Changeset 29032 for extensions

Jul 14, 2014, 1:27:47 PM (10 years ago)

[oauth] Update zh_CN, thanks to : dennisyan

3 edited


  • extensions/oAuth/language/zh_CN/help.lang.php

    r26661 r29032  
    2222// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
    2323$lang['Fill out any required fields such as the application name and description'] = '填写例如“应用名称”、“描述”等必填字段';
    24 $lang['Go to <a href="%s" target="_blank">%s</a> and create a new application'] = '前往<a href="%s" target="_blank">%s</a>创建一个新应用';
    25 $lang['Once the application is registered update the permissions : set <b>Contacts</b> as <em>Read</em> and <b>Social Directory</b> as <em>Read Public</em>'] = '应用已注册和更新权限后,设置<b>Contacts</b>为<em>Read</em>、<b>Social Directory</b>为<em>Read Public</em>。';
    26 $lang['Once you have registered, copy and past the created application credentials into this setup page'] = '完成注册后,复制并粘贴已创建应用的证书到安装页面。';
    27 $lang['Provide this URL as the Callback/Redirect URL for your application: <em>%s</em>'] = '将此链接作为你的应用的反馈/重定向链接:<em>%s</em>';
    28 $lang['Put your website domain in the %s fields. It should match with the current hostname: <em>%s</em>'] = '将你的网站域名填入%s字段。域名应匹配当前主机名:<em>%s</em>';
    29 $lang['Set <b>%s</b> to <em>%s</em>'] = '把<b>%s</b>设为<em>%s</em>';
     24$lang['Go to <a href="%s" target="_blank">%s</a> and create a new application'] = '前往 <a href="%s" target="_blank">%s</a> 创建一个新应用';
     25$lang['Once you have registered, copy and past the created application credentials into this setup page'] = '完成注册后,复制并粘贴已创建应用的证书到此设置页面';
    3026$lang['Based on OpenID'] = '基于OpenID';
    31 $lang['Go to <b>Settings->Advanced</b> and activate <em>Client OAuth Login</em>'] = '到<b>设置->高级</b>然后激活<em>客户端认证登录</em>';
    32 $lang['No registration required'] = '没有注册需要';
    33 $lang['On the <b>APIs & auth -> Credentials</b> tab, <b>Create new client ID</b>'] = '在<b>APIs & 认证->证书</b>标签,<b>创建新的客户端ID</b>';
    34 ?>
     27$lang['No registration required'] = '无需注册';
     28$lang['Click on <b>Add Platform</b>, choose <b>Website</b> and set the <b>Site URL</b> to <em>%s</em>'] = '点击 <b>Add Platform</b>,选择 <b>Website</b> 并将 <b>Site URL</b> 设置为 <em>%s</em>';
     29$lang['Enter <em>%1s</em> for <b>%2s</b>'] = '输入 <em>%1s</em> for <b>%2s</b>';
     30$lang['Go to <b>API Parameters</b> and set <em>%s</em> for <b>Redirect URL</b>'] = '前往 <b>API Parameters</b> 并将 <em>%s</em> 设为 <b>Redirect URL</b>';
     31$lang['Go to <b>Settings -> Advanced</b> and set <b>Valid OAuth redirect URIs</b> to <em>%s</em>'] = '前往 <b>Settings -> Advanced</b> 并将 <b>Valid OAuth redirect URIs</b> 设为 <em>%s</em>';
     32$lang['Go to <b>Settings -> Basic</b> and fill the contact email'] = '前往 <b>Settings -> Basic</b> 并填写联络 email';
     33$lang['Go to <b>Status & Review</b> and set the app public by clicking the big button on top-right'] = '前往 <b>Status & Review</b> 并点击右上方的大按钮设定app public';
     34$lang['On the <b>APIS & AUTH -> Credentials</b> tab, and click <b>Create new client ID</b>'] = '在 <b>APIS & AUTH -> Credentials</b> 标签页,点击 <b>Create new client ID</b>';
     35$lang['Once the application is created, click <b>See application details</b>'] = '应用创建后,点击  <b>See application details</b>';
     36$lang['Once the process is finished, click on the newly created project'] = '进程完成后,点击新创建的项目';
     37$lang['Put your website domain in the <b>%1s</b> field. It must match with the current hostname: <em>%2s</em>'] = '将您网站的域名填入 <b>%1s</b> 区域。它必须与当前主机名(hostname)匹配:<em>%2s</em>';
     38$lang['Select these APIs: <b>Contacts</b> as <em>Read</em> and <b>Social Directory</b> as <em>Read Public</em>'] = '选择这些 APIs:<b>Contacts</b> as <em>Read</em> and <b>Social Directory</b> as <em>Read Public</em>';
     39$lang['Set <b>%1s</b> to <em>%2s</em>'] = '将 <b>%1s</b> 设置为 <em>%2s</em>';
  • extensions/oAuth/language/zh_CN/plugin.lang.php

    r28770 r29032  
    2323$lang['Display sign in buttons in the menubar'] = '在菜单栏显示登录按钮';
    2424$lang['Display sign in buttons on the register page'] = '在注册页面显示登录按钮';
    25 $lang['Enabled'] = '开启';
     25$lang['Enabled'] = '已启用';
    2626$lang['Error...'] = '错误...';
    2727$lang['Icon size in the menubar'] = '菜单栏上的图标大小';
    3434$lang['Please enter your OpenID URL'] = '请输入你的 OpenID 地址';
    3535$lang['Please enter your username'] = '请输入你的用户名';
    36 $lang['Profile URL'] = '个人资料地址';
     36$lang['Profile URL'] = '个人资料URL';
    3737$lang['Providers'] = '提供者';
    3838$lang['Sign in with %s'] = '注册为 %s';
    3939$lang['Sorry, new registrations are blocked on this gallery.'] = '抱歉,此相册已禁止新注册';
    40 $lang['Users are not allowed to register on your gallery. Social Connect will not work correctly.'] = '不允许用户在你的相册上注册。Social Connect 不能正常工作。';
    41 $lang['You registered with a %s account, please sign in with the same account.'] = '你注册了一个%s帐户,请使用同一个帐户登录';
    42 $lang['Your registration is almost done, please complete the registration form.'] = '你的注册就快完成了,请填妥以下注册表格';
     40$lang['Users are not allowed to register on your gallery. Social Connect will not work correctly.'] = '你的相册不允许用户注册。Social Connect 将不能正常工作。';
     41$lang['You registered with a %s account, please sign in with the same account.'] = '你以 %s 帐户注册,请使用同一帐户登录。';
     42$lang['Your registration is almost done, please complete the registration form.'] = '你的注册就快完成了,请填妥以下注册表格';
    4343$lang['%s: invalid keys'] = '%s:无效密钥';
    4444$lang['An error occured, please contact the gallery owner. <i>Error code : %s</i>'] = '出现错误,请联系相册拥有者:<i>错误代码:%s</i>';
    45 $lang['Authentication canceled'] = '取消认证';
     45$lang['Authentication canceled'] = '取消认证';
    4646$lang['Contacting <b>%s</b>. Please wait.'] = '正在连接<b>%s</b>,请稍候。';
    47 $lang['Disabled'] = '不可用';
    48 $lang['Allow users to merge existing account with new <i>Social Connect</i> identity'] = '允许用户将现有帐号与新的<i>社交连接</i>身份合并';
     47$lang['Disabled'] = '已禁用';
     48$lang['Allow users to merge existing account with new <i>Social Connect</i> identity'] = '允许用户将现有帐号与新的<i>Social Connect</i>身份合并';
    4949$lang['Associate with an existing account'] = '关联一个现有帐号';
    5050$lang['Cancel'] = '取消';
    5151$lang['Please enter your user ID'] = '请输入你的用户ID';
    52 $lang['For security reason, the main webmaster account can\'t be merged with a remote account, but you can use another webmaster account.'] = '基于安全理由,主网站管理员帐号不能与远程帐号合并,但你可以使用其他网站管理员帐号';
     52$lang['For security reason, the main webmaster account can\'t be merged with a remote account, but you can use another webmaster account.'] = '基于安全理由,主网站管理员帐号不能与远程帐号合并,但你可以使用其他网站管理员帐号。';
     53$lang['Unable to perform login'] = '无法执行登录';
     54$lang['User not found'] = '未找到用户';
     55$lang['Close'] = '关闭';
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