Sep 28, 2010, 2:20:14 AM (14 years ago)

feature 1616: integrate Albums plugin extension:396 into trunk (with new language keys)

1 edited


  • trunk/language/zh_CN/admin.lang.php

    r7024 r7027  
    2424$lang['%d association'] = '%d 相关';
    2525$lang['%d associations'] = '%d 相关';
    26 $lang['%d album including'] = '包含 %d 类';
    27 $lang['%d albums including'] = '包含 %d 等类';
     26$lang['%d album including'] = '%d 相册包含中';
     27$lang['%d albums including'] = '%d 相册包含中';
    2828$lang['%d physical'] = '物理 %d';
    2929$lang['%d physical'] = '物理 %d ';
    3030$lang[' and %d virtual'] = ' 和 虚拟 %d ';
    3131$lang[' and %d virtual'] = ' 和 虚拟 %d ';
    32 $lang['%d album moved'] = '%d 类已迁移';
    33 $lang['%d albums moved'] = '%d 等类已迁移';
     32$lang['%d album moved'] = '%d 相册已移动';
     33$lang['%d albums moved'] = '%d 相册已移动';
    3434$lang['%d group'] = '%d 组';
    3535$lang['%d groups'] = '%d 组';
    5858$lang['Add'] = '增加';
    5959$lang['Allow user registration'] = '允许用户注册';
    60 $lang['Apply to sub-albums'] = '应用于子类中';
     60$lang['Apply to sub-albums'] = '应用到子相册';
    6161$lang['Associated'] = '关联于';
    6262$lang['Batch management'] = '分批管理';
    6363$lang['Caddie management'] = '购物篮管理';
    6464$lang['Caddie'] = '购物篮';
    65 $lang['Albums authorized thanks to group associations'] = '同组成员可以访问授权类';
    66 $lang['Album manual order was saved'] = '类手动排序已保存';
    67 $lang['Album elements associated to the following albums: %s'] = '本类成员与如下类产生关联: %s';
     65$lang['Albums authorized thanks to group associations'] = '相册组织授权感谢协会';
     66$lang['Album manual order was saved'] = '相册手工排序已保存';
     67$lang['Album elements associated to the following albums: %s'] = '相册里的相片已联合到以下相册: %s';
    6868$lang['Check for upgrade failed for unknown reasons.'] = '因未知原因导致更新检测失败.';
    6969$lang['Check for upgrade'] = '检测更新';
    103103$lang['Informations'] = '信息';
    104104$lang['Install'] = '安装';
    105 $lang['Link all album elements to a new album'] = '把所有本类中的成员关联到一个新类';
    106 $lang['Link all album elements to some existing albums'] = '把所有本类中的成员关联到已存在类中';
    107 $lang['Linked albums'] = '关联类';
     105$lang['Link all album elements to a new album'] = '链接所有相册的相片到新的相册';
     106$lang['Link all album elements to some existing albums'] = '链接所有相册的相片到现有的相册';
     107$lang['Linked albums'] = '已链接相册';
    108108$lang['Lock gallery'] = '冻结图库';
    109109$lang['Maintenance'] = '维护';
    110 $lang['Edit album permissions'] = '对类进行权限管理';
     110$lang['Edit album permissions'] = '管理相册的权限';
    111111$lang['Manage permissions for group "%s"'] = '对组 "%s" 进行权限管理';
    112112$lang['Manage permissions for user "%s"'] = '对用户 "%s" 进行权限管理';
    114114$lang['Members'] = '成员';
    115115$lang['Metadata synchronized from file'] = '对文件进行元数据同步';
    116 $lang['Move albums'] = '移动';
     116$lang['Move albums'] = '移动相册';
    117117$lang['Move'] = '移动';
    118118$lang['Name'] = '名字';
    119119$lang['New name'] = '新名';
    120 $lang['New parent album'] = '新父类';
     120$lang['New parent album'] = '新的父相册';
    121121$lang['New tag'] = '新标签';
    122122$lang['Number of comments per page'] = '每页评论数';
    123123$lang['Number of rates'] = '投票数';
    124124$lang['Number of thumbnails to create'] = '缩略图数';
    125 $lang['Only private albums are listed'] = '只列表显示私类';
     125$lang['Only private albums are listed'] = '只列出私有相册';
    126126$lang['Operating system'] = '操作系统';
    127127$lang['Options'] = '选项';
    128 $lang['Other private albums'] = '另外私类';
     128$lang['Other private albums'] = '其他私有相册';
    129129$lang['Page banner'] = '页标语';
    130 $lang['Parent album'] = '父';
     130$lang['Parent album'] = '父相册';
    131131$lang['Path'] = '路径';
    132132$lang['Permalink'] = '固定链接';
    133 $lang['Permalink %s has been previously used by album %s. Delete from the permalink history first'] = '链接 %s 先前已经被类 %s 使用. 请删除固定链接历史记录';
     133$lang['Permalink %s has been previously used by album %s. Delete from the permalink history first'] = '固定链接 %s 已被 %s 相册使用了。请先从固定链接历史记录删除。';
    134134$lang['The permalink name must be composed of a-z, A-Z, 0-9, "-", "_" or "/". It must not be numeric or start with number followed by "-"'] = '固定链接中包含了非法字符("a-zA-Z0-9", "-", "_" ou "/"). 禁止使用数字和以"-"开头后面紧跟数字';
    135 $lang['Permalink %s is already used by album %s'] = '链接 %s 已经被类 %s 使用.';
     135$lang['Permalink %s is already used by album %s'] = '固定链接 %s 已被 %s 相册使用了';
    136136$lang['Permalink history'] = '固定链接历史记录';
    137137$lang['Permalinks'] = '固定链接';
    151151$lang['Reject'] = '取消';
    152152$lang['Representant'] = '代理人';
    153 $lang['Representation of albums'] = '类表现';
     153$lang['Representation of albums'] = '相册代表';
    154154$lang['Representative'] = '代理人';
    155155$lang['Represents'] = '代理';
    156156$lang['Save order'] = '保存排序';
    157157$lang['Save to permalink history'] = '保存到固定链接的历史记录中';
    158 $lang['Select at least one album'] = '至少选中一个类';
     158$lang['Select at least one album'] = '选择最后一个相册';
    159159$lang['Select at least one picture'] = '至少选中一张图片';
    160160$lang['Select at least one user'] = '至少选中一个用户';
    163163$lang['Status'] = '状态';
    164164$lang['Statistics'] = '统计';
    165 $lang['Storage album'] = '保存类';
     165$lang['Storage album'] = '存储相册';
    166166$lang['Sum of rates'] = '总投票分';
    167167$lang['Tag "%s" already exists'] = '标签 "%s" 已存在';
    179179$lang['Validation'] = '确认';
    180180$lang['Version'] = '版本';
    181 $lang['Virtual albums to move'] = '将要移动的虚拟类';
    182 $lang['Virtual album name'] = '虚拟类名';
     181$lang['Virtual albums to move'] = '移动虚拟相册';
     182$lang['Virtual album name'] = '虚拟相册名称';
    183183$lang['Webmaster cannot be deleted'] = '不能删除网管帐户';
    184184$lang['You are running on development sources, no check possible.'] = '你运行的是源码开发版本, 不能检测最新版.';
    185185$lang['You cannot delete your account'] = "你不能删除自己本身帐号";
    186 $lang['You cannot move an album in its own sub album'] = '你不能把类移到它本身子类中';
     186$lang['You cannot move an album in its own sub album'] = '您不能将一个相册移动到其子相册里';
    187187$lang['You need to confirm deletion'] = '你必须确认删除操作';
    188188$lang['add tags'] = '增加标签';
    189189$lang['Adviser'] = '顾问';
    190 $lang['Associate to album'] = '关联到类';
     190$lang['Associate to album'] = '联合到相册';
    191191$lang['associate to group'] = '关联到组';
    192192$lang['Authorized'] = '授权';
    193 $lang['Add a virtual album'] = '增加虚拟类';
    194 $lang['Authorize users to add comments on selected albums'] = '允许用户对所选类发表评论';
    195 $lang['The name of an album must not be empty'] = '类名不能为空';
    196 $lang['Lock albums'] = '冻结类';
    197 $lang['Private'] = '私';
    198 $lang['Public'] = '公';
     193$lang['Add a virtual album'] = '添加一个虚拟相册';
     194$lang['Authorize users to add comments on selected albums'] = '让用户可在所选相册里发表评论';
     195$lang['The name of an album must not be empty'] = '相册名称不能为空';
     196$lang['Lock albums'] = '锁定相册';
     197$lang['Private'] = '私有相册';
     198$lang['Public'] = '公共相册';
    199199$lang['Find a new representant by random'] = '随机寻找代理人';
    200200$lang['Public / Private'] = '公有 / 私有';
    201 $lang['Manage authorizations for selected albums'] = '管理所选类权限';
    202 $lang['Select uploadable albums'] = '选择上传类';
    203 $lang['Virtual album added'] = '虚拟类已加入';
    204 $lang['Virtual album deleted'] = '虚拟已删除';
     201$lang['Manage authorizations for selected albums'] = '管理所选相册的授权';
     202$lang['Select uploadable albums'] = '选择可上传的相册';
     203$lang['Virtual album added'] = '虚拟相册已添加';
     204$lang['Virtual album deleted'] = '虚拟相册已删除';
    205205$lang['Access type'] = '权限类型';
    206206$lang['Comments'] = '评论';
    213213$lang['confirm'] = '设置';
    214214$lang['Date'] = '日期';
    215 $lang['delete album'] = '删除';
    216 $lang['Dissociate from album'] = '取消类关联';
     215$lang['delete album'] = '删除相册';
     216$lang['Dissociate from album'] = '从相册里分离';
    217217$lang['dissociate from group'] = '取消组关联';
    218 $lang['edit album permissions'] = '修改权限';
    219 $lang['Album updated successfully'] = '类信息成功更新.';
     218$lang['edit album permissions'] = '修改相册权限';
     219$lang['Album updated successfully'] = '相册信息已上传成功.';
    220220$lang['Authorize upload'] = '允许上传图片';
    221221$lang['elements per page'] = '每页图片';
    234234$lang['This name is already used by another group.'] = '组名已存在.';
    235235$lang['High definition'] = '高清';
    236 $lang['jump to album'] = '跳转到类';
     236$lang['jump to album'] = '跳到相册';
    237237$lang['jump to image'] = '跳转到图';
    238238$lang['leave'] = '开锁';
    239239$lang['Lock'] = '上锁';
    240240$lang['Locked'] = '锁定';
    241 $lang['manage album elements'] = '管理类成员';
    242 $lang['manage sub-albums'] = '管理子';
     241$lang['manage album elements'] = '管理相册里的相片';
     242$lang['manage sub-albums'] = '管理子相册';
    243243$lang['Manage'] = '管理';
    244244$lang['maximum height'] = '最高高度';
    350350$lang['status'] = '状态';
    351351$lang['Directory'] = '文件夹';
    352 $lang['sub-albums'] = '子';
     352$lang['sub-albums'] = '子相册';
    353353$lang['synchronize metadata'] = '同步元数据';
    354354$lang['target'] = '目标';
    355355$lang['Thumbnail'] = '缩略图';
    356356$lang['title'] = '标题';
    357 $lang['Album list management'] = '管理';
     357$lang['Album list management'] = '相册管理';
    358358$lang['Piwigo configuration'] = '配置Piwigo';
    359359$lang['Piwigo administration'] = 'Piwigo管理员';
    360 $lang['Edit album'] = '修改';
     360$lang['Edit album'] = '修改一个相册';
    361361$lang['Group management'] = '组管理';
    362362$lang['User list'] = '用户名单';
    386386$lang['Unlocked'] = '解锁';
    387387$lang['unset'] = '清空';
    388 $lang['Update albums informations'] = '更新类信息';
     388$lang['Update albums informations'] = '上传相册信息';
    389389$lang['Update images informations'] = '更新图信息';
    390390$lang['Synchronize'] = '同步';
    391 $lang['reduce to single existing albums'] = '只能处理一个类';
     391$lang['reduce to single existing albums'] = '减少现有的单独相册';
    392392$lang['Choose an option'] = '选择一个选项';
    393 $lang['display maximum informations (added albums and elements, deleted albums and elements)'] = '显示全部信息 (增加类, 增加图片, 删除类和图片)';
     393$lang['display maximum informations (added albums and elements, deleted albums and elements)'] = '显示最全的信息 (添加相册和相片,删除相册和相片)';
    394394$lang['Piwigo version differs on the remote site'] = '与远端站点的Piwigo版本不相同';
    395395$lang['Version of create_listing_file.php on the remote site and Piwigo must be the same'] = '与远端站点文件create_listing_file.php版本和Piwigo版本必须相同';
    401401$lang['File/directory read error'] = '文件/文件夹打开错误';
    402402$lang['The file or directory cannot be accessed (either it does not exist or the access is denied)'] = '无法打开文件或文件夹(要么根本不存在,要么拒绝访问)';
    403 $lang['a picture filetype requires a thumbnail. The thumbnail must be present in the sub-directory "thumbnail" of the album directory. The thumbnail filename must start with the configured thumbnail prefix and the extension must be among the following list :'] = '每个图片文件需要一个缩略图.缩略图应该存在于类文件夹下的子文件夹"thumbnail"中. 缩略图文件名应该以设置参数"prefix_thumbnail"开始, 扩展名为:';
     403$lang['a picture filetype requires a thumbnail. The thumbnail must be present in the sub-directory "thumbnail" of the album directory. The thumbnail filename must start with the configured thumbnail prefix and the extension must be among the following list :'] = '图片文件需要一个缩略图。缩略图必须放在相册的 \'thumbnail\' 子目录. 缩略图文件名必须与配置相同,其前缀和扩展必须在以下列表:';
    404404$lang['missing thumbnail'] = '缺少缩略图';
    405 $lang['albums deleted in the database'] = '类已从数据库中删除';
     405$lang['albums deleted in the database'] = '相册已从数据库删除';
    406406$lang['elements deleted in the database'] = '图片已从数据库中删除';
    407407$lang['images candidates for metadata synchronization'] = '对应同步元数据的候选图片';
    408408$lang['elements informations synchronized with files metadata'] = '附有元数据的同步图片信息informations des images synchronisées avec les méta-données';
    409409$lang['errors during synchronization'] = '同步期间发生错误';
    410 $lang['albums added in the database'] = '增加类到数据库';
     410$lang['albums added in the database'] = '相册已添加到数据库';
    411411$lang['elements added in the database'] = '增加图片到数据库';
    412412$lang['elements updated in the database'] = '更新数据库中的图片';
    433433$lang['user_status_normal'] = '游客';
    434434$lang['user_status_webmaster'] = '网管';
    435 $lang['Virtual album'] = '虚拟';
     435$lang['Virtual album'] = '虚拟相册';
    436436$lang['Waiting'] = '等待';
    437437$lang['default'] = '默认';
    440440$lang['Not linked elements'] = '无链接图片';
    441441$lang['Specials'] = '特殊';
    442 $lang['Files with same name in more than one physical album'] = '在好几个物理类中存在同名文件';
     442$lang['Files with same name in more than one physical album'] = '同一个文件名存在于多个物理相册中';
    444444$lang['Overall'] = '全局视图';
    459459$lang['Send an information email to group members'] = '向组成员发送一份信息邮件';
    460460$lang['Group'] = '组';
    461 $lang['[%s] Visit album %s'] = '[%s] 访问了类 %s';
     461$lang['[%s] Visit album %s'] = '[%s] 参观相册 %s';
    462462$lang['Hello,'] = '你好,';
    463463$lang['See you soon.'] = '再见.';
    464 $lang['Discover album:'] = '挖掘类:';
     464$lang['Discover album:'] = '探索相册:';
    465465$lang['Mail content'] = '邮件内容';
    466466$lang['none'] = '没有任何人';
    588588$lang['Optimizations have been completed with some errors.'] = '有些优化发生错误.';
    589589$lang['Modify information'] = '修改信息';
    590 $lang['edit album'] = '编辑类信息';
     590$lang['edit album'] = '修改此相册的信息';
    591591$lang['nothing'] = '没有内容';
    592592$lang['overrides existing values with empty ones'] = '用空数据来删除已存在的数据';
    594594$lang['Manage image ranks'] = '管理图片排序';
    595595$lang['Edit ranks'] = '修改排序方式';
    596 $lang['No element in this album'] = '该类中没有图片';
     596$lang['No element in this album'] = '没有相片在此相册里';
    597597$lang['Images manual order was saved'] = '图片手动排序已保存';
    598598$lang['ranks'] = '顺序';
    630630$lang['unknown'] = '未知';
    631631$lang['Upload Photos'] = '上传相片';
    632 $lang['Drop into album'] = '拖进类别';
     632$lang['Drop into album'] = '拖进相册';
    633633$lang['+ Add an upload box'] = '+ 添加一个上传框';
    634634$lang['Create the "%s" directory at the root of your Piwigo installation'] = '在您的根目录下创建 "%s" 目录以完成 Piwigo 的安装';
    635635$lang['Give write access (chmod 777) to "%s" directory at the root of your Piwigo installation'] = '给予根目录下的 "%s" 目录写权限 (chmod 777) 以完成 Piwigo 的安装';
    636 $lang['existing album'] = '已存在类别';
    637 $lang['create a new album'] = '创建一个新类别';
    638 $lang['Album name'] = '类别名称';
    639 $lang['Album "%s" has been added'] = '类别 "%s" 已添加';
     636$lang['existing album'] = '现有的相册';
     637$lang['create a new album'] = '创建一个新相册';
     638$lang['Album name'] = '相册名称';
     639$lang['Album "%s" has been added'] = '相册 \'%s\' 已添加';
    640640$lang['Uploaded Photos'] = '相片已上传';
    641641$lang['%d photos uploaded'] = '%d 相片已上传';
    642642$lang['Privacy level set to "%s"'] = '私有级别设置为 "%s"';
    643 $lang['Album "%s" now contains %d photos'] = '类别 "%s" 现已包含了 %d 相片';
     643$lang['Album "%s" now contains %d photos'] = '相册 \'%s\' 现已包含了 %d 相片';
    644644$lang['Manage this set of %d photos'] = '管理此设置的 %d 张照片 ';
    645645$lang['Select files'] = '选择文件';
    667667$lang['Add write access to the "%s" directory'] = '为 "%s" 目录添加写权限';
    668668$lang['Administration Home'] = '管理员首页';
    669 $lang['Categories ordered alphanumerically'] = '类别按字母排序';
    670 $lang['Categories ordered alphanumerically reverse'] = '类别按字母降序排序';
     669$lang['Categories ordered alphanumerically'] = '相册已按字母排序';
     670$lang['Categories ordered alphanumerically reverse'] = '相册已按字母倒序排序';
    671671$lang['Change Admin Colors'] = '更改管理员后台颜色';
    672672$lang['Delete this theme'] = '删除此主题';
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.