Mar 6, 2021, 5:40:48 AM (3 years ago)

Update ca_ES, thanks to Sebastia

1 edited


  • extensions/MyPiwiShop/language/ca_ES/plugin.lang.php

    r32480 r32490  
    3737$lang['No matching option found'] = 'No s\'ha trobat cap opció coincident';
    3838$lang['No product selected'] = 'No s\'ha seleccionat cap producte';
     39$lang['Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ records'] = 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ records';
     40$lang['drag / drop to change the order'] = 'arrossegueu / deixeu anar per canviar l\'ordre';
     41$lang['duplicate'] = 'duplicat';
     42$lang['option registered'] = 'opció registrada';
     43$lang['products have been added to these images'] = 'S\'han afegit productes a aquestes imatges';
     44$lang['products have been removed for these pictures'] = 'S\'han eliminat productes per a aquestes imatges';
     45$lang['see related products for this picture'] = 'veure productes relacionats per a aquesta imatge';
     46$lang['shipping fees'] = 'tarifes d\'enviament';
     47$lang['the option'] = 'l\'opció';
     48$lang['the order is changed'] = 'la comanda ha canviat';
     49$lang['the product'] = 'el producte';
     50$lang['you must enter the name of the option'] = 'heu d\'introduir el nom de l\'opció';
     51$lang['you must enter the product and not the price'] = 'heu d\'introduir el producte i no el preu';
     52$lang['Registered'] = 'Registrat';
     53$lang['Required'] = 'Requerit';
     54$lang['Select at least one product'] = 'Selecciona com a mínim un producte';
     55$lang['Shipping cost'] = 'Cost d\'enviament';
     56$lang['Shop'] = 'Botiga';
     57$lang['Showing 0 to 0 of 0 records'] = 'Mostrant 0 a 0 de 0 registres';
     58$lang['The field is required'] = 'El camp és necessari';
     59$lang['The order is changed'] = 'L\'ordre ha canviat';
     60$lang['Type'] = 'Tipus';
     61$lang['Type of option'] = 'Tipus d\'opció';
     62$lang['Validate the change'] = 'Valida el canvi';
     63$lang['Value'] = 'Valor';
     64$lang['View cart'] = 'Visualitza la cistella';
     65$lang['What is MyPiwiShop?'] = 'Què és MyPiwiShop?';
     66$lang['Your Paypal id'] = 'El vostre id de Paypal o adreça de correu del vostre compte de Paypal';
     67$lang['a option'] = 'una opció';
     68$lang['a product'] = 'un producte';
     69$lang['add value'] = 'afegeix valor';
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