Oct 17, 2014, 12:05:53 AM (10 years ago)

[trunk_install] Update zh_HK, thanks to : ddtddt

1 edited


  • trunk/language/zh_HK/install.lang.php

    r26461 r30123  
    3131$lang['Need help ? Ask your question on <a href="%s">Piwigo message board</a>.'] = '需要幫助嗎?你可以在<a href="%s">Piwigo 留言板</a>提出問題。';
    3232$lang['Note you can change your configuration by yourself and restart Piwigo after that.'] = '注意:你可以更改設定,然後重新啟動Piwigo。';
    33 $lang['PHP 5 is required'] = '需要PHP5';
     33$lang['PHP 5 is required'] = '需要PHP5.2';
    3434$lang['Password ']['confirm'] = '密碼[確認]';
    35 $lang['Piwigo may try to switch your configuration to PHP 5 by creating or modifying a .htaccess file.'] = 'Piwigo嘗試建立或修改您的.htaccess檔案, 來設定系統使用PHP5。';
    36 $lang['Piwigo was not able to configure PHP 5.'] = 'Piwigo的無法設定使用PHP5。';
     35$lang['Piwigo may try to switch your configuration to PHP 5 by creating or modifying a .htaccess file.'] = 'Piwigo嘗試建立或修改您的.htaccess檔案, 來設定系統使用PHP5.2。';
     36$lang['Piwigo was not able to configure PHP 5.'] = 'Piwigo的無法設定使用PHP5.2。';
    3737$lang['Sorry!'] = '對不起!';
    3838$lang['Start Install'] = '開始安裝';
    39 $lang['Try to configure PHP 5'] = '嘗試設定PHP5';
     39$lang['Try to configure PHP 5'] = '嘗試設定PHP5.2';
    4040$lang['User'] = '用戶';
    4141$lang['Visitors will be able to contact site administrator with this mail'] = '訪客可以使用這個電子郵件與網站管理員聯繫';
    4343$lang['Welcome to your new installation of Piwigo!'] = '歡迎來到你新安裝的Piwigo!';
    4444$lang['You can download the config file and upload it to local/config directory of your installation.'] = '您可以下載設定檔案,並裝它上傳到local/config目錄中安裝。';
    45 $lang['You may referer to your hosting provider\'s support and see how you could switch to PHP 5 by yourself.'] = '請聯繫你的網站託管服務提供商,看看你怎麼可以自己切換到PHP 5。';
     45$lang['You may referer to your hosting provider\'s support and see how you could switch to PHP 5 by yourself.'] = '請聯繫你的網站託管服務提供商,看看你怎麼可以自己切換到PHP 5.2。';
    4646$lang['also given by your host provider'] = '也可由網站託管服務提供商幫助設定';
    4747$lang['Admin configuration'] = '管理員設定';
    6666$lang['Keep it confidential, it enables you to access administration panel'] = '請保密,它使您能夠訪問管理面板';
    6767$lang['localhost or other, supplied by your host provider'] = '本地主機或其它,由你的主機提供商提供';
    68 ?>
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