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Technical changes in Piwigo 2.2

FIXME (2011-03-09) this page is under preparation

This page lists the technical changes that may be useful for plugin and theme developpers to make their extension compatible with Piwigo 2.2.

  • CSS and Javascript files are combined to reduce the number of HTTP requests
  • core themes use CSS sprites for icons to reduce the number of HTTP requests
  • cleaner URL for plugin administration page admin.php?page=plugin-community-pendings
  • $config['local_dir'] instead of ”./local/”
  • adviser mode was removed

combined_script + footer_script replaces known_script

To reduce the number of HTTP requests from the visitor web browser to the web server, we use the new “combine script” method, which merge several javascript files into a single one, minified.

{combine_script id="jquery" load="header" path=...}
{combine_script id="jquery.anything" load="footer" require="jquery" path=...}
{combine_script id="jquery.ui" load="footer" require="jquery" path=...}
{combine_script id="jquery.ui.datepicker" load="footer" require="jquery.ui" path=...}
{combine_script id="core.scripts" load="async" path=scripts.js}
{combine_script id="rating" load="async" require="core.scripts" path=rating.js}
{combine_script id="jquery" load="async"}
{combine_script id="jquery.ui" load="async"}
{combine_script id="jquery.ui.draggable" load="async"}
{footer_script require='jquery.ui.xxxx'}
  • id : a string that make the javascript file unique
  • load : header/footer/async. header and footer values means the javascript file doesn't need to be loaded by the web browser to display the page. For example Google Analytics javascript could be “async”.
  • require : the id of the parent javascript file.
  • path : relative to the “root url” of your gallery

Example 1, jquery.fcbkcomplete

{known_script id="jquery.fcbkcomplete" src=$ROOT_URL|@cat:"themes/default/js/plugins/jquery.fcbkcomplete.js"}
<script type="text/javascript">
  $(document).ready(function() {
      json_url: "admin.php?fckb_tags=1",
      cache: false,
      filter_case: false,
      filter_hide: true,
      firstselected: true,
      filter_selected: true,
      maxitems: 100,
      newel: true


{combine_script id='jquery.fcbkcomplete' load='footer' require='jquery' path='themes/default/js/plugins/jquery.fcbkcomplete.js'}
{footer_script require='jquery.fcbkcomplete'}{literal}
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
    json_url: "admin.php?fckb_tags=1",
    cache: false,
    filter_case: false,
    filter_hide: true,
    firstselected: true,
    filter_selected: true,
    maxitems: 100,
    newel: true

Example 2, jquery.ui.sortable

{known_script id="jquery" src=$ROOT_URL|@cat:"themes/default/js/jquery.packed.js"}
{known_script id="jquery.ui" src=$ROOT_URL|@cat:"themes/default/js/ui/packed/ui.core.packed.js" }
{known_script id="jquery.ui.sortable" src=$ROOT_URL|@cat:"themes/default/js/ui/packed/ui.sortable.packed.js" }
<script type="text/javascript">
    axis: "y",
    opacity: 0.8


{footer_script require='jquery.ui.sortable'}{literal}
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
    axis: "y",
    opacity: 0.8

No need to use combined_script, because Piwigo will automatically load jquery.ui.sortable, which automatically requires jquery.ui which automatically requires jquery. It works because jquery.ui.sortable is available in themes/default/js4

cleaner URL for plugin administration

If the adminstration main page of your plugin is plugins/plugin_directory/admin.php, then you can simplify the URL of your plugin in the from this:

add_event_handler('get_admin_plugin_menu_links', 'localfiles_admin_menu');
function localfiles_admin_menu($menu)
      'NAME' => 'LocalFiles Editor',
      'URL' => get_admin_plugin_menu_link(LOCALEDIT_PATH . 'admin.php')
  return $menu;

into this:

add_event_handler('get_admin_plugin_menu_links', 'localfiles_admin_menu');
function localfiles_admin_menu($menu)
      'NAME' => 'LocalFiles Editor',
      'URL' => get_root_url().'admin.php?page=plugin-'.basename(dirname(__FILE__))
  return $menu;
  • admin.php?page=plugin&section=LocalFilesEditor%2Fadmin.php (ugly) in Piwigo 2.1
  • admin.php?page=plugin-LocalFilesEditor (nice) in Piwigo 2.2

Even better, if you have several tabs on your plugin administration screen, you can append -tabName in the “page” URL parameter.

  • admin.php?page=plugin&section=LocalFilesEditor%2Fadmin.php&tab=css (ugly) in Piwigo 2.1
  • admin.php?page=plugin-LocalFilesEditor-css (nice) in Piwigo 2.2
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dev/changes_in_2.2.1299627331.txt.gz · Last modified: 2011/03/08 23:35 by plg
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