Piwigo shines when it comes to classifying thousands or even hundreds of thousands of photos.
Born in 2002, Piwigo has been supporting its users for more than 22 years. Always evolving!
Source code is available, editable, auditable and extendable thanks to plugins and themes.
I discovered Piwigo quite a few years ago for personal local use. I then installed it at a hosting company where I made the photos I took at local events available to my commune. The French Swimming Federation has a huge collection of photos and videos. In discussion with our photographer, who couldn't find a satisfactory solution and thought it was a shame that this memory wasn't being used for our publications, I suggested that he give Piwigo a try. After a few adjustments and plug-in installations, it turned out to be a stable, customizable and crash-proof solution. Our employees now have a photo library worthy of the name. I'd like to thank the Piwigo team for the quality of their work.
Jacques Amaury, Fédération Française de Natation
Feeding an online photo library was a real challenge for us! The platform is fun, ergonomic and compatible with our other software. A real time saver, a success!
Nicolas, Parc naturel régional des Landes de Gascogne
I like to publish my photos and I started 2013 using koken. koken is no longer maintained, I made my change to Piwigo in 2020 as it offers a lot of possibilities and a good support based on the community behind. Piwigo's history was enough reason to expect a system with ongoing maintenance and development different to koken. A system which is open and free is in my view a choice which can last for a long time.
Ulf Tietjen
Before Piwigo, we had a real issue of quality control, and we struggled finding and organising all our digital media. But we didn’t want something too complicated. Piwigo was easy to use and quick to implement. It took 3 months to get it right with the organisation : it was about process definition and communication. People did not have any problem adopting Piwigo, it is really easy to use.
Tom Chippendale, Wessex Water
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