contact_title6'] = '';
     56$lang['first_contact_title7'] = '';
    5757$lang['first_contact_stp2'] = 'Tutaj znajduje się odnośnik. Kliknij Dalej aby kontynuować';
    5858$lang['first_contact_stp3'] = 'Z poziomu pierwszej zakładki możesz dodawać zdjęcia bezpośrednio przez przeglądarkę. Inne zakładki udostępniają inne metody wgrywania zdjęć.';
  • trunk/plugins/TakeATour/language/pt_BR/plugin.lang.php

    r28480 r28951  
    6666$lang['first_contact_title9'] = 'Gerenciamento em Lote';
    6767$lang['takeatour_configpage'] = 'Faça uma turnê » Lista de Turnês';
    68 $lang['first_contact_title30'] = ' ';
    69 $lang['first_contact_title31'] = ' ';
    70 $lang['first_contact_title32'] = ' ';
    71 $lang['first_contact_title40'] = ' ';
    72 $lang['first_contact_title41'] = ' ';
    73 $lang['first_contact_title5'] = ' ';
    74 $lang['first_contact_title6'] = ' ';
    75 $lang['first_contact_title7'] = ' ';
    76 $lang['first_contact_title8'] = ' ';
    77 $lang['first_contact_title10'] = ' ';
    78 $lang['first_contact_title12'] = ' ';
    79 $lang['first_contact_title13'] = ' ';
    80 $lang['first_contact_title14'] = ' ';
    81 $lang['first_contact_title16'] = ' ';
    82 $lang['first_contact_title17'] = ' ';
    83 $lang['first_contact_title2'] = ' ';
    84 $lang['first_contact_title23'] = ' ';
    85 $lang['first_contact_title24'] = ' ';
    86 $lang['first_contact_title26'] = ' ';
    87 $lang['first_contact_title27'] = ' ';
     68$lang['first_contact_title30'] = '';
     69$lang['first_contact_title31'] = '';
     70$lang['first_contact_title32'] = '';
     71$lang['first_contact_title40'] = '';
     72$lang['first_contact_title41'] = '';
     73$lang['first_contact_title5'] = '';
     74$lang['first_contact_title6'] = '';
     75$lang['first_contact_title7'] = '';
     76$lang['first_contact_title8'] = '';
     77$lang['first_contact_title10'] = '';
     78$lang['first_contact_title12'] = '';
     79$lang['first_contact_title13'] = '';
     80$lang['first_contact_title14'] = '';
     81$lang['first_contact_title16'] = '';
     82$lang['first_contact_title17'] = '';
     83$lang['first_contact_title2'] = '';
     84$lang['first_contact_title23'] = '';
     85$lang['first_contact_title24'] = '';
     86$lang['first_contact_title26'] = '';
     87$lang['first_contact_title27'] = '';
    8888$lang['first_contact_stp21'] = 'A próxima guia é uma página onde você pode mover qualquer álbum virtual. <br> A guia permalink é para definir uma determinada URL para um álbum, por razões técnicas, como para definir um modelo específico ou apenas para envio de links personalizadas. <br> mas vamos editar um álbum: clique em Editar de um álbum';
    8989$lang['first_contact_stp22'] = 'Como pora uma imagem, aqui você pode editar as propriedades de um álbum';
    115115$lang['first_contact_stp7'] = 'Aqui, um resumo de suas imagens enviadas. Veja que Piwigo gerou-se as miniaturas. Agora você pode adicionar mais fotos com o link na parte inferior, editar as propriedades de uma imagem, clicando sobre ela, ou clique para gerenciar todas as imagens enviadas no Gerenciador de Lotes ...';
    116116$lang['first_contact_stp9'] = 'Agora você está no Gegenciador de Lotes, onde você pode editar em lote várias fotos. Aqui, a Caddy é definido como um filtro porque vem da página de resultados de upload.';
    117 $lang['2_7_0_title6'] = ' ';
    118 $lang['2_7_0_title7'] = ' ';
    119 $lang['2_7_0_title8'] = ' ';
    120 $lang['2_7_0_title9'] = ' ';
    121 $lang['2_7_0_stp4'] = ' ';
    122 $lang['2_7_0_stp5'] = ' ';
    123 $lang['2_7_0_stp6'] = ' ';
    124 $lang['2_7_0_stp7'] = ' ';
    125 $lang['2_7_0_stp8'] = ' ';
    126 $lang['2_7_0_stp9'] = ' ';
    127 $lang['2_7_0_title10'] = ' ';
    128 $lang['2_7_0_title4'] = ' ';
    129 $lang['2_7_0_title5'] = ' ';
    130 $lang['2_7_0_stp10'] = ' ';
     117$lang['2_7_0_title6'] = '';
     118$lang['2_7_0_title7'] = '';
     119$lang['2_7_0_title8'] = '';
     120$lang['2_7_0_title9'] = '';
     121$lang['2_7_0_stp4'] = '';
     122$lang['2_7_0_stp5'] = '';
     123$lang['2_7_0_stp6'] = '';
     124$lang['2_7_0_stp7'] = '';
     125$lang['2_7_0_stp8'] = '';
     126$lang['2_7_0_stp9'] = '';
     127$lang['2_7_0_title10'] = '';
     128$lang['2_7_0_title4'] = '';
     129$lang['2_7_0_title5'] = '';
     130$lang['2_7_0_stp10'] = '';
    131131$lang['2_7_0_stp11'] = 'Este tour é longo. <p Style="text-align:center"> Aproveite o seu Piwigo 2.7! </P> Se você gosta Piwigo e quer nos ajudar, você pode contribuir, ajudando em traduções, doando, etc <a href="" target="_blank">Clique aqui para nos apoiar</a>';
    132132$lang['2_7_0_stp2'] = 'Como você pode ver, um novo plugin padrão foi adicionado: Faça um tour. Este plugin ajuda você a descobrir o seu Piwigo. Aqui é onde estão listados todos os ptours disponíveis. <br> Esta página está disponível em Plugins <em> »Faça um tour </em>';
  • trunk/plugins/TakeATour/language/pt_PT/plugin.lang.php

    r28544 r28951  
    2121// | USA.                                                                  |
    2222// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
    23 $lang['first_contact_title10'] = ' ';
    24 $lang['first_contact_title12'] = ' ';
    25 $lang['first_contact_title13'] = ' ';
    26 $lang['first_contact_title14'] = ' ';
    27 $lang['first_contact_title16'] = ' ';
    28 $lang['first_contact_title17'] = ' ';
    29 $lang['first_contact_title2'] = ' ';
    30 $lang['first_contact_title23'] = ' ';
    31 $lang['first_contact_title24'] = ' ';
    32 $lang['first_contact_title26'] = ' ';
    33 $lang['first_contact_title27'] = ' ';
    34 $lang['first_contact_title30'] = ' ';
    35 $lang['first_contact_title31'] = ' ';
    36 $lang['first_contact_title32'] = ' ';
    37 $lang['first_contact_title40'] = ' ';
    38 $lang['first_contact_title41'] = ' ';
    39 $lang['first_contact_title5'] = ' ';
    40 $lang['first_contact_title6'] = ' ';
    41 $lang['first_contact_title7'] = ' ';
    42 $lang['first_contact_title8'] = ' ';
     23$lang['first_contact_title10'] = '';
     24$lang['first_contact_title12'] = '';
     25$lang['first_contact_title13'] = '';
     26$lang['first_contact_title14'] = '';
     27$lang['first_contact_title16'] = '';
     28$lang['first_contact_title17'] = '';
     29$lang['first_contact_title2'] = '';
     30$lang['first_contact_title23'] = '';
     31$lang['first_contact_title24'] = '';
     32$lang['first_contact_title26'] = '';
     33$lang['first_contact_title27'] = '';
     34$lang['first_contact_title30'] = '';
     35$lang['first_contact_title31'] = '';
     36$lang['first_contact_title32'] = '';
     37$lang['first_contact_title40'] = '';
     38$lang['first_contact_title41'] = '';
     39$lang['first_contact_title5'] = '';
     40$lang['first_contact_title6'] = '';
     41$lang['first_contact_title7'] = '';
     42$lang['first_contact_title8'] = '';
    4343$lang['2_7_0_stp4'] = '
    6767$lang['2_7_0_title9'] = '
    69 $lang['2_7_0_stp10'] = ' ';
     69$lang['2_7_0_stp10'] = '';
    7070$lang['first_contact_title1'] = 'Benvindo(a) à sua galeria';
    7171$lang['first_contact_title11'] = 'Como editar fotos';
  • trunk/plugins/TakeATour/language/ro_RO/plugin.lang.php

    r28404 r28951  
    2121// | USA.                                                                  |
    2222// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
    23 $lang['first_contact_title10'] = ' ';
    24 $lang['first_contact_title12'] = ' ';
    25 $lang['first_contact_title13'] = ' ';
    26 $lang['first_contact_title14'] = ' ';
    27 $lang['first_contact_title16'] = ' ';
    28 $lang['first_contact_title17'] = ' ';
    29 $lang['first_contact_title2'] = ' ';
    30 $lang['first_contact_title23'] = ' ';
    31 $lang['first_contact_title24'] = ' ';
    32 $lang['first_contact_title26'] = ' ';
    33 $lang['first_contact_title27'] = ' ';
    34 $lang['first_contact_title30'] = ' ';
    35 $lang['first_contact_title31'] = ' ';
    36 $lang['first_contact_title32'] = ' ';
    37 $lang['first_contact_title40'] = ' ';
    38 $lang['first_contact_title41'] = ' ';
    39 $lang['first_contact_title5'] = ' ';
    40 $lang['first_contact_title6'] = ' ';
    41 $lang['first_contact_title7'] = ' ';
    42 $lang['first_contact_title8'] = ' ';
     23$lang['first_contact_title10'] = '';
     24$lang['first_contact_title12'] = '';
     25$lang['first_contact_title13'] = '';
     26$lang['first_contact_title14'] = '';
     27$lang['first_contact_title16'] = '';
     28$lang['first_contact_title17'] = '';
     29$lang['first_contact_title2'] = '';
     30$lang['first_contact_title23'] = '';
     31$lang['first_contact_title24'] = '';
     32$lang['first_contact_title26'] = '';
     33$lang['first_contact_title27'] = '';
     34$lang['first_contact_title30'] = '';
     35$lang['first_contact_title31'] = '';
     36$lang['first_contact_title32'] = '';
     37$lang['first_contact_title40'] = '';
     38$lang['first_contact_title41'] = '';
     39$lang['first_contact_title5'] = '';
     40$lang['first_contact_title6'] = '';
     41$lang['first_contact_title7'] = '';
     42$lang['first_contact_title8'] = '';
    4343$lang['2_7_0_stp10'] = '
  • trunk/plugins/TakeATour/language/ru_RU/plugin.lang.php

    r28441 r28951  
    9595$lang['first_contact_stp7'] = 'Здесь краткое описание Ваших загруженных изображений. Как видите, Piwigo создал эскизы-миниатюрки. Вы можете узнать, как еще добавлять изображения по ссылке внизу, редактировать свойства изображения, нажав на него, или нажмите кнопку для управления всеми загруженными изображениями в плагине Batch Manager...';
    9696$lang['first_contact_stp42'] = 'Piwigo - многоязычный. По умолчанию, язык Piwigo устанавливается согласно языку браузера посетителя. Если язык посетителя не доступен, используется язык, установленный в Piwigo по умолчанию.';
    97 $lang['first_contact_title6'] = ' ';
    98 $lang['first_contact_title7'] = ' ';
    99 $lang['first_contact_title8'] = ' ';
    100 $lang['first_contact_title10'] = ' ';
    101 $lang['first_contact_title12'] = ' ';
    102 $lang['first_contact_title13'] = ' ';
    103 $lang['first_contact_title14'] = ' ';
    104 $lang['first_contact_title16'] = ' ';
    105 $lang['first_contact_title17'] = ' ';
    106 $lang['first_contact_title2'] = ' ';
    107 $lang['first_contact_title23'] = ' ';
    108 $lang['first_contact_title24'] = ' ';
    109 $lang['first_contact_title26'] = ' ';
    110 $lang['first_contact_title27'] = ' ';
    111 $lang['first_contact_title30'] = ' ';
    112 $lang['first_contact_title31'] = ' ';
    113 $lang['first_contact_title32'] = ' ';
    114 $lang['first_contact_title40'] = ' ';
    115 $lang['first_contact_title41'] = ' ';
    116 $lang['first_contact_title5'] = ' ';
     97$lang['first_contact_title6'] = '';
     98$lang['first_contact_title7'] = '';
     99$lang['first_contact_title8'] = '';
     100$lang['first_contact_title10'] = '';
     101$lang['first_contact_title12'] = '';
     102$lang['first_contact_title13'] = '';
     103$lang['first_contact_title14'] = '';
     104$lang['first_contact_title16'] = '';
     105$lang['first_contact_title17'] = '';
     106$lang['first_contact_title2'] = '';
     107$lang['first_contact_title23'] = '';
     108$lang['first_contact_title24'] = '';
     109$lang['first_contact_title26'] = '';
     110$lang['first_contact_title27'] = '';
     111$lang['first_contact_title30'] = '';
     112$lang['first_contact_title31'] = '';
     113$lang['first_contact_title32'] = '';
     114$lang['first_contact_title40'] = '';
     115$lang['first_contact_title41'] = '';
     116$lang['first_contact_title5'] = '';
    117117$lang['End tour'] = 'Конец тура';
    118118$lang['Next '] = 'Дальше';
    163163$lang['2_7_0_title2'] = 'Первая новая функция';
    164164$lang['2_7_0_title3'] = 'Быстрый поиск';
    165 $lang['2_7_0_stp10'] = ' ';
     165$lang['2_7_0_stp10'] = '';
  • trunk/plugins/TakeATour/language/sk_SK/plugin.lang.php

    r28402 r28951  
    2121// | USA.                                                                  |
    2222// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
    23 $lang['first_contact_title10'] = ' ';
    24 $lang['first_contact_title12'] = ' ';
    25 $lang['first_contact_title13'] = ' ';
    26 $lang['first_contact_title14'] = ' ';
    27 $lang['first_contact_title16'] = ' ';
    28 $lang['first_contact_title17'] = ' ';
    29 $lang['first_contact_title2'] = ' ';
    30 $lang['first_contact_title23'] = ' ';
    31 $lang['first_contact_title24'] = ' ';
    32 $lang['first_contact_title26'] = ' ';
    33 $lang['first_contact_title27'] = ' ';
    34 $lang['first_contact_title30'] = ' ';
    35 $lang['first_contact_title31'] = ' ';
    36 $lang['first_contact_title32'] = ' ';
    37 $lang['first_contact_title40'] = ' ';
    38 $lang['first_contact_title41'] = ' ';
    39 $lang['first_contact_title5'] = ' ';
    40 $lang['first_contact_title6'] = ' ';
    41 $lang['first_contact_title7'] = ' ';
    42 $lang['first_contact_title8'] = ' ';
     23$lang['first_contact_title10'] = '';
     24$lang['first_contact_title12'] = '';
     25$lang['first_contact_title13'] = '';
     26$lang['first_contact_title14'] = '';
     27$lang['first_contact_title16'] = '';
     28$lang['first_contact_title17'] = '';
     29$lang['first_contact_title2'] = '';
     30$lang['first_contact_title23'] = '';
     31$lang['first_contact_title24'] = '';
     32$lang['first_contact_title26'] = '';
     33$lang['first_contact_title27'] = '';
     34$lang['first_contact_title30'] = '';
     35$lang['first_contact_title31'] = '';
     36$lang['first_contact_title32'] = '';
     37$lang['first_contact_title40'] = '';
     38$lang['first_contact_title41'] = '';
     39$lang['first_contact_title5'] = '';
     40$lang['first_contact_title6'] = '';
     41$lang['first_contact_title7'] = '';
     42$lang['first_contact_title8'] = '';
    4343$lang['2_7_0_stp10'] = '
  • trunk/plugins/TakeATour/language/sl_SI/plugin.lang.php

    r28584 r28951  
    2121// | USA.                                                                  |
    2222// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
    23 $lang['first_contact_title10'] = ' ';
    24 $lang['first_contact_title12'] = ' ';
    25 $lang['first_contact_title13'] = ' ';
    26 $lang['first_contact_title14'] = ' ';
    27 $lang['first_contact_title16'] = ' ';
    28 $lang['first_contact_title17'] = ' ';
    29 $lang['first_contact_title2'] = ' ';
    30 $lang['first_contact_title23'] = ' ';
    31 $lang['first_contact_title24'] = ' ';
    32 $lang['first_contact_title26'] = ' ';
    33 $lang['first_contact_title27'] = ' ';
    34 $lang['first_contact_title30'] = ' ';
    35 $lang['first_contact_title31'] = ' ';
    36 $lang['first_contact_title32'] = ' ';
    37 $lang['first_contact_title40'] = ' ';
    38 $lang['first_contact_title41'] = ' ';
    39 $lang['first_contact_title5'] = ' ';
    40 $lang['first_contact_title6'] = ' ';
    41 $lang['first_contact_title7'] = ' ';
    42 $lang['first_contact_title8'] = ' ';
     23$lang['first_contact_title10'] = '';
     24$lang['first_contact_title12'] = '';
     25$lang['first_contact_title13'] = '';
     26$lang['first_contact_title14'] = '';
     27$lang['first_contact_title16'] = '';
     28$lang['first_contact_title17'] = '';
     29$lang['first_contact_title2'] = '';
     30$lang['first_contact_title23'] = '';
     31$lang['first_contact_title24'] = '';
     32$lang['first_contact_title26'] = '';
     33$lang['first_contact_title27'] = '';
     34$lang['first_contact_title30'] = '';
     35$lang['first_contact_title31'] = '';
     36$lang['first_contact_title32'] = '';
     37$lang['first_contact_title40'] = '';
     38$lang['first_contact_title41'] = '';
     39$lang['first_contact_title5'] = '';
     40$lang['first_contact_title6'] = '';
     41$lang['first_contact_title7'] = '';
     42$lang['first_contact_title8'] = '';
    4343$lang['2_7_0_stp10'] = '
  • trunk/plugins/TakeATour/language/sv_SE/plugin.lang.php

    r28754 r28951  
    2121// | USA.                                                                  |
    2222// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
    23 $lang['2_7_0_stp10'] = ' ';
    24 $lang['2_7_0_stp4'] = ' ';
    25 $lang['2_7_0_stp5'] = ' ';
    26 $lang['2_7_0_stp6'] = ' ';
    27 $lang['2_7_0_stp7'] = ' ';
    28 $lang['2_7_0_stp8'] = ' ';
    29 $lang['2_7_0_stp9'] = ' ';
    30 $lang['2_7_0_title10'] = ' ';
    31 $lang['2_7_0_title4'] = ' ';
    32 $lang['2_7_0_title5'] = ' ';
    33 $lang['2_7_0_title6'] = ' ';
    34 $lang['2_7_0_title7'] = ' ';
    35 $lang['2_7_0_title8'] = ' ';
    36 $lang['2_7_0_title9'] = ' ';
    37 $lang['first_contact_title10'] = ' ';
    38 $lang['first_contact_title12'] = ' ';
    39 $lang['first_contact_title13'] = ' ';
    40 $lang['first_contact_title14'] = ' ';
    41 $lang['first_contact_title16'] = ' ';
    42 $lang['first_contact_title17'] = ' ';
    43 $lang['first_contact_title2'] = ' ';
    44 $lang['first_contact_title23'] = ' ';
    45 $lang['first_contact_title24'] = ' ';
    46 $lang['first_contact_title26'] = ' ';
    47 $lang['first_contact_title27'] = ' ';
    48 $lang['first_contact_title30'] = ' ';
    49 $lang['first_contact_title31'] = ' ';
    50 $lang['first_contact_title32'] = ' ';
    51 $lang['first_contact_title40'] = ' ';
    52 $lang['first_contact_title41'] = ' ';
    53 $lang['first_contact_title5'] = ' ';
    54 $lang['first_contact_title6'] = ' ';
    55 $lang['first_contact_title7'] = ' ';
    56 $lang['first_contact_title8'] = ' ';
     23$lang['2_7_0_stp10'] = '';
     24$lang['2_7_0_stp4'] = '';
     25$lang['2_7_0_stp5'] = '';
     26$lang['2_7_0_stp6'] = '';
     27$lang['2_7_0_stp7'] = '';
     28$lang['2_7_0_stp8'] = '';
     29$lang['2_7_0_stp9'] = '';
     30$lang['2_7_0_title10'] = '';
     31$lang['2_7_0_title4'] = '';
     32$lang['2_7_0_title5'] = '';
     33$lang['2_7_0_title6'] = '';
     34$lang['2_7_0_title7'] = '';
     35$lang['2_7_0_title8'] = '';
     36$lang['2_7_0_title9'] = '';
     37$lang['first_contact_title10'] = '';
     38$lang['first_contact_title12'] = '';
     39$lang['first_contact_title13'] = '';
     40$lang['first_contact_title14'] = '';
     41$lang['first_contact_title16'] = '';
     42$lang['first_contact_title17'] = '';
     43$lang['first_contact_title2'] = '';
     44$lang['first_contact_title23'] = '';
     45$lang['first_contact_title24'] = '';
     46$lang['first_contact_title26'] = '';
     47$lang['first_contact_title27'] = '';
     48$lang['first_contact_title30'] = '';
     49$lang['first_contact_title31'] = '';
     50$lang['first_contact_title32'] = '';
     51$lang['first_contact_title40'] = '';
     52$lang['first_contact_title41'] = '';
     53$lang['first_contact_title5'] = '';
     54$lang['first_contact_title6'] = '';
     55$lang['first_contact_title7'] = '';
     56$lang['first_contact_title8'] = '';
    5757$lang['2.7 Tour'] = '2.7 Översikt';
    5858$lang['2_7_0_descrp'] = 'Upptäck nyheterna i Piwigo 2.7';
  • trunk/plugins/TakeATour/language/tr_TR/plugin.lang.php

    r28434 r28951  
    2121// | USA.                                                                  |
    2222// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
    23 $lang['first_contact_title10'] = ' ';
    24 $lang['first_contact_title12'] = ' ';
    25 $lang['first_contact_title13'] = ' ';
    26 $lang['first_contact_title14'] = ' ';
    27 $lang['first_contact_title16'] = ' ';
    28 $lang['first_contact_title17'] = ' ';
    29 $lang['first_contact_title2'] = ' ';
    30 $lang['first_contact_title23'] = ' ';
    31 $lang['first_contact_title24'] = ' ';
    32 $lang['first_contact_title26'] = ' ';
    33 $lang['first_contact_title27'] = ' ';
    34 $lang['first_contact_title30'] = ' ';
    35 $lang['first_contact_title31'] = ' ';
    36 $lang['first_contact_title32'] = ' ';
    37 $lang['first_contact_title40'] = ' ';
    38 $lang['first_contact_title41'] = ' ';
    39 $lang['first_contact_title5'] = ' ';
    40 $lang['first_contact_title6'] = ' ';
    41 $lang['first_contact_title7'] = ' ';
    42 $lang['first_contact_title8'] = ' ';
     23$lang['first_contact_title10'] = '';
     24$lang['first_contact_title12'] = '';
     25$lang['first_contact_title13'] = '';
     26$lang['first_contact_title14'] = '';
     27$lang['first_contact_title16'] = '';
     28$lang['first_contact_title17'] = '';
     29$lang['first_contact_title2'] = '';
     30$lang['first_contact_title23'] = '';
     31$lang['first_contact_title24'] = '';
     32$lang['first_contact_title26'] = '';
     33$lang['first_contact_title27'] = '';
     34$lang['first_contact_title30'] = '';
     35$lang['first_contact_title31'] = '';
     36$lang['first_contact_title32'] = '';
     37$lang['first_contact_title40'] = '';
     38$lang['first_contact_title41'] = '';
     39$lang['first_contact_title5'] = '';
     40$lang['first_contact_title6'] = '';
     41$lang['first_contact_title7'] = '';
     42$lang['first_contact_title8'] = '';
    4343$lang['End tour'] = '
    5959$lang['2_7_0_title9'] = '
    61 $lang['2_7_0_stp10'] = ' ';
    62 $lang['2_7_0_stp4'] = ' ';
    63 $lang['2_7_0_stp5'] = ' ';
    64 $lang['2_7_0_stp6'] = ' ';
    65 $lang['2_7_0_stp7'] = ' ';
    66 $lang['2_7_0_stp8'] = ' ';
    67 $lang['2_7_0_stp9'] = ' ';
    68 $lang['2_7_0_title10'] = ' ';
    69 $lang['2_7_0_title4'] = ' ';
    70 $lang['2_7_0_title5'] = ' ';
     61$lang['2_7_0_stp10'] = '';
     62$lang['2_7_0_stp4'] = '';
     63$lang['2_7_0_stp5'] = '';
     64$lang['2_7_0_stp6'] = '';
     65$lang['2_7_0_stp7'] = '';
     66$lang['2_7_0_stp8'] = '';
     67$lang['2_7_0_stp9'] = '';
     68$lang['2_7_0_title10'] = '';
     69$lang['2_7_0_title4'] = '';
     70$lang['2_7_0_title5'] = '';
  • trunk/plugins/TakeATour/language/vi_VN/plugin.lang.php

    r28698 r28951  
    2121// | USA.                                                                  |
    2222// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
    23 $lang['first_contact_title10'] = ' ';
    24 $lang['first_contact_title12'] = ' ';
    25 $lang['first_contact_title13'] = ' ';
    26 $lang['first_contact_title14'] = ' ';
    27 $lang['first_contact_title16'] = ' ';
    28 $lang['first_contact_title17'] = ' ';
    29 $lang['first_contact_title2'] = ' ';
    30 $lang['first_contact_title23'] = ' ';
    31 $lang['first_contact_title24'] = ' ';
    32 $lang['first_contact_title26'] = ' ';
    33 $lang['first_contact_title27'] = ' ';
    34 $lang['first_contact_title30'] = ' ';
    35 $lang['first_contact_title31'] = ' ';
    36 $lang['first_contact_title32'] = ' ';
    37 $lang['first_contact_title40'] = ' ';
    38 $lang['first_contact_title41'] = ' ';
    39 $lang['first_contact_title5'] = ' ';
    40 $lang['first_contact_title6'] = ' ';
    41 $lang['first_contact_title7'] = ' ';
    42 $lang['first_contact_title8'] = ' ';
     23$lang['first_contact_title10'] = '';
     24$lang['first_contact_title12'] = '';
     25$lang['first_contact_title13'] = '';
     26$lang['first_contact_title14'] = '';
     27$lang['first_contact_title16'] = '';
     28$lang['first_contact_title17'] = '';
     29$lang['first_contact_title2'] = '';
     30$lang['first_contact_title23'] = '';
     31$lang['first_contact_title24'] = '';
     32$lang['first_contact_title26'] = '';
     33$lang['first_contact_title27'] = '';
     34$lang['first_contact_title30'] = '';
     35$lang['first_contact_title31'] = '';
     36$lang['first_contact_title32'] = '';
     37$lang['first_contact_title40'] = '';
     38$lang['first_contact_title41'] = '';
     39$lang['first_contact_title5'] = '';
     40$lang['first_contact_title6'] = '';
     41$lang['first_contact_title7'] = '';
     42$lang['first_contact_title8'] = '';
    4343$lang['2_7_0_stp10'] = '
    4949$lang['2_7_0_stp6'] = '
    51 $lang['2_7_0_stp7'] = ' ';
    52 $lang['2_7_0_stp8'] = ' ';
    53 $lang['2_7_0_stp9'] = ' ';
    54 $lang['2_7_0_title10'] = ' ';
    55 $lang['2_7_0_title4'] = ' ';
    56 $lang['2_7_0_title5'] = ' ';
     51$lang['2_7_0_stp7'] = '';
     52$lang['2_7_0_stp8'] = '';
     53$lang['2_7_0_stp9'] = '';
     54$lang['2_7_0_title10'] = '';
     55$lang['2_7_0_title4'] = '';
     56$lang['2_7_0_title5'] = '';
    5757$lang['2_7_0_title6'] = '
  • trunk/plugins/TakeATour/language/zh_CN/plugin.lang.php

    r28548 r28951  
    2121// | USA.                                                                  |
    2222// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
    23 $lang['first_contact_title10'] = ' ';
    24 $lang['first_contact_title12'] = ' ';
    25 $lang['first_contact_title13'] = ' ';
    26 $lang['first_contact_title14'] = ' ';
    27 $lang['first_contact_title16'] = ' ';
    28 $lang['first_contact_title17'] = ' ';
    29 $lang['first_contact_title2'] = ' ';
    30 $lang['first_contact_title23'] = ' ';
    31 $lang['first_contact_title24'] = ' ';
    32 $lang['first_contact_title26'] = ' ';
    33 $lang['first_contact_title27'] = ' ';
    34 $lang['first_contact_title30'] = ' ';
    35 $lang['first_contact_title31'] = ' ';
    36 $lang['first_contact_title32'] = ' ';
    37 $lang['first_contact_title40'] = ' ';
    38 $lang['first_contact_title41'] = ' ';
    39 $lang['first_contact_title5'] = ' ';
    40 $lang['first_contact_title6'] = ' ';
    41 $lang['first_contact_title7'] = ' ';
    42 $lang['first_contact_title8'] = ' ';
     23$lang['first_contact_title10'] = '';
     24$lang['first_contact_title12'] = '';
     25$lang['first_contact_title13'] = '';
     26$lang['first_contact_title14'] = '';
     27$lang['first_contact_title16'] = '';
     28$lang['first_contact_title17'] = '';
     29$lang['first_contact_title2'] = '';
     30$lang['first_contact_title23'] = '';
     31$lang['first_contact_title24'] = '';
     32$lang['first_contact_title26'] = '';
     33$lang['first_contact_title27'] = '';
     34$lang['first_contact_title30'] = '';
     35$lang['first_contact_title31'] = '';
     36$lang['first_contact_title32'] = '';
     37$lang['first_contact_title40'] = '';
     38$lang['first_contact_title41'] = '';
     39$lang['first_contact_title5'] = '';
     40$lang['first_contact_title6'] = '';
     41$lang['first_contact_title7'] = '';
     42$lang['first_contact_title8'] = '';
    4343$lang['first_contact_stp7'] = '这里是上传图片的基本信息。可以看到 Piwigo 已自动生成了缩略图。您现在可以使用底部的链接添加更多图片,点击图片编辑其属性,或点击 批量管理 ,管理全部上传的图片...';
    4444$lang['first_contact_stp6'] = '您将看到所选图片被列出。添加至少两张图片,然后点击 开始上传 按钮';
    118118$lang['first_contact_stp29'] = '在这里,第一个标签页上,您可以设定图库的最核心和基本的设置。';
    119119$lang['takeatour_configpage'] = 'Take A Tour » 导览项目';
    120 $lang['2_7_0_stp10'] = ' ';
    121 $lang['2_7_0_stp4'] = ' ';
    122 $lang['2_7_0_stp5'] = ' ';
    123 $lang['2_7_0_stp6'] = ' ';
    124 $lang['2_7_0_stp7'] = ' ';
    125 $lang['2_7_0_stp8'] = ' ';
    126 $lang['2_7_0_stp9'] = ' ';
    127 $lang['2_7_0_title10'] = ' ';
    128 $lang['2_7_0_title4'] = ' ';
    129 $lang['2_7_0_title5'] = ' ';
    130 $lang['2_7_0_title6'] = ' ';
    131 $lang['2_7_0_title7'] = ' ';
    132 $lang['2_7_0_title8'] = ' ';
    133 $lang['2_7_0_title9'] = ' ';
     120$lang['2_7_0_stp10'] = '';
     121$lang['2_7_0_stp4'] = '';
     122$lang['2_7_0_stp5'] = '';
     123$lang['2_7_0_stp6'] = '';
     124$lang['2_7_0_stp7'] = '';
     125$lang['2_7_0_stp8'] = '';
     126$lang['2_7_0_stp9'] = '';
     127$lang['2_7_0_title10'] = '';
     128$lang['2_7_0_title4'] = '';
     129$lang['2_7_0_title5'] = '';
     130$lang['2_7_0_title6'] = '';
     131$lang['2_7_0_title7'] = '';
     132$lang['2_7_0_title8'] = '';
     133$lang['2_7_0_title9'] = '';
    134134$lang['2_7_0_title1'] = '欢迎来到 Piwigo 2.7';
    135135$lang['2_7_0_title3'] = '快捷搜索';
  • trunk/plugins/TakeATour/

    r28243 r28951  
    2828/** Setup the tour **/
    3032if (pwg_get_session_var('tour_to_launch')!=$version_ and isset($_GET['page']) and $_GET['page']=="plugin-TakeATour")
    3234  pwg_unset_session_var('tour_to_launch');
    34 elseif ( pwg_get_session_var('tour_to_launch') )
     36else*/if ( pwg_get_session_var('tour_to_launch') )
    3638  add_event_handler('init', 'TAT_tour_setup');
  • trunk/plugins/TakeATour/tours/2_7_0/

    r28393 r28951  
    22  $template->assign('TAT_index', make_index_url(array('section' => 'categories')));
     3  $template->assign('TAT_search', get_root_url().'search.php');
     5  //picture id
     6  if (isset($_GET['page']) and preg_match('/^photo-(\d+)(?:-(.*))?$/', $_GET['page'], $matches))
     7  {
     8    $_GET['image_id'] = $matches[1];
     9  }
     10  check_input_parameter('image_id', $_GET, false, PATTERN_ID);
     11  if (isset($_GET['image_id']) and pwg_get_session_var('TAT_image_id')==null)
     12  {
     13    $template->assign('TAT_image_id', $_GET['image_id']);
     14    pwg_set_session_var('TAT_image_id', $_GET['image_id']);
     15  }
     16  elseif (is_numeric(pwg_get_session_var('TAT_image_id')))
     17  {
     18    $template->assign('TAT_image_id', pwg_get_session_var('TAT_image_id'));
     19  }
     20  else
     21  {
     22    $query = '
     23    SELECT id
     24      FROM '.IMAGES_TABLE.'
     25      ORDER BY RAND()
     26      LIMIT 1 
     27    ;';
     28    $row = pwg_db_fetch_assoc(pwg_query($query));
     29    $template->assign('TAT_image_id', $row['id']);
     30  }
  • trunk/plugins/TakeATour/tours/2_7_0/tour.tpl

    r28393 r28951  
    3030  },
    3131  {
    32     path: "{/literal}{$TAT_path}{literal}admin.php?page=plugin-TakeATour",
     32    path: "{/literal}{$TAT_path}{$TAT_search}{literal}",
     33    placement: "left",
     34    element: "#content",
     35    title: "{/literal}{'2_7_0_title4'|@translate|@escape:'javascript'}{literal}",
    3336    content: "{/literal}{'2_7_0_stp4'|@translate|@escape:'javascript'}{literal}"
    3437  },
    3538  {//5
    36     path: "{/literal}{$TAT_path}{literal}admin.php?page=plugin-TakeATour",
     39    path: "{/literal}{$TAT_path}{literal}admin.php?page=photo-{/literal}{$TAT_image_id}{literal}",
     40    placement: "top",
     41    element: ".icon-calendar",
    3742    title: "{/literal}{'2_7_0_title5'|@translate|@escape:'javascript'}{literal}",
    3843    content: "{/literal}{'2_7_0_stp5'|@translate|@escape:'javascript'}{literal}"
    3944  },
    4045  {
    41     path: "{/literal}{$TAT_path}{literal}admin.php?page=plugin-TakeATour",
     46    path: "{/literal}{$TAT_path}{literal}admin.php?page=photo-{/literal}{$TAT_image_id}{literal}",
     47    placement: "top",
     48    element: "#catModify > fieldset:nth-child(2) > p:nth-child(5) > strong",
    4249    title: "{/literal}{'2_7_0_title6'|@translate|@escape:'javascript'}{literal}",
    4350    content: "{/literal}{'2_7_0_stp6'|@translate|@escape:'javascript'}{literal}"
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.