Apr 1, 2010, 11:11:14 PM (14 years ago)

Fix missing keys: some keys have been removed by mistake during the massive
key conversion.

Remove some language keys that are really obsolete. I've updated the script
to convert language files to 2.1, I will apply "obsolete keys removal" process
in a 2nd step on other languages.

1 edited


  • trunk/language/en_UK/install.lang.php

    r5535 r5559  
    3333$lang['Webmaster login'] = "Webmaster login";
    3434$lang['It will be shown to the visitors. It is necessary for website administration'] = "It will be shown to the visitors. It is necessary for website administration";
    35 $lang['Parameters are correct'] = "Parameters are correct";
    3635$lang['Connection to server succeed, but it was impossible to connect to database'] = "Connection to server successful, but the connection to the database is impossible";
    3736$lang['Can\'t connect to server'] = "Cannot connect to server";
    38 $lang['The next step of the installation is now possible'] = "The next step of the installation is now possible";
    3937$lang['Copy the text in pink between hyphens and paste it into the file "local/config/database.inc.php"(Warning : database.inc.php must only contain what is in pink, no line return or space character)'] = "Copy the text in pink between hyphens and paste it into the file \"local/config/database.inc.php\". (Warning: database.inc.php must only contain the pink text, without additional line return or space character)";
    4038$lang['Database type'] = "Database type";
    5351$lang['webmaster login can\'t contain characters \' or "'] = "webmaster login can't contain characters ' or \"";
    5452$lang['please enter your password again'] = "please enter your password again";
    55 $lang['Installation finished'] = "Installation finished";
    5653$lang['Webmaster password'] = "Webmaster password";
    5754$lang['Keep it confidential, it enables you to access administration panel'] = "Keep it confidential, it enables you to access administration panel";
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