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Multiple site (multisite)

The Multiple site feature, introduced in Piwigo 2.2, is the ability to have several galleries with a single Piwigo installed. This feature is used on where thousands of galleries run on one Piwigo installation.


Only the files are shared, each gallery has a specific database or a set of tables in the same database if you use a specific table prefix for each gallery.

Piwigo files

Download Piwigo and extract files on your web server, in /var/www/piwigo for example.

Web Server Configuration

In your Apache configuration file, you need something like :

Alias /gallery1 /var/www/piwigo
Alias /gallery2 /var/www/piwigo

Site Directories

Create directories /var/www/piwigo/gallery1 and /var/www/piwigo/gallery2 and sub-drectories, with write access for www-data (chmod 0777 if you don't understand what www-data is)

mkdir /var/www/piwigo/gallery1
mkdir /var/www/piwigo/gallery1/local
mkdir /var/www/piwigo/gallery1/local/config
mkdir /var/www/piwigo/gallery1/_data
mkdir /var/www/piwigo/gallery1/upload
chmod -R www-data:www-data /var/www/piwigo/gallery1

Let's do the same for gallery2:

mkdir /var/www/piwigo/gallery2
mkdir /var/www/piwigo/gallery2/local
mkdir /var/www/piwigo/gallery2/local/config
mkdir /var/www/piwigo/gallery2/_data
mkdir /var/www/piwigo/gallery2/upload
chmod -R www-data:www-data /var/www/piwigo/gallery2

and so on for other sites.

Activate Multiple Site

In your local/config/, you need this kind of code:

if (preg_match('#^/gallery1#', $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']))
  $site_dir = './gallery1/';
elseif (preg_match('#^/gallery2#', $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']))
  $site_dir = './gallery2/';
define('PWG_LOCAL_DIR', $site_dir.'local/');
$conf['upload_dir'] = $site_dir.'upload/');
$conf['data_location'] = $site_dir.'_data/');
# in case there is a specific configuration file for each "site"
@include(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.PWG_LOCAL_DIR. 'config/');

The trick is to find how Piwigo can understand it's currently running gallery1 or gallery2. On this example, we have used the $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] variable. You can also use an environment variable set by your webserver or the full URL (if you search for a specific sub-domain)


Now you have to go to each Piwigo gallery : and and follow the installation each time.

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user_documentation/multiple_site.1345808703.txt.gz · Last modified: 2012/08/24 11:45 by tadjio
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