Mar 17, 2010, 10:22:51 AM (14 years ago)

Revert gettext stuff.
Keep english values for language keys translation.
Provide a script to use english values for key in language files.

Todo : provide a script (to help transition) to keep using
original keys in language files for translators.

1 edited


  • trunk/language/en_UK/common.lang.php

    r4956 r5156  
    33// | Piwigo - a PHP based picture gallery                                  |
    44// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
    5 // | Copyright(C) 2008-2009 Piwigo Team                  http://piwigo.org |
     5// | Copyright(C) 2008-2010 Piwigo Team                  http://piwigo.org |
    66// | Copyright(C) 2003-2008 PhpWebGallery Team    http://phpwebgallery.net |
    77// | Copyright(C) 2002-2003 Pierrick LE GALL   http://le-gall.net/pierrick |
    2222// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
    24 // Langage informations
    25 $lang_info['language_name'] = 'English';
    26 $lang_info['country'] = 'Great Britain';
    27 $lang_info['direction'] = 'ltr';
    28 $lang_info['code'] = 'en';
    29 $lang_info['zero_plural'] = true;
     24$lang_info['language_name'] = "English";
     25$lang_info['country'] = "Great Britain";
     26$lang_info['direction'] = "ltr";
     27$lang_info['code'] = "en";
     28$lang_info['zero_plural'] = "1";
    31 $lang['%.2f (rated %d times, standard deviation = %.2f)'] = '%.2f (rated %d times, standard deviation = %.2f)';
    32 $lang['%d Kb'] = '%d Kb';
    33 $lang['%d category updated'] = '%d category updated';
    34 $lang['%d categories updated'] = '%d categories updated';
    35 $lang['%d comment to validate'] = '%d comment to validate';
    36 $lang['%d comments to validate'] = '%d comments to validate';
    37 $lang['%d new comment'] = '%d new comment';
    38 $lang['%d new comments'] = '%d new comments';
    39 $lang['%d comment'] = '%d comment';
    40 $lang['%d comments'] = '%d comments';
    41 $lang['%d hit'] = '%d hit';
    42 $lang['%d hits'] = '%d hits';
    43 $lang['%d new element'] = '%d new image';
    44 $lang['%d new elements'] = '%d new images';
    45 $lang['%d new user'] = '%d new user';
    46 $lang['%d new users'] = '%d new users';
    47 $lang['%d waiting element'] = '%d waiting element';
    48 $lang['%d waiting elements'] = '%d waiting elements';
    49 $lang['About'] = 'About';
    50 $lang['All tags must match'] = 'All tags must match';
    51 $lang['All tags'] = 'All tags';
    52 $lang['Any tag'] = 'Any tag';
    53 $lang['At least one listed rule must be satisfied.'] = 'At least one listed rule must be satisfied.';
    54 $lang['At least one tag must match'] = 'At least one tag must match';
    55 $lang['Author'] = 'Author';
    56 $lang['Average rate'] = 'Average rate';
    57 $lang['Categories'] = 'Categories';
    58 $lang['Category'] = 'Category';
    59 $lang['Close this window'] = 'Close this window';
    60 $lang['Complete RSS feed'] = 'Complete RSS feed (images, comments)';
    61 $lang['Confirm Password'] = 'Confirm Password';
    62 $lang['Connection settings'] = 'Connection settings';
    63 $lang['Connection'] = 'Login';
    64 $lang['Contact webmaster'] = 'Contact webmaster';
    65 $lang['Create a new account'] = 'Create a new account';
    66 $lang['Created on'] = 'Created on';
    67 $lang['Creation date'] = 'Creation date';
    68 $lang['Current password is wrong'] = 'Current password is wrong';
    69 $lang['Dimensions'] = 'Dimensions';
    70 $lang['Display'] = 'Display';
    71 $lang['Each listed rule must be satisfied.'] = 'Each listed rule must be satisfied.';
    72 $lang['Email address is missing'] = 'Email address is missing';
    73 $lang['Email address'] = 'Email address';
    74 $lang['Enter your personnal informations'] = 'Enter your personnal informations';
    75 $lang['Error sending email'] = 'Error sending email';
    76 $lang['File name'] = 'File name';
    77 $lang['File'] = 'File';
    78 $lang['Filesize'] = 'Filesize';
    79 $lang['Filter and display'] = 'Filter and display';
    80 $lang['Filter'] = 'Filter';
    81 $lang['Forgot your password?'] = 'Forgot your password?';
    82 $lang['Go through the gallery as a visitor'] = 'Go through the gallery as a visitor';
    83 $lang['Help'] = 'Help';
    84 $lang['Identification'] = 'Identification';
    85 $lang['Image only RSS feed'] = 'Image only RSS feed';
    86 $lang['Keyword'] = 'Keyword';
    87 $lang['Links'] = 'Links';
    88 $lang['Mail address'] = 'Mail address';
    89 $lang['N/A'] = 'N/A';
    90 $lang['New on %s'] = 'New on %s';
    91 $lang['New password confirmation does not correspond'] = 'New password confirmation does not correspond';
    92 $lang['New password sent by email'] = 'New password sent by email';
    93 $lang['No email address'] = 'No email address';
    94 $lang['No user matches this email address'] = 'No classic user matches this email address';
    95 $lang['Notification'] = 'Notification';
    96 $lang['Number of items'] = 'Number of items';
    97 $lang['Original dimensions'] = 'Original dimensions';
    98 $lang['Password forgotten'] = 'Password forgotten';
    99 $lang['Password'] = 'Password';
    100 $lang['Post date'] = 'Post date';
    101 $lang['Posted on'] = 'Posted on';
    102 $lang['Profile'] = 'Profile';
    103 $lang['Quick connect'] = 'Quick connect';
    104 $lang['RSS feed'] = 'RSS feed';
    105 $lang['Rate'] = 'Rate';
    106 $lang['Register'] = 'Register';
    107 $lang['Registration'] = 'Registration';
    108 $lang['Related tags'] = 'Related tags';
    109 $lang['Reset'] = 'Reset';
    110 $lang['Retrieve password'] = 'Retrieve password';
    111 $lang['Search rules'] = 'Search rules';
    112 $lang['Search tags'] = 'Search tags';
    113 $lang['Search'] = 'Search';
    114 $lang['See available tags'] = 'See available tags';
    115 $lang['Send new password'] = 'Send new password';
    116 $lang['Since'] = 'Since';
    117 $lang['Sort by'] = 'Sort by';
    118 $lang['Sort order'] = 'Sort order';
    119 $lang['Tag'] = 'Tag';
    120 $lang['Tags'] = 'Tags';
    121 $lang['The RSS notification feed provides notification on news from this website : new pictures, updated categories, new comments. Use a RSS feed reader.'] = 'The RSS notification feed provides notification on news from this website : new pictures, updated categories, new comments. Use a RSS feed reader.';
    122 $lang['Unknown feed identifier'] = 'Unknown feed identifier';
    123 $lang['User comments'] = 'User comments';
    124 $lang['Username'] = 'Username';
    125 $lang['Visits'] = 'Visits';
    126 $lang['Webmaster'] = 'Webmaster';
    127 $lang['Week %d'] = 'Week %d';
    128 $lang['about_page_title'] = 'About Piwigo';
    129 $lang['access_forbiden'] = 'You are not authorized to access the requested page';
    130 $lang['add to caddie'] = 'add to caddie';
    131 $lang['add_favorites_hint'] = 'add this image to your favorites';
    132 $lang['admin'] = 'Administration';
    133 $lang['adviser_mode_enabled'] = 'Adviser mode enabled';
    134 $lang['all'] = 'all';
    135 $lang['ascending'] = 'ascending';
    136 $lang['author(s) : %s'] = 'author(s) : %s';
    137 $lang['auto_expand'] = 'Expand all categories';
    138 $lang['became available after %s (%s)'] = 'posted after %s (%s)';
    139 $lang['became available before %s (%s)'] = 'posted before %s (%s)';
    140 $lang['became available between %s (%s) and %s (%s)'] = 'posted between %s (%s) and %s (%s)';
    141 $lang['became available on %s'] = 'posted on %s';
    142 $lang['best_rated_cat'] = 'Best rated';
    143 $lang['best_rated_cat_hint'] = 'display best rated items';
    144 $lang['caddie'] = 'caddie';
    145 $lang['calendar'] = 'Calendar';
    146 $lang['calendar_any'] = 'All';
    147 $lang['calendar_hint'] = 'display each day with pictures, month per month';
    148 $lang['calendar_picture_hint'] = 'display pictures added on ';
    149 $lang['calendar_view'] = 'View';
    150 $lang['chronology_monthly_calendar'] = 'Monthly calendar';
    151 $lang['chronology_monthly_list'] = 'Monthly list';
    152 $lang['chronology_weekly_list'] = 'Weekly list';
    153 $lang['click_to_redirect'] = 'Click here if your browser does not automatically forward you';
    154 $lang['comment date'] = 'comment date';
    155 $lang['comment'] = 'Comment';
    156 $lang['comment_added'] = 'Your comment has been registered';
    157 $lang['comment_anti-flood'] = 'Anti-flood system : please wait for a moment before trying to post another comment';
    158 $lang['comment_not_added'] = 'Your comment has NOT been registered because it did not pass the validation rules';
    159 $lang['comment_to_validate'] = 'An administrator must authorize your comment before it is visible.';
    160 $lang['comment_user_exists'] = 'This login is already used by another user';
    161 $lang['comments'] = 'Comments';
    162 $lang['comments_add'] = 'Add a comment';
    163 $lang['created after %s (%s)'] = 'created after %s (%s)';
    164 $lang['created before %s (%s)'] = 'created before %s (%s)';
    165 $lang['created between %s (%s) and %s (%s)'] = 'created between %s (%s) and %s (%s)';
    166 $lang['created on %s'] = 'created on %s';
    167 $lang['customize'] = 'Customize';
    168 $lang['customize_page_title'] = 'Your Gallery Customization ';
    169 $lang['day'][0] = 'Sunday';
    170 $lang['day'][1] = 'Monday';
    171 $lang['day'][2] = 'Tuesday';
    172 $lang['day'][3] = 'Wednesday';
    173 $lang['day'][4] = 'Thursday';
    174 $lang['day'][5] = 'Friday';
    175 $lang['day'][6] = 'Saturday';
    176 $lang['default_sort'] = 'Default';
    177 $lang['del_favorites_hint'] = 'delete this image from your favorites';
    178 $lang['delete'] = 'Delete';
    179 $lang['descending'] = 'descending';
    180 $lang['download'] = 'download';
    181 $lang['download_hint'] = 'download this file';
    182 $lang['edit'] = 'edit';
    183 $lang['err_date'] = 'wrong date';
    184 $lang['excluded'] = 'excluded';
    185 $lang['favorite_cat'] = 'My favorites';
    186 $lang['favorite_cat_hint'] = 'display my favorites pictures';
    187 $lang['favorites'] = 'Favorites';
    188 $lang['first_page'] = 'First';
    189 $lang['gallery_locked_message'] = 'The gallery is locked for maintenance. Please, come back later.';
    190 $lang['generation_time'] = 'Page generated in';
    191 $lang['guest'] = 'guest';
    192 $lang['hello'] = 'Hello';
    193 $lang['hint_admin'] = 'available for administrators only';
    194 $lang['hint_category'] = 'shows images at the root of this category';
    195 $lang['hint_comments'] = 'See last users comments';
    196 $lang['hint_customize'] = 'customize the appareance of the gallery';
    197 $lang['hint_search'] = 'search';
    198 $lang['home'] = 'Home';
    199 $lang['identification'] = 'Identification';
    200 $lang['images_available_cpl'] = 'in this category';
    201 $lang['images_available_cat'] = 'in %d sub-category';
    202 $lang['images_available_cats'] = 'in %d sub-categories';
    203 $lang['included'] = 'included';
    204 $lang['invalid_pwd'] = 'Invalid password!';
    205 $lang['language']='Language';
    206 $lang['last %d days'] = 'last %d days';
    207 $lang['last_page'] = 'Last';
    208 $lang['logout'] = 'Logout';
    209 $lang['mail_address'] = 'E-mail address';
    210 $lang['mandatory'] = 'obligatory';
    211 $lang['maxheight'] = 'Maximum height of the pictures';
    212 $lang['maxheight_error'] = 'Maximum height must be a number superior to 50';
    213 $lang['maxwidth'] = 'Maximum width of the pictures';
    214 $lang['maxwidth_error'] = 'Maximum width must be a number superior to 50';
    215 $lang['mode_created_hint'] = 'display a calendar by creation date';
    216 $lang['mode_flat_hint'] = 'display all elements in all sub-categories';
    217 $lang['mode_normal_hint'] = 'return to normal view mode';
    218 $lang['mode_posted_hint'] = 'display a calendar by posted date';
    219 $lang['month'][10] = 'October';
    220 $lang['month'][11] = 'November';
    221 $lang['month'][12] = 'December';
    222 $lang['month'][1] = 'January';
    223 $lang['month'][2] = 'February';
    224 $lang['month'][3] = 'March';
    225 $lang['month'][4] = 'April';
    226 $lang['month'][5] = 'May';
    227 $lang['month'][6] = 'June';
    228 $lang['month'][7] = 'July';
    229 $lang['month'][8] = 'August';
    230 $lang['month'][9] = 'September';
    231 $lang['most_visited_cat'] = 'Most visited';
    232 $lang['most_visited_cat_hint'] = 'display most visited pictures';
    233 $lang['nb_image_line_error'] = 'The number of images per row must be a not null scalar';
    234 $lang['nb_image_per_row'] = 'Number of images per row';
    235 $lang['nb_line_page_error'] = 'The number of rows per page must be a not null scalar';
    236 $lang['nb_row_per_page'] = 'Number of rows per page';
    237 $lang['nbm_unknown_identifier'] = 'Unknown identifier';
    238 $lang['new_password'] = 'New password';
    239 $lang['new_rate'] = 'Rate this picture';
    240 $lang['next_page'] = 'Next';
    241 $lang['no_category'] = 'Home';
    242 $lang['no_rate'] = 'no rate';
    243 $lang['note_filter_day'] = 'Elements posted within the last %d day.';
    244 $lang['note_filter_days'] = 'Elements posted within the last %d days.';
    245 $lang['password updated'] = 'password updated';
    246 $lang['periods_error'] = 'Recent period must be a positive integer value';
    247 /* DEPRECATED USED IN comments.php FOR image_id ? */ $lang['picture'] = 'picture';
    248 $lang['picture_high'] = 'Click on the picture to see it in high definition';
    249 $lang['picture_show_metadata'] = 'Show file metadata';
    250 $lang['powered_by'] = 'Powered by';
    251 $lang['preferences'] = 'Preferences';
    252 $lang['previous_page'] = 'Previous';
    253 $lang['random_cat'] = 'Random pictures';
    254 $lang['random_cat_hint'] = 'display a set of random pictures';
    255 $lang['recent_cats_cat'] = 'Recent categories';
    256 $lang['recent_cats_cat_hint'] = 'display recently updated categories';
    257 $lang['recent_period'] = 'Recent period';
    258 $lang['recent_pics_cat'] = 'Recent pictures';
    259 $lang['recent_pics_cat_hint'] = 'display most recent pictures';
    260 $lang['redirect_msg'] = 'Redirection...';
    261 $lang['reg_err_login1'] = 'Please, enter a login';
    262 $lang['reg_err_login2'] = 'login mustn\'t end with a space character';
    263 $lang['reg_err_login3'] = 'login mustn\'t start with a space character';
    264 $lang['reg_err_login5'] = 'this login is already used';
    265 $lang['reg_err_mail_address'] = 'mail address must be like xxx@yyy.eee (example : jack@altern.org)';
    266 $lang['reg_err_pass'] = 'please enter your password again';
    267 $lang['remember_me'] = 'Auto login';
    268 $lang['remove this tag'] = 'remove this tag from the list';
    269 $lang['representative'] = 'representative';
    270 $lang['return to homepage'] = 'return to homepage';
    271 $lang['search_author'] = 'Search for Author';
    272 $lang['search_categories'] = 'Search in Categories';
    273 $lang['search_date'] = 'Search by Date';
    274 $lang['search_date_from'] = 'Date';
    275 $lang['search_date_to'] = 'End-Date';
    276 $lang['search_date_type'] = 'Kind of date';
    277 $lang['search_keywords'] = 'Search for words';
    278 $lang['search_mode_and'] = 'Search for all terms ';
    279 $lang['search_mode_or'] = 'Search for any terms';
    280 $lang['search_one_clause_at_least'] = 'Empty query. No criteria has been entered.';
    281 $lang['search_options'] = 'Search Options';
    282 $lang['search_result'] = 'Search results';
    283 $lang['search_subcats_included'] = 'Search in subcategories';
    284 $lang['search_title'] = 'Search';
    285 $lang['searched words : %s'] = 'searched words : %s';
    286 $lang['send_mail'] = 'Contact';
    287 $lang['set as category representative'] = 'set as category representative';
    288 $lang['show_nb_comments'] = 'Show number of comments';
    289 $lang['show_nb_hits'] = 'Show number of hits';
    290 $lang['slideshow'] = 'slideshow';
    291 $lang['slideshow_stop'] = 'stop the slideshow';
    292 $lang['special_categories'] = 'Specials';
    293 $lang['sql_queries_in'] = 'SQL queries in';
    294 $lang['start_filter_hint'] = 'display only recently posted images';
    295 $lang['stop_filter_hint'] = 'return to the display of all images';
    296 $lang['the beginning'] = 'the beginning';
    297 $lang['theme'] = 'Interface theme';
    298 $lang['thumbnails'] = 'Thumbnails';
    299 $lang['title_menu'] = 'Menu';
    300 $lang['title_send_mail'] = 'A comment on your site';
    301 $lang['today'] = 'today';
    302 $lang['update_rate'] = 'Update your rating';
    303 $lang['update_wrong_dirname'] = 'wrong filename';
    304 $lang['upload_advise_filesize'] = 'the filesize of the picture must not exceed : ';
    305 $lang['upload_advise_filetype'] = 'the picture must be to the fileformat jpg, gif or png';
    306 $lang['upload_advise_height'] = 'the height of the picture must not exceed : ';
    307 $lang['upload_advise_thumbnail'] = 'Optional, but recommended : choose a thumbnail to associate to ';
    308 $lang['upload_advise_width'] = 'the width of the picture must not exceed : ';
    309 $lang['upload_author'] = 'Author';
    310 $lang['upload_cannot_upload'] = 'can\'t upload the picture on the server';
    311 $lang['upload_err_username'] = 'the username must be given';
    312 $lang['upload_file_exists'] = 'A picture\'s name already used';
    313 $lang['upload_filenotfound'] = 'You must choose a picture fileformat for the image';
    314 $lang['upload_forbidden'] = 'You can\'t upload pictures in this category';
    315 $lang['upload_name'] = 'Name of the picture';
    316 $lang['upload_picture'] = 'Upload a picture';
    317 $lang['upload_successful'] = 'Picture uploaded with success, an administrator will validate it as soon as possible';
    318 $lang['upload_title'] = 'Upload a picture';
    319 $lang['useful when password forgotten'] = 'useful when password forgotten';
    320 $lang['qsearch'] = 'Quick search';
    321 $lang['Connected user: %s'] = 'Connected user: %s';
    322 $lang['IP: %s'] = 'IP: %s';
    323 $lang['Browser: %s'] = 'Browser: %s';
    324 $lang['Author: %s'] = 'Author: %s';
    325 $lang['Comment: %s'] = 'Comment: %s';
    326 $lang['Delete: %s'] = 'Delete: %s';
    327 $lang['Validate: %s'] = 'Validate: %s';
    328 $lang['Comment by %s'] = 'Comment by %s';
    329 $lang['User: %s'] = 'User: %s';
    330 $lang['Email: %s'] = 'Email: %s';
    331 $lang['Admin: %s'] = 'Admin: %s';
    332 $lang['Registration of %s'] = 'Registration of %s';
    333 $lang['Category: %s'] = 'Category: %s';
    334 $lang['Picture name: %s'] = 'Picture name: %s';
    335 $lang['Creation date: %s'] = 'Creation date: %s';
    336 $lang['Waiting page: %s'] = 'Waiting page: %s';
    337 $lang['Picture uploaded by %s'] = 'Picture uploaded by %s';
    338 // --------- Starting below: New or revised $lang ---- from version 1.7.1
    339 $lang['guest_must_be_guest'] = 'Bad status for user "guest", using default status. Please notify the webmaster.';
    340 // --------- Starting below: New or revised $lang ---- from Butterfly (2.0)
    341 $lang['Administrator, webmaster and special user cannot use this method'] = 'Administrator, webmaster and special user cannot use this method';
    342 $lang['reg_err_mail_address_dbl'] = 'a user use already this mail address';
    343 $lang['Category results for'] = 'Category results for';
    344 $lang['Tag results for'] = 'Tag results for';
    345 $lang['from %s to %s'] = 'from %s to %s';
    346 $lang['start_play'] = 'Play of slideshow';
    347 $lang['stop_play'] = 'Pause of slideshow';
    348 $lang['start_repeat'] = 'Repeat the slideshow';
    349 $lang['stop_repeat'] = 'Not repeat the slideshow';
    350 $lang['inc_period'] = 'Reduce diaporama speed';
    351 $lang['dec_period'] = 'Accelerate diaporama speed';
    352 $lang['Submit'] = 'Submit';
    353 $lang['Yes'] = 'Yes';
    354 $lang['No'] = 'No';
    355 $lang['%d element']='%d image';
    356 $lang['%d elements']='%d images';
    357 $lang['%d element are also linked to current tags'] = '%d image is also linked to current tags';
    358 $lang['%d elements are also linked to current tags'] = '%d images are also linked to current tags';
    359 $lang['See elements linked to this tag only'] = 'See images linked to this tag only';
    360 $lang['elements posted during the last %d days'] = 'images posted during the last %d days';
    361 $lang['Choose an image'] = 'Choose an image';
    362 $lang['Piwigo Help'] = 'Piwigo Help';
    363 $lang['Rank'] = 'Rank';
    364 $lang['group by letters'] = 'group by letters';
    365 $lang['letters'] = 'letters';
    366 $lang['show tag cloud'] = 'show tag cloud';
    367 $lang['cloud'] = 'cloud';
    368 $lang['Reset_To_Default'] = 'Reset to default values';
    369 // --------- Starting below: New or revised $lang ---- from Colibri (2.1)
    370 $lang['del_all_favorites_hint'] = 'delete all images from your favorites';
    371 $lang['Sent by'] = 'Sent by';
    372 $lang['Cookies are blocked or not supported by your browser. You must enable cookies to connect.'] = 'Cookies are blocked or not supported by your browser. You must enable cookies to connect.';
     31$lang['%.2f (rated %d times, standard deviation = %.2f)'] = "%.2f (rated %d times, standard deviation = %.2f)";
     32$lang['%d Kb'] = "%d Kb";
     33$lang['%d category updated'] = "%d category updated";
     34$lang['%d categories updated'] = "%d categories updated";
     35$lang['%d comment to validate'] = "%d comment to validate";
     36$lang['%d comments to validate'] = "%d comments to validate";
     37$lang['%d new comment'] = "%d new comment";
     38$lang['%d new comments'] = "%d new comments";
     39$lang['%d comment'] = "%d comment";
     40$lang['%d comments'] = "%d comments";
     41$lang['%d hit'] = "%d hit";
     42$lang['%d hits'] = "%d hits";
     43$lang['%d new image'] = "%d new image";
     44$lang['%d new images'] = "%d new images";
     45$lang['%d new user'] = "%d new user";
     46$lang['%d new users'] = "%d new users";
     47$lang['%d waiting element'] = "%d waiting element";
     48$lang['%d waiting elements'] = "%d waiting elements";
     49$lang['About'] = "About";
     50$lang['All tags must match'] = "All tags must match";
     51$lang['All tags'] = "All tags";
     52$lang['Any tag'] = "Any tag";
     53$lang['At least one listed rule must be satisfied.'] = "At least one listed rule must be satisfied.";
     54$lang['At least one tag must match'] = "At least one tag must match";
     55$lang['Author'] = "Author";
     56$lang['Average rate'] = "Average rate";
     57$lang['Categories'] = "Categories";
     58$lang['Category'] = "Category";
     59$lang['Close this window'] = "Close this window";
     60$lang['Complete RSS feed (images, comments)'] = "Complete RSS feed (images, comments)";
     61$lang['Confirm Password'] = "Confirm Password";
     62$lang['Connection settings'] = "Connection settings";
     63$lang['Login'] = "Login";
     64$lang['Contact webmaster'] = "Contact webmaster";
     65$lang['Create a new account'] = "Create a new account";
     66$lang['Created on'] = "Created on";
     67$lang['Creation date'] = "Creation date";
     68$lang['Current password is wrong'] = "Current password is wrong";
     69$lang['Dimensions'] = "Dimensions";
     70$lang['Display'] = "Display";
     71$lang['Each listed rule must be satisfied.'] = "Each listed rule must be satisfied.";
     72$lang['Email address is missing'] = "Email address is missing";
     73$lang['Email address'] = "Email address";
     74$lang['Enter your personnal informations'] = "Enter your personnal informations";
     75$lang['Error sending email'] = "Error sending email";
     76$lang['File name'] = "File name";
     77$lang['File'] = "File";
     78$lang['Filesize'] = "Filesize";
     79$lang['Filter and display'] = "Filter and display";
     80$lang['Filter'] = "Filter";
     81$lang['Forgot your password?'] = "Forgot your password?";
     82$lang['Go through the gallery as a visitor'] = "Go through the gallery as a visitor";
     83$lang['Help'] = "Help";
     84$lang['Identification'] = "Identification";
     85$lang['Image only RSS feed'] = "Image only RSS feed";
     86$lang['Keyword'] = "Keyword";
     87$lang['Links'] = "Links";
     88$lang['Mail address'] = "Mail address";
     89$lang['N/A'] = "N/A";
     90$lang['New on %s'] = "New on %s";
     91$lang['New password confirmation does not correspond'] = "New password confirmation does not correspond";
     92$lang['New password sent by email'] = "New password sent by email";
     93$lang['No email address'] = "No email address";
     94$lang['No classic user matches this email address'] = "No classic user matches this email address";
     95$lang['Notification'] = "Notification";
     96$lang['Number of items'] = "Number of items";
     97$lang['Original dimensions'] = "Original dimensions";
     98$lang['Password forgotten'] = "Password forgotten";
     99$lang['Password'] = "Password";
     100$lang['Post date'] = "Post date";
     101$lang['Posted on'] = "Posted on";
     102$lang['Profile'] = "Profile";
     103$lang['Quick connect'] = "Quick connect";
     104$lang['RSS feed'] = "RSS feed";
     105$lang['Rate'] = "Rate";
     106$lang['Register'] = "Register";
     107$lang['Registration'] = "Registration";
     108$lang['Related tags'] = "Related tags";
     109$lang['Reset'] = "Reset";
     110$lang['Retrieve password'] = "Retrieve password";
     111$lang['Search rules'] = "Search rules";
     112$lang['Search tags'] = "Search tags";
     113$lang['Search'] = "Search";
     114$lang['See available tags'] = "See available tags";
     115$lang['Send new password'] = "Send new password";
     116$lang['Since'] = "Since";
     117$lang['Sort by'] = "Sort by";
     118$lang['Sort order'] = "Sort order";
     119$lang['Tag'] = "Tag";
     120$lang['Tags'] = "Tags";
     121$lang['The RSS notification feed provides notification on news from this website : new pictures, updated categories, new comments. Use a RSS feed reader.'] = "The RSS notification feed provides notification on news from this website : new pictures, updated categories, new comments. Use a RSS feed reader.";
     122$lang['Unknown feed identifier'] = "Unknown feed identifier";
     123$lang['User comments'] = "User comments";
     124$lang['Username'] = "Username";
     125$lang['Visits'] = "Visits";
     126$lang['Webmaster'] = "Webmaster";
     127$lang['Week %d'] = "Week %d";
     128$lang['About Piwigo'] = "About Piwigo";
     129$lang['You are not authorized to access the requested page'] = "You are not authorized to access the requested page";
     130$lang['add to caddie'] = "add to caddie";
     131$lang['add this image to your favorites'] = "add this image to your favorites";
     132$lang['Administration'] = "Administration";
     133$lang['Adviser mode enabled'] = "Adviser mode enabled";
     134$lang['all'] = "all";
     135$lang['ascending'] = "ascending";
     136$lang['author(s) : %s'] = "author(s) : %s";
     137$lang['Expand all categories'] = "Expand all categories";
     138$lang['posted after %s (%s)'] = "posted after %s (%s)";
     139$lang['posted before %s (%s)'] = "posted before %s (%s)";
     140$lang['posted between %s (%s) and %s (%s)'] = "posted between %s (%s) and %s (%s)";
     141$lang['posted on %s'] = "posted on %s";
     142$lang['Best rated'] = "Best rated";
     143$lang['display best rated items'] = "display best rated items";
     144$lang['caddie'] = "caddie";
     145$lang['Calendar'] = "Calendar";
     146$lang['All'] = "All";
     147$lang['display each day with pictures, month per month'] = "display each day with pictures, month per month";
     148$lang['display pictures added on'] = "display pictures added on";
     149$lang['View'] = "View";
     150$lang['chronology_monthly_calendar'] = "Monthly calendar";
     151$lang['chronology_monthly_list'] = "Monthly list";
     152$lang['chronology_weekly_list'] = "Weekly list";
     153$lang['Click here if your browser does not automatically forward you'] = "Click here if your browser does not automatically forward you";
     154$lang['comment date'] = "comment date";
     155$lang['Comment'] = "Comment";
     156$lang['Your comment has been registered'] = "Your comment has been registered";
     157$lang['Anti-flood system : please wait for a moment before trying to post another comment'] = "Anti-flood system : please wait for a moment before trying to post another comment";
     158$lang['Your comment has NOT been registered because it did not pass the validation rules'] = "Your comment has NOT been registered because it did not pass the validation rules";
     159$lang['An administrator must authorize your comment before it is visible.'] = "An administrator must authorize your comment before it is visible.";
     160$lang['This login is already used by another user'] = "This login is already used by another user";
     161$lang['Comments'] = "Comments";
     162$lang['Add a comment'] = "Add a comment";
     163$lang['created after %s (%s)'] = "created after %s (%s)";
     164$lang['created before %s (%s)'] = "created before %s (%s)";
     165$lang['created between %s (%s) and %s (%s)'] = "created between %s (%s) and %s (%s)";
     166$lang['created on %s'] = "created on %s";
     167$lang['Customize'] = "Customize";
     168$lang['Your Gallery Customization'] = "Your Gallery Customization";
     169$lang['day'][0] = "Sunday";
     170$lang['day'][1] = "Monday";
     171$lang['day'][2] = "Tuesday";
     172$lang['day'][3] = "Wednesday";
     173$lang['day'][4] = "Thursday";
     174$lang['day'][5] = "Friday";
     175$lang['day'][6] = "Saturday";
     176$lang['Default'] = "Default";
     177$lang['delete this image from your favorites'] = "delete this image from your favorites";
     178$lang['Delete'] = "Delete";
     179$lang['descending'] = "descending";
     180$lang['download'] = "download";
     181$lang['download this file'] = "download this file";
     182$lang['edit'] = "edit";
     183$lang['wrong date'] = "wrong date";
     184$lang['excluded'] = "excluded";
     185$lang['My favorites'] = "My favorites";
     186$lang['display my favorites pictures'] = "display my favorites pictures";
     187$lang['Favorites'] = "Favorites";
     188$lang['First'] = "First";
     189$lang['The gallery is locked for maintenance. Please, come back later.'] = "The gallery is locked for maintenance. Please, come back later.";
     190$lang['Page generated in'] = "Page generated in";
     191$lang['guest'] = "guest";
     192$lang['Hello'] = "Hello";
     193$lang['available for administrators only'] = "available for administrators only";
     194$lang['shows images at the root of this category'] = "shows images at the root of this category";
     195$lang['See last users comments'] = "See last users comments";
     196$lang['customize the appareance of the gallery'] = "customize the appareance of the gallery";
     197$lang['search'] = "search";
     198$lang['Home'] = "Home";
     199$lang['Identification'] = "Identification";
     200$lang['in this category'] = "in this category";
     201$lang['in %d sub-category'] = "in %d sub-category";
     202$lang['in %d sub-categories'] = "in %d sub-categories";
     203$lang['included'] = "included";
     204$lang['Invalid password!'] = "Invalid password!";
     205$lang['Language'] = "Language";
     206$lang['last %d days'] = "last %d days";
     207$lang['Last'] = "Last";
     208$lang['Logout'] = "Logout";
     209$lang['E-mail address'] = "E-mail address";
     210$lang['obligatory'] = "obligatory";
     211$lang['Maximum height of the pictures'] = "Maximum height of the pictures";
     212$lang['Maximum height must be a number superior to 50'] = "Maximum height must be a number superior to 50";
     213$lang['Maximum width of the pictures'] = "Maximum width of the pictures";
     214$lang['Maximum width must be a number superior to 50'] = "Maximum width must be a number superior to 50";
     215$lang['display a calendar by creation date'] = "display a calendar by creation date";
     216$lang['display all elements in all sub-categories'] = "display all elements in all sub-categories";
     217$lang['return to normal view mode'] = "return to normal view mode";
     218$lang['display a calendar by posted date'] = "display a calendar by posted date";
     219$lang['month'][10] = "October";
     220$lang['month'][11] = "November";
     221$lang['month'][12] = "December";
     222$lang['month'][1] = "January";
     223$lang['month'][2] = "February";
     224$lang['month'][3] = "March";
     225$lang['month'][4] = "April";
     226$lang['month'][5] = "May";
     227$lang['month'][6] = "June";
     228$lang['month'][7] = "July";
     229$lang['month'][8] = "August";
     230$lang['month'][9] = "September";
     231$lang['Most visited'] = "Most visited";
     232$lang['display most visited pictures'] = "display most visited pictures";
     233$lang['The number of images per row must be a not null scalar'] = "The number of images per row must be a not null scalar";
     234$lang['Number of images per row'] = "Number of images per row";
     235$lang['The number of rows per page must be a not null scalar'] = "The number of rows per page must be a not null scalar";
     236$lang['Number of rows per page'] = "Number of rows per page";
     237$lang['Unknown identifier'] = "Unknown identifier";
     238$lang['New password'] = "New password";
     239$lang['Rate this picture'] = "Rate this picture";
     240$lang['Next'] = "Next";
     241$lang['Home'] = "Home";
     242$lang['no rate'] = "no rate";
     243$lang['Elements posted within the last %d day.'] = "Elements posted within the last %d day.";
     244$lang['Elements posted within the last %d days.'] = "Elements posted within the last %d days.";
     245$lang['password updated'] = "password updated";
     246$lang['Recent period must be a positive integer value'] = "Recent period must be a positive integer value";
     247$lang['picture'] = "picture";
     248$lang['Click on the picture to see it in high definition'] = "Click on the picture to see it in high definition";
     249$lang['Show file metadata'] = "Show file metadata";
     250$lang['Powered by'] = "Powered by";
     251$lang['Preferences'] = "Preferences";
     252$lang['Previous'] = "Previous";
     253$lang['Random pictures'] = "Random pictures";
     254$lang['display a set of random pictures'] = "display a set of random pictures";
     255$lang['Recent categories'] = "Recent categories";
     256$lang['display recently updated categories'] = "display recently updated categories";
     257$lang['Recent period'] = "Recent period";
     258$lang['Recent pictures'] = "Recent pictures";
     259$lang['display most recent pictures'] = "display most recent pictures";
     260$lang['Redirection...'] = "Redirection...";
     261$lang['Please, enter a login'] = "Please, enter a login";
     262$lang['login mustn\'t end with a space character'] = "login mustn't end with a space character";
     263$lang['login mustn\'t start with a space character'] = "login mustn't start with a space character";
     264$lang['this login is already used'] = "this login is already used";
     265$lang['mail address must be like xxx@yyy.eee (example : jack@altern.org)'] = "mail address must be like xxx@yyy.eee (example : jack@altern.org)";
     266$lang['please enter your password again'] = "please enter your password again";
     267$lang['Auto login'] = "Auto login";
     268$lang['remove this tag from the list'] = "remove this tag from the list";
     269$lang['representative'] = "representative";
     270$lang['return to homepage'] = "return to homepage";
     271$lang['Search for Author'] = "Search for Author";
     272$lang['Search in Categories'] = "Search in Categories";
     273$lang['Search by Date'] = "Search by Date";
     274$lang['Date'] = "Date";
     275$lang['End-Date'] = "End-Date";
     276$lang['Kind of date'] = "Kind of date";
     277$lang['Search for words'] = "Search for words";
     278$lang['Search for all terms'] = "Search for all terms";
     279$lang['Search for any terms'] = "Search for any terms";
     280$lang['Empty query. No criteria has been entered.'] = "Empty query. No criteria has been entered.";
     281$lang['Search Options'] = "Search Options";
     282$lang['Search results'] = "Search results";
     283$lang['Search in subcategories'] = "Search in subcategories";
     284$lang['Search'] = "Search";
     285$lang['searched words : %s'] = "searched words : %s";
     286$lang['Contact'] = "Contact";
     287$lang['set as category representative'] = "set as category representative";
     288$lang['Show number of comments'] = "Show number of comments";
     289$lang['Show number of hits'] = "Show number of hits";
     290$lang['slideshow'] = "slideshow";
     291$lang['stop the slideshow'] = "stop the slideshow";
     292$lang['Specials'] = "Specials";
     293$lang['SQL queries in'] = "SQL queries in";
     294$lang['display only recently posted images'] = "display only recently posted images";
     295$lang['return to the display of all images'] = "return to the display of all images";
     296$lang['the beginning'] = "the beginning";
     297$lang['Interface theme'] = "Interface theme";
     298$lang['Thumbnails'] = "Thumbnails";
     299$lang['Menu'] = "Menu";
     300$lang['A comment on your site'] = "A comment on your site";
     301$lang['today'] = "today";
     302$lang['Update your rating'] = "Update your rating";
     303$lang['wrong filename'] = "wrong filename";
     304$lang['the filesize of the picture must not exceed :'] = "the filesize of the picture must not exceed :";
     305$lang['the picture must be to the fileformat jpg, gif or png'] = "the picture must be to the fileformat jpg, gif or png";
     306$lang['the height of the picture must not exceed :'] = "the height of the picture must not exceed :";
     307$lang['Optional, but recommended : choose a thumbnail to associate to'] = "Optional, but recommended : choose a thumbnail to associate to";
     308$lang['the width of the picture must not exceed :'] = "the width of the picture must not exceed :";
     309$lang['Author'] = "Author";
     310$lang['can\'t upload the picture on the server'] = "can't upload the picture on the server";
     311$lang['the username must be given'] = "the username must be given";
     312$lang['A picture\'s name already used'] = "A picture's name already used";
     313$lang['You must choose a picture fileformat for the image'] = "You must choose a picture fileformat for the image";
     314$lang['You can\'t upload pictures in this category'] = "You can't upload pictures in this category";
     315$lang['Name of the picture'] = "Name of the picture";
     316$lang['Upload a picture'] = "Upload a picture";
     317$lang['Picture uploaded with success, an administrator will validate it as soon as possible'] = "Picture uploaded with success, an administrator will validate it as soon as possible";
     318$lang['Upload a picture'] = "Upload a picture";
     319$lang['useful when password forgotten'] = "useful when password forgotten";
     320$lang['Quick search'] = "Quick search";
     321$lang['Connected user: %s'] = "Connected user: %s";
     322$lang['IP: %s'] = "IP: %s";
     323$lang['Browser: %s'] = "Browser: %s";
     324$lang['Author: %s'] = "Author: %s";
     325$lang['Comment: %s'] = "Comment: %s";
     326$lang['Delete: %s'] = "Delete: %s";
     327$lang['Validate: %s'] = "Validate: %s";
     328$lang['Comment by %s'] = "Comment by %s";
     329$lang['User: %s'] = "User: %s";
     330$lang['Email: %s'] = "Email: %s";
     331$lang['Admin: %s'] = "Admin: %s";
     332$lang['Registration of %s'] = "Registration of %s";
     333$lang['Category: %s'] = "Category: %s";
     334$lang['Picture name: %s'] = "Picture name: %s";
     335$lang['Creation date: %s'] = "Creation date: %s";
     336$lang['Waiting page: %s'] = "Waiting page: %s";
     337$lang['Picture uploaded by %s'] = "Picture uploaded by %s";
     338$lang['Bad status for user "guest", using default status. Please notify the webmaster.'] = "Bad status for user \"guest\", using default status. Please notify the webmaster.";
     339$lang['Administrator, webmaster and special user cannot use this method'] = "Administrator, webmaster and special user cannot use this method";
     340$lang['a user use already this mail address'] = "a user use already this mail address";
     341$lang['Category results for'] = "Category results for";
     342$lang['Tag results for'] = "Tag results for";
     343$lang['from %s to %s'] = "from %s to %s";
     344$lang['Play of slideshow'] = "Play of slideshow";
     345$lang['Pause of slideshow'] = "Pause of slideshow";
     346$lang['Repeat the slideshow'] = "Repeat the slideshow";
     347$lang['Not repeat the slideshow'] = "Not repeat the slideshow";
     348$lang['Reduce diaporama speed'] = "Reduce diaporama speed";
     349$lang['Accelerate diaporama speed'] = "Accelerate diaporama speed";
     350$lang['Submit'] = "Submit";
     351$lang['Yes'] = "Yes";
     352$lang['No'] = "No";
     353$lang['%d image'] = "%d image";
     354$lang['%d images'] = "%d images";
     355$lang['%d image is also linked to current tags'] = "%d image is also linked to current tags";
     356$lang['%d images are also linked to current tags'] = "%d images are also linked to current tags";
     357$lang['See images linked to this tag only'] = "See images linked to this tag only";
     358$lang['images posted during the last %d days'] = "images posted during the last %d days";
     359$lang['Choose an image'] = "Choose an image";
     360$lang['Piwigo Help'] = "Piwigo Help";
     361$lang['Rank'] = "Rank";
     362$lang['group by letters'] = "group by letters";
     363$lang['letters'] = "letters";
     364$lang['show tag cloud'] = "show tag cloud";
     365$lang['cloud'] = "cloud";
     366$lang['Reset to default values'] = "Reset to default values";
     367$lang['delete all images from your favorites'] = "delete all images from your favorites";
     368$lang['Sent by'] = "Sent by";
     369$lang['Cookies are blocked or not supported by your browser. You must enable cookies to connect.'] = "Cookies are blocked or not supported by your browser. You must enable cookies to connect.";
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.