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Technical changes in Piwigo 2.11

[In Progress] "Multiple formats" for videos

(pull-request #980)

When we upload a video (higher than HD) in Piwigo 2.10, it will generate the video in HD to help users to see videos in their gallery if they have a heavy file. To create this feature, we added a new trigger at the end of the upload process called :

trigger_notify('upload_file_end', $example);

The video is generate with ffmpeg in command line and stored in 'pwg_format'.

tag combination title

header.tpl : promote mobile app

In the


section of header.tpl, we have added :

<meta name="apple-itunes-app" content="app-id=472225196">

This feature will only work if the theme has it in its header.tpl file, if any.

plugin "Has Settings"

In Piwigo 11, plugins are no longer listed in the administration menu. Instead we have a “Settings” button in the box of the plugin. The button is activated by the old get_admin_plugin_menu_links trigger but can be replaced by the “Has Settings” in the file header.

You can replace:

add_event_handler('get_admin_plugin_menu_links', 'pshare_admin_menu');
function pshare_admin_menu($menu)
  global $page;
      'NAME' => 'Private Share',
      'URL'  => get_root_url().'admin.php?page=plugin-private_share'
  return $menu;

by the last line “Has Settings”:

Plugin Name: Private Share
Version: auto
Description: Share a private photo, with a key instead of authentication
Plugin URI:
Author: plg
Author URI:
Has Settings: true

This will obviously be only compatible with Piwigo 11+. So maybe you can keep both for a while.

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dev/changes_in_2.11.1606829794.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/12/01 13:36 by plg
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