Nov 29, 2009, 2:18:37 AM (14 years ago)

[NBC_UserAdvManager] Pre 2.13

  • Translations improvements.
  • Bug 1260 fixed - Username case sensitivity is now fully functionnal in all users entries (user registration and admin panel)
  • Code refactory and improvements.
1 edited


  • extensions/NBC_UserAdvManager/trunk/language/en_UK/plugin.lang.php

    r4340 r4384  
    6060$lang['UserAdvManager_No_Casse_true'] = ' Make the user account case insensitive at the registration and the identification step (USER = user = User = usER...).';
    6161// --------- End: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.12.6
     62// --------- Starting below: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.13.0
     63$lang['UserAdvManager_Add_LastVisit_Column'] = ' View user monitoring record (date of last visit, time spent (in days) since their last visit ,...). Monitoring is purely informative for the administrator of the gallery.';
     64$lang['UserAdvManager_Add_LastVisit_Column_true'] = ' Enable user monitoring list.';
     65$lang['UserAdvManager_Add_LastVisit_Column_false'] = ' Disable user monitoring list (Default).';
     66// --------- End: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.13.0
    6469/* ConfirmMail Configuration Tab */
    65 $lang['ConfirmMail_Title'] = 'Advanced management and settings of register confirmation by mail';
    66 $lang['Title_Tab2'] = 'UserAdvManager - ConfirmMail Settings';
    67 $lang['Tab_ConfirmMail'] = 'ConfirmMail Settings';
    6870$lang['UserAdvManager_ConfirmMail_Info'] = 'Time limitation for validation of registration :<br>If you enable this option, select the desired time (x) in the field below. Visitors who register will then have x days to validate their registration. After this period the validation link they have received by mail will be expired.<br>';
    6971$lang['UserAdvManager_ConfirmMail_TimeOut_true'] = 'Enable limiting the registration deadline.';
    7678$lang['UserAdvManager_ConfirmMail_ReMail_Txt1'] = 'Custom content of the reminder message with regeneration of validation key.<br>If left blank, the reminder email will include only the validation link. It is therefore strongly advised to take a little explanatory text. (NB: The text pre-filled at the plugin installation is given as an example)<br><br><b style="color: red;">(!!! </b><b style="text-decoration: underline; color: red;">WARNING !</b> <b style="color: red;">Text modification is available ONLY if email reminder is enabled. Use the multi language tags from Extended Description plugin if this plugin is activated !!!)</b>';
    7779$lang['UserAdvManager_ConfirmMail_ReMail_Txt2'] = 'Custom content of the reminder message without regeneration of validation key.<br>If left blank, the reminder email will include only the validation link. It is therefore strongly advised to take a little explanatory text. (NB: The text pre-filled at the plugin installation is given as an example)<br><br><b style="color: red;">(!!! </b><b style="text-decoration: underline; color: red;">WARNING !</b> <b style="color: red;">Text modification is available ONLY if email reminder is enabled. Use the multi language tags from Extended Description plugin if this plugin is activated !!!)</b>';
     80// --------- Starting below: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.13.0
     81$lang['ConfirmMail_Title'] = 'Advanced settings for validation of registries';
     82$lang['Title_Tab2'] = 'UserAdvManager - Register validation settings';
     83$lang['Tab_ConfirmMail'] = 'Register validation settings';
     84// --------- End: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.13.0
     87// --------- Starting below: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.13.0
     88/* UserList Tab */
     89$lang['Title_Tab5'] = 'UserAdvManager - User Information';
     90$lang['UserList_Title'] = 'Monitoring registered users';
     91$lang['Tab_UserList'] = 'Monitoring users';
     92$lang['UserAdvManager_User_List'] = 'This page is for information to the administrator. It displays a list of all users registered on the gallery showing the date and number of days since their last visit. The list is sorted in ascending order of number of days.
     94When the Ghost Tracker is active, the number of days without a visit appears as the following color code, according to the maximum set in the Ghost Tracker options:
     96- <b style="color: lime;">Green</b> : When the user has visited the gallery <b style="color: lime;"><u>less than 50%</u></b> of the maximum indicated in the Ghost Tracker.<br>
     97- <b style="color: orange;">Orange</b> : When the user has visited the gallery <b style="color: orange;"><u> between 50% and 99% </u></b> of the maximum indicated in the Ghost Tracker.<br>
     98- <b style="color: red;">Red</b> : When the user has visited the gallery <b style="color: red;"><u>for more than 99%</u></b> of the maximum indicated in the Ghost Tracker. <b><u>In this case, the user must also appear in the Ghost Tracker table.</u></b><br>
     100Example :
     102The maximum period of Ghost Tracker is configured to 100 days.
     104A user will appear in green if he visited the gallery for less than 50 days, in orange if his last visit took place between 50 and 99 days and red for 100 days and above.
     106<b>NOTE</b> : The list does not display who have not validated their registration (if the option of validating the registration is activated). These users are then managed in a special way in the "Validation management.';
     107$lang['Nb_Days'] = 'Number of days<br>since last visit';
     108// --------- End: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.13.0
    80111/* UserManager Tab */
    81 $lang['UserManager_Title'] = 'Advanced settings of unvalidated registered users';
    82 $lang['Title_Tab3'] = 'UserAdvManager - Visitors management';
    83 $lang['Tab_UserManager'] = 'Visitors management';
    84112$lang['UserAdvManager_ConfirmMail_User_List'] = 'When limiting the deadline for registration is enabled, you will find below the list of users awaiting validation, <b style="text-decoration: underline;">whether or not</b> they are in time to validate.<br><br>In this view, you can:
    94122$lang['Registration_Date'] = 'Registration date';
     123// --------- Starting below: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.13.0
     124$lang['UserManager_Title'] = 'Advanced management of unvalidated';
     125$lang['Title_Tab3'] = 'UserAdvManager - Management of registration validations';
     126$lang['Tab_UserManager'] = 'Management validations';
     127// --------- End: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.13.0
    115148// --------- End: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.12.2
     149// --------- Starting below: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.13.0
     150$lang['Reminder'] = 'Email Reminder';
     151// --------- End: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.13.0
    179215$lang['mail_exclusionlist_error'] = 'Warning! You have entered a new line (CR-LF) at the begining of email exclusion list (shown in red below). Although this new line is not visible, it is still present and may cause malfunction of the plugin. Please re-type in your exclusion list in a manner that does not begin with a newline.';
    180216// --------- End: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.12.8
     217// --------- Starting below: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.13.0
     218$lang['Err_Userlist_Settings'] = 'Cette page n\'est accessible que si le "suivi des utilisateur" est actif dans l\'onglet "Configuration Générale".';
     219// --------- End: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.13.0
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