Mar 8, 2013, 6:55:54 PM (11 years ago)

[extensions] - charlies_content

6 edited


  • extensions/charlies_content/language/de_DE/plugin.lang.php

    r18652 r21378  
    2525$lang['Subtitle font size is out of range (Correct range: 8-24)'] = 'Die Schriftgröße der Untertitel ist ausserhalb des erlaubten Wertebereichs (8-24)';
    2626$lang['Wrong filename or file not found (Subtitles file)'] = 'Falscher Dateiname oder Datei nicht gefunden (Untertiteldatei)';
    27 $lang['Wrong filename. RTMP (Real Time Messaging Protocol) is a TCP based propriety protocol developed by Adobe System for the purpose of streaming Audio/Video data between Flash Player and media server.'] = 'Falscher Dateinahme. RTMP (Real Time Messaging Protocol) ist ein auf TCP basierends, proprietäres Protokoll, das von Adobe Systems entwickelt wurde, um Audio- und Videodaten zwischen einem Flashplayer und einem Medienserver zu streamen.';
     27$lang['Wrong filename. RTMP (Real Time Messaging Protocol) is a TCP based propriety protocol
     28    developed by Adobe System for the purpose of streaming Audio/Video data between Flash Player and media server.'] =
     29        'Falscher Dateinahme. RTMP (Real Time Messaging Protocol) ist ein auf TCP basierends, proprietäres Protokoll,
     30    das von Adobe Systems entwickelt wurde, um Audio- und Videodaten zwischen einem Flashplayer und einem Medienserver zu streamen.';
    2831$lang['Invalid color code: 3 or 6 hexadecimal characters, preceded by "#"'] = 'Ungültiger Farbcode: ein "#" und 3 oder 6 Hexadezimale Zahlen';
    2932$lang['Your configuration is NOT saved due to above reasons.'] = 'Ihre Konfiguration wurde aufgrund der oben angeführten Gründe NICHT gespeichert.';
  • extensions/charlies_content/language/en_UK/plugin.lang.php

    r18652 r21378  
    2525$lang['Subtitle font size is out of range (Correct range: 8-24)'] = 'Subtitle font size is out of range (Correct range: 8-24)';
    2626$lang['Wrong filename or file not found (Subtitles file)'] = 'Wrong filename or file not found (Subtitles file)';
    27 $lang['Wrong filename. RTMP (Real Time Messaging Protocol) is a TCP based propriety protocol developed by Adobe System for the purpose of streaming Audio/Video data between Flash Player and media server.'] = 'Wrong filename. RTMP (Real Time Messaging Protocol) is a TCP based propriety protocol developed by Adobe System for the purpose of streaming Audio/Video data between Flash Player and media server.';
     27$lang['Wrong filename. RTMP (Real Time Messaging Protocol) is a TCP based propriety protocol
     28    developed by Adobe System for the purpose of streaming Audio/Video data between Flash Player and media server.'] =
     29        'Wrong filename. RTMP (Real Time Messaging Protocol) is a TCP based propriety protocol
     30    developed by Adobe System for the purpose of streaming Audio/Video data between Flash Player and media server.';
    2831$lang['Invalid color code: 3 or 6 hexadecimal characters, preceded by "#"'] = 'Invalid color code: 3 or 6 hexadecimal characters, preceded by "#"';
    2932$lang['Your configuration is NOT saved due to above reasons.'] = 'Your configuration is NOT saved due to above reasons.';
  • extensions/charlies_content/language/fr_FR/plugin.lang.php

    r18652 r21378  
    2525$lang['Subtitle font size is out of range (Correct range: 8-24)'] = 'Taille de police du sous-titre hors limites (Plage de valeurs correctes : 8-24)';
    2626$lang['Wrong filename or file not found (Subtitles file)'] = 'Nom de fichier incorrect ou fichier non trouvé (Fichier de sous-titres)';
    27 $lang['Wrong filename. RTMP (Real Time Messaging Protocol) is a TCP based propriety protocol developed by Adobe System for the purpose of streaming Audio/Video data between Flash Player and media server.'] = 'Nom de fichier incorrect. RTMP (Real Time Messaging Protocol) est un protocole propriétaire basé sur TCP, et développé par Adobe pour les besoins du streaming des données audio et vidéo entre Flash Player et le "media server".';
     27$lang['Wrong filename. RTMP (Real Time Messaging Protocol) is a TCP based propriety protocol
     28    developed by Adobe System for the purpose of streaming Audio/Video data between Flash Player and media server.'] =
     29        'Nom de fichier incorrect. RTMP (Real Time Messaging Protocol) est un protocole propriétaire basé sur TCP, et développé par Adobe pour les besoins du streaming des données audio et vidéo entre Flash Player et le "media server".';
    2831$lang['Invalid color code: 3 or 6 hexadecimal characters, preceded by "#"'] = 'Code couleur incorrect : 3 ou 6 caractères hexadécimaux, précédés de "#"';
    2932$lang['Your configuration is NOT saved due to above reasons.'] = 'Votre configuration N\'EST PAS sauvegardée pour les raisons listées ci-dessus.';
  • extensions/charlies_content/language/hu_HU/plugin.lang.php

    r18652 r21378  
    2525$lang['Subtitle font size is out of range (Correct range: 8-24)'] = 'Felirat betűméret tartományon kívül esik (Helyes érték: 8-24 között)';
    2626$lang['Wrong filename or file not found (Subtitles file)'] = 'Hibás fájlnév, vagy fájl nem található (Felirat fájl)';
    27 $lang['Wrong filename. RTMP (Real Time Messaging Protocol) is a TCP based propriety protocol developed by Adobe System for the purpose of streaming Audio/Video data between Flash Player and media server.'] = 'Hibás fájlnév. RTMP (Real Time Messaging Protocol) egy TCP alapú protokol, melyet az Adobe System fejlesztett ki, streaming Audio/Video adat, Flash Player és a kiszolgáló közötti adatfolyam.';
     27$lang['Wrong filename. RTMP (Real Time Messaging Protocol) is a TCP based propriety protocol
     28    developed by Adobe System for the purpose of streaming Audio/Video data between Flash Player and media server.'] =
     29        'Hibás fájlnév. RTMP (Real Time Messaging Protocol) egy TCP alapú protokol,
     30    melyet az Adobe System fejlesztett ki, streaming Audio/Video adat, Flash Player és a kiszolgáló közötti adatfolyam.';
    2831$lang['Invalid color code: 3 or 6 hexadecimal characters, preceded by "#"'] = 'Érvénytelen színkód: 3 vagy 6 hexadecimális karakter, előtte "#"';
    2932$lang['Your configuration is NOT saved due to above reasons.'] = 'A konfiguráció beállítások NEM menthetők a fenti okok miatt.';
    6265$lang['Volume [0-200]'] = 'Hangerő [0-200]';
    6366$lang['Onclick URL'] = 'Kattintás URL-re';
     67$lang['On doubleclick URL'] = 'Dupla kattintás URL-re';  //NINCS AZ ALAP KÉSZLETBEN (SAMLI)
     68$lang['or fullscreen or playpause or none'] = 'vagy fullscreen (teljes képernyő), vagy playpause (pill. állj), vagy none (semmi)';
    6469$lang['_blank'] = '_blank';
    6570$lang['_self'] = '_self';
    6671//tab2 : options -> subtab2 : Buffering
    6772$lang['Video buffer size in seconds'] = 'Video puffer méret (másodperc)';
     73$lang['Default 5 seconds.'] = 'Alapértelmezett: 5 másodperc'; //HIÁNYZÓ PONT (SAMLI)
    6874$lang['Video buffer percent message'] = 'Video puffer üzenet (%)';
    6975$lang['Buffering _n_'] = 'Betöltve: _n_';
    7783$lang['Margin for skin'] = 'Szegély a szkín-re';
    7884$lang['Skin image'] = 'Szkín kép';
    79 $lang['(URL of a non progressive jpg)'] = '(URL nem progresszív jpg)';
     85$lang['(URL of a non progressive jpg)'] = '(URL of a non progressive jpg)';
    8086//tab2 : options -> subtab5 : Titleling
    8187$lang['Title'] = 'Title';
    8692$lang['Play icon in middle'] = 'Lejátszás ikon középen';
    8793$lang['Play icon transparency [0-100]'] = 'Lejátszás ikon átlátszóság [0-100]';
    88 $lang['Load an image over video'] = 'Olvasson be egy képet a videó felületére';
     94$lang['Load an image over video'] = 'Load an image over video';
    8995$lang['(URL|x|y : where x,y are the offsets to place the picture)'] = '(URL|x|y : ahol x és y a kép eltolásának helye)';
    9096//tab2 : options -> subtab6 : Subtitleling
    94100$lang['Default size might be 11.'] = 'Alapértelmezett méret: 11';
    95101$lang['Subtitles file URL'] = 'Felirat fájl URL';
     102$lang['(URL of .srt)'] = '(URL cím vagy .srt)'; //HIÁNYZÓ ZÁRÓJELEK (SAMLI)
    96103//tab2 : options -> subtab7 : Player and Buttons
    97104$lang['Show player'] = 'Lejátszó vezérlő megjelenítése';
    111118$lang['Show subtitles switch'] = 'Felirat gomb';
    112 $lang['Stop stops loading'] = 'Stopra leáll a betöltés';
     119$lang['Stop stops loading'] = 'Stopra leáll a betölt.';
    113120$lang['Keyboard shortcuts'] = 'Billentyűparancsok';
    114121//tab2 : options -> subtab8 : Miscellaneous
    122129//Tab3 : colors
     130$lang['Players colours selection '] = 'Lejátszó színeinek kiválasztása'; //FELESLEGES SZÓKÖZ (SAMLI)
    123131$lang['Background'] = 'Háttér';
    124132$lang['Subtitles background'] = 'Felirat háttere';
    128136$lang['Loading bar'] = 'Betöltés sáv';
    129137$lang['Player buttons'] = 'Lejátszó gomb';
    130 $lang['Leftbar gradient fading'] = 'Leftbar színátmenet elhalványulás';
    131 $lang['Hover player buttons'] = 'Lebegő lejátszó gombok';
    132 $lang['Rightbar gradient fading'] = 'Rightbar színátmenet elhalványulás';
     138$lang['Leftbar gradient fading'] = 'Leftbar gradient fading';
     139$lang['Hover player buttons'] = 'Hover player buttons';
     140$lang['Rightbar gradient fading'] = 'Rightbar gradient fading';
    133141$lang['Buffer'] = 'Puffer';
    134 $lang['Hover bar gradient'] = 'Lebegő sáv színátmenet';
     142$lang['Hover bar gradient'] = 'Hover bar gradient';
    135143$lang['Buffer background'] = 'Puffer háttér';
    136144$lang['Play icon'] = 'Indít ikon';
    138146$lang['Play icon background'] = 'Indít ikon háttér';
    139147$lang['Subtitles'] = 'Felirat';
     148$lang['Color usage might be just for information (Players could just ignore them or use them differently).'] = 'A színek csak tájékoztató jellegűek (Lehet, hogy a lejátszó figyelmen kívül hagyja, vagy eltérően használja).'; //HIÁNYZÓ PONT (SAMLI)
    140150//Tab4 : curtain
    141151$lang['Active curtains'] = 'Elérhető függönyök';
    142152$lang['.png without transparency are recommended. Maybe you can change a set of curtains by yours.'] = '.png átlátszóság nélkül ajánlott. Lecserélhető saját függönyökre.';
    144 $lang['Default 5 seconds'] = 'Alapértelmezett 5 másodperc';
    145 $lang['Players colours selection'] = 'Lejátszó színeinek beállítása';
    146 $lang['URL of .srt'] = '.srt URL címe';
    147 $lang['Color usage might be just for information (Players could just ignore them or use them differently)'] = 'A színezés esetleg csak tájékoztató jellegű (A lejátszó használhatja másként, vagy figyelmen kívül hagyhatja)';
    148 $lang['or fullscreen or playpause or none'] = 'vagy fullscreen (teljes képernyő), vagy playpause (pill. állj), vagy none (semmi)';
  • extensions/charlies_content/language/it_IT/index.php

    r11529 r21378  
    22// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
    3 // | Piwigo - a PHP based photo gallery                                    |
     3// | Piwigo - a PHP based picture gallery                                  |
    44// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
    5 // | Copyright(C) 2008-2011 Piwigo Team                  http://piwigo.org |
     5// | Copyright(C) 2008-2009 Piwigo Team                  http://piwigo.org |
    66// | Copyright(C) 2003-2008 PhpWebGallery Team    http://phpwebgallery.net |
    77// | Copyright(C) 2002-2003 Pierrick LE GALL   http://le-gall.net/pierrick |
  • extensions/charlies_content/language/lv_LV/plugin.lang.php

    r18652 r21378  
    33//File charlies_config.php
    5 $lang['Templates configuration'] = 'Parauga konfigurācija';
    6 $lang['Players options'] = 'Atskaņotāja opcijas';
    7 $lang['Players colors'] = 'Atskaņotāja krāsas';
    8 $lang['Curtain selection'] = 'Aizsega izvēle';
    9 $lang['Forced width is out of range (Correct range: 90-1024)'] = 'Izvēlētais platums ir ārpus diapazona (Korektais diapazons: 90-1024)';
    10 $lang['Forced height is out of range (Correct range: 90-1024)'] = 'Izvēlētais augstums ir ārpus diapazona (Korektais diapazons: 90-1024)';
    11 $lang['Default width is out of range (Correct range: 90-1024)'] = 'Platums pēc noklusējuma ir ārpus diapazona (Korektais diapazons: 90-1024)';
    12 $lang['Default height is out of range (Correct range: 90-1024)'] = 'Augstums pēc noklusējuma ir ārpus diapazona (Korektais diapazons: 90-1024)';
    13 $lang['Volume is out of range (Correct range: 0-200)'] = 'Skaļums ir ārpus diapazona (Korektais diapazons: 0-200)';
    14 $lang['Unknown file (Start image)'] = 'Nezināms fails (Starta attēls)';
    15 $lang['Unknown file or URL|x|y error (x and y must be numeric)'] = ' Nezināms fails vai URL|x|y kļūda (x un y jābÅ«t cipariem)';
    16 $lang['Title font size is out of range (Correct range: 12-72)'] = 'Virsraksta fonta izmērs ir ārpus diapazona (Korektais diapazons: 12-72)';
    17 $lang['Play icon transparency is out of range (Correct range: 0-100)'] = 'Atskaņotāja ikonas caurspÄ«dÄ«gums ir ārpus diapazona (Korektais diapazons: 0-100)';
     5$lang['Templates configuration'] = 'Parauga konfiguracija';
     6$lang['Players options'] = 'Atskanotaja iespejas';
     7$lang['Players colors'] = 'Atskanotaja krasas';
     8$lang['Curtain selection'] = 'Aizsega izvele';
     9$lang['Forced width is out of range (Correct range: 90-1024)'] = 'Izveletais platums ir arpus diapazona (Korektais diapazons: 90-1024)';
     10$lang['Forced height is out of range (Correct range: 90-1024)'] = 'Izveletais augstums ir arpus diapazona (Korektais diapazons: 90-1024)';
     11$lang['Default width is out of range (Correct range: 90-1024)'] = 'Platums pec noklusejuma ir arpus diapazona (Korektais diapazons: 90-1024)';
     12$lang['Default height is out of range (Correct range: 90-1024)'] = 'Augstums pec noklusejuma ir arpus diapazona (Korektais diapazons: 90-1024)';
     13$lang['Volume is out of range (Correct range: 0-200)'] = 'Skalums ir arpus diapazona (Korektais diapazons: 0-200)';
     14$lang['Unknown file (Start image)'] = 'Nezinams fails (Ievadattels)';
     15$lang['Unknown file or URL|x|y error (x and y must be numeric)'] = ' Nezinams fails vai URL|x|y kluda (x un y jabut cipariem)';
     16$lang['Title font size is out of range (Correct range: 12-72)'] = 'Virsraksta fonta izmers ir arpus diapazona (Korektais diapazons: 12-72)';
     17$lang['Play icon transparency is out of range (Correct range: 0-100)'] = 'Atskanotaja ikonas caurspidigums ir arpus diapazona (Korektais diapazons: 0-100)';
    1818$lang['Margin is out of range (Correct range: 0-40)'] = 'Malas ir arpus diapazona (Korektais diapazons: 0-40)';
    19 $lang['Unknown file (skin)'] = 'Nezināms fails (ietērps)';
    20 $lang['Autohide delay is out of range (Correct range: 0-9999)'] = 'Auto paslēpššanas kavÅ¡jums ir Å¡rpus diapazona (Korektais diapazons: 0-9999)';
    21 $lang['Player transparency is out of range (Correct range: 0-100)'] = 'Atskaņotāja caurspÄ«dÄ«gums ir ārpus diapazona (Korektais diapazons: 0-100)';
    22 $lang['Subtitle font size is out of range (Correct range: 8-24)'] = 'Subtitru fonta izmērs ir ārpus diapazona (Korektais diapazons: 8-24)';
     19$lang['Unknown file (skin)'] = 'Nezinams fails (ieterps)';
     20$lang['Autohide delay is out of range (Correct range: 0-9999)'] = 'Auto paslepšanas kavejums ir arpus diapazona (Korektais diapazons: 0-9999)';
     21$lang['Player transparency is out of range (Correct range: 0-100)'] = 'Atskanotaja caurspidigums ir arpus diapazona (Korektais diapazons: 0-100)';
     22$lang['Subtitle font size is out of range (Correct range: 8-24)'] = 'Subtitru fonta izmers ir arpus diapazona (Korektais diapazons: 8-24)';
    2323$lang['Wrong filename or file not found (Subtitles file)'] = 'Nekorekts faila nosaukums vai fails nav atrasts (Subtitru fails)';
    24 $lang['Invalid color code: 3 or 6 hexadecimal characters, preceded by "#"'] = 'Kļūdains krāsas kods: 3 vai 6 hexadecimalas rakstu zimes, kam sakuma "#"';
    25 $lang['Your configuration is NOT saved due to above reasons.'] = 'JÅ«su konfigurācija NAV saglabāta dēļ augstāk minētiem iemesliem.';
    26 $lang['You are Adviser and you are not authorized to change this configuration.'] = 'JÅ«s esat Konsultants un Jums nav atļauts izmainÄ«t ššo konfigurāciju.';
    27 $lang['Your configuration is saved.'] = 'JÅ«su konfigurācija ir saglabāta.';
     24$lang['Wrong filename. RTMP (Real Time Messaging Protocol) is a TCP based propriety protocol developed by Adobe System for the purpose of streaming Audio/Video data between Flash Player and media server.'] = 'Nekorekts faila nosaukums. RTMP (Reala Laika Zinojumu Protokols) ir uz TCP bazets, Adobe System radits, piemerošanas protokols Audio/Video datu straumešanai starp Flash Player un media serveri.';
     25$lang['Invalid color code: 3 or 6 hexadecimal characters, preceded by "#"'] = 'Kludains krasas kods: 3 vai 6 hexadecimalas rakstu zimes, kam sakuma "#"';
     26$lang['Your configuration is NOT saved due to above reasons.'] = 'Jusu konfiguracija NAV saglabata del augstak minetiem iemesliem.';
     27$lang['You are Adviser and you are not authorized to change this configuration.'] = 'Jus esat Konsultants un Jums nav atlauts izmanit šo konfiguraciju.';
     28$lang['Your configuration is saved.'] = 'Jusu konfiguracija ir saglabata.';
    2930//File charlies_config.tpl
    30 $lang['Save Charlies\' configuration'] = 'Saglabāt Čarlija konfigurāciju';
     31$lang['Save Charlies\' configuration'] = 'Saglabat Carlija konfiguraciju';
    3132$lang['On'] = 'Ieslegts';
    3233$lang['Off'] = 'Izslegts';
    3334//tab1 : templates
    34 $lang['Charlies player template-mimetype association'] = 'Čarlija atskaņotāja paraugveidnes-mime tipa asociācija';
    35 $lang['Bind your prefered extensions to a template file (player) from:'] = 'SasaistÄ«t jÅ«su izvēlētos paplaššinājumus ar paraugveidnes failu (atskaņotāju) no:';
    36 $lang['Note: These options are available with the Maxi FLV Player. More details on all theses options on:'] = 'Piezime: Šis iespejas ir pieejamas kopa ar Maxi FLV Atskanotaju. Vairak detalu par visam šim opcijam:';
     35$lang['Charlies player template-mimetype association'] = 'Carlija atskanotaja paraugveidnes-mime tipa asociacija';
     36$lang['Bind your prefered extensions to a template file (player) from:'] = 'Sasaistit jusu izveletos paplašinajumus ar paraugveidnes failu (atskanotaju) no:';
     37$lang['Note: These options are available with the Maxi FLV Player. More details on all theses options on:'] = 'Piezime: Šis iespejas ir pieejamas kopa ar Maxi FLV Atskanotaju. Vairak detalu par visam šim opcijam:';
    3738//tab2 : options
    38 $lang['Charlies players configuration'] = 'Čarlija atskaņotāja konfigurācija';
    39 $lang['General options'] = 'Vispārējās opcijas';
    40 $lang['Buffering'] = 'Bufereēšana';
    41 $lang['Config by element'] = 'Konfigurēts pec elementa';
    42 $lang['Skin'] = 'Ietērps';
    43 $lang['Titleling'] = 'Virsrakstīššana';
    44 $lang['Subtitleling'] = 'Subtitrēšana';
    45 $lang['Player and Buttons'] = 'Atskaņotājs un Pogas';
    46 $lang['Miscellaneous'] = 'Dažadi';
     39$lang['Charlies players configuration'] = 'Carlija atskanotaja konfiguracija';
     40$lang['General options'] = 'Visparejas opcijas';
     41$lang['Buffering'] = 'Buferešana';
     42$lang['Config by element'] = 'Konfigurets pec elementa';
     43$lang['Skin'] = 'Ieterps';
     44$lang['Titleling'] = 'Virsrakstišana';
     45$lang['Subtitleling'] = 'Subtitlešana';
     46$lang['Player and Buttons'] = 'Atskanotajs un Pogas';
     47$lang['Miscellaneous'] = 'Dažadi';
    4748//tab2 : options -> subtab1 : General options
    48 $lang['Autoload'] = 'Autoielāde';
    49 $lang['Display first picture'] = 'RādÄ«t pirmo attēlu';
    50 $lang['Autoplay'] = 'Autoatskaņoššana';
     49$lang['Autoload'] = 'Autoielade';
     50$lang['Display first picture'] = 'Radit pirmo attelu';
     51$lang['Autoplay'] = 'Autoatskanošana';
    5152$lang['Loop'] = 'Cilpa';
    52 $lang['Fullscreen'] = 'Pilns ekrāns';
    53 $lang['Flash Player or above is required.'] = 'VajadzÄ«gs vismaz Flash Atskanotajs.';
     53$lang['Fullscreen'] = 'Pilns ekrans';
     54$lang['Flash Player or above is required.'] = 'Vajadzigs vai austak minetais Flash Atskanotajs.';
    5455$lang['Forced video width'] = 'Piespiedu video platums';
    5556$lang['Forced video height'] = 'Piespiedu video augstums';
    56 $lang['Video default width'] = 'Video platums pec noklusējuma';
    57 $lang['Video default height'] = 'Video augstums pēc noklusējuma';
     57$lang['Video default width'] = 'Video platums pec noklusejuma';
     58$lang['Video default height'] = 'Video augstums pec noklusejuma';
    5859$lang['Volume [0-200]'] = 'Skalums [0-200]';
    5960$lang['Onclick URL'] = 'Onklik URL';
    60 $lang['or fullscreen or playpause or none'] = 'vai pilnekrāna vai spēlpauze vai nekas';
    61 $lang['_blank'] = '_tukššs';
     61$lang['or fullscreen or playpause or none'] = 'vai pilnekrana vai spelpauze vai neviens';
     62$lang['_blank'] = '_tukšs';
    6263$lang['_self'] = '_pats';
    6364//tab2 : options -> subtab2 : Buffering
    64 $lang['Video buffer size in seconds'] = 'Video bufera izmērs sekundēs';
    65 $lang['Default 5 seconds'] = 'ēec noklusējuma 5 sekundes';
    66 $lang['Video buffer percent message'] = 'Video bufera procentziņojums';
    67 $lang['Buffering _n_'] = 'Buferēt _n_';
     65$lang['Video buffer size in seconds'] = 'Video bufera izmers sekundes';
     66$lang['Default 5 seconds'] = 'Pec noklusejuma 5 sekundes';
     67$lang['Video buffer percent message'] = 'Video bufera procentzinojums';
     68$lang['Buffering _n_'] = 'Buferet _n_';
    6869$lang['Video buffer background'] = 'Video bufera fons';
    6970//tab2 : options -> subtab3 : Config by element
    70 $lang['Use existing .txt to config'] = 'Lietot esoššo .txt failu konfigurēššanai';
    71 $lang['Filename.txt might be use as config.txt file'] = 'Failnosaukums.txt var tikt lietots
    72 kā config.txt fails';
    73 $lang['Use existing .xml to config'] = 'Lietot esoššo .xml failu konfigurēššanai';
    74 $lang['Filename.xml might be use as config.xml file'] = 'Failnosaukums.txt var tikt lietots kā config.xml fails';
     71$lang['Use existing .txt to config'] = 'Lietot esošo .txt failu konfigurešanai';
     72$lang['Filename.txt might be use as config.txt file'] = 'Failanosaukums.txt var tikt lietots
     73ka config.txt fails';
     74$lang['Use existing .xml to config'] = 'Lietot esošo .xml failu konfigurešanai';
     75$lang['Filename.xml might be use as config.xml file'] = 'Failanosaukums.txt var tikt lietots ka config.xml fails';
    7576//tab2 : options -> subtab4 : Skin
    76 $lang['Margin for skin'] = 'Maliņa ietērpam';
    77 $lang['Skin image'] = 'Ietērpa attēls';
    78 $lang['(URL of a non progressive jpg)'] = '(neprogresÄ«va jpg URL)';
     77$lang['Margin for skin'] = 'Malina ieterpam';
     78$lang['Skin image'] = 'Ieterpa attels';
     79$lang['(URL of a non progressive jpg)'] = '(neprogresiva jpg URL)';
    7980//tab2 : options -> subtab5 : Titleling
    8081$lang['Title'] = 'Virsraksts';
    8182$lang['Title font size [12-72]'] = 'Virsraksta fonta izmers [12-72]';
    82 $lang['Default size might be 20.'] = 'Izmēram pēc noklusējuma jābut 20.';
    83 $lang['Start image'] = 'Starta attēls';
    84 $lang['Title and start picture'] = 'Virsraksts un starta attēls';
    85 $lang['Play icon in middle'] = 'Atskaņoššanas ikona vidÅ«';
     83$lang['Default size might be 20.'] = 'Izmeram pec noklusejuma jabut 20.';
     84$lang['Start image'] = 'Ievada attels';
     85$lang['Title and start picture'] = 'Virsraksts un ievadattels';
     86$lang['Play icon in middle'] = 'Atskanošanas ikona vidu';
    8687$lang['Play icon transparency [0-100]'] = 'Atskanošanas ikonas caurspidigums [0-100]';
    8788$lang['Load an image over video'] = 'Ieladet attelu virs video';
    88 $lang['(URL|x|y : where x,y are the offsets to place the picture)'] = '(URL|x|y : kur x,y ir ofsets attēla izvietoššanai)';
     89$lang['(URL|x|y : where x,y are the offsets to place the picture)'] = '(URL|x|y : kur x,y ir ofsets attela izvietošanai)';
    8990//tab2 : options -> subtab6 : Subtitleling
    9091$lang['Use subtitles'] = 'Lietot subtitrus';
    91 $lang['Filename.srt might be use for captioning'] = 'Failanosaukums.srt varetu tikt izmantots aizgušanai';
     92$lang['Filename.srt might be use for captioning'] = 'Failanosaukums.srt varetu tikt izmantots aizgušanai';
    9293$lang['Subtitles font size [8-24]'] = 'Subtitru fonta izmers [8-24]';
    93 $lang['Default size might be 11.'] = 'Izmēram pēc noklusējuma jābut 11.';
     94$lang['Default size might be 11.'] = 'Izmeram pec noklusešanas jabut 11.';
    9495$lang['Subtitles file URL'] = 'Subtitru faila URL';
    9596$lang['URL of .srt'] = '.srt URL';
    9697//tab2 : options -> subtab7 : Player and Buttons
    97 $lang['Show player'] = 'RādÄ«t atskaņotāju';
    98 $lang['Autohide'] = 'Autopaslēpt';
    99 $lang['Always'] = 'Vienmēr';
     98$lang['Show player'] = 'Radit atskanotaju';
     99$lang['Autohide'] = 'Autopaslept';
     100$lang['Always'] = 'Vienmer';
    100101$lang['Never'] = 'Nekad';
    101 $lang['Show loading'] = 'RādÄ«t ielādi';
    102 $lang['Show mouse'] = 'RādÄ«t peli';
    103 $lang['Show time'] = 'RādÄ«t laiku';
     102$lang['Show loading'] = 'Radit ieladi';
     103$lang['Show mouse'] = 'Radit peli';
     104$lang['Show time'] = 'Radit laiku';
    104105$lang['Time left'] = 'Laiks atlicis';
    105106$lang['Player transparency [0-100]'] = 'Atskanotaja caurspidigums [0-100]';
    106107$lang['Autohide delay [0-9999]'] = 'Autoslepšanas kavejums [0-9999]';
    107 $lang['Default 1500 milliseconds.'] = 'Pēc noklusējuma 1500 milisekundes.';
    108 $lang['Show stop button'] = 'RādÄ«t stop pogu';
    109 $lang['Show volume'] = 'RādÄ«t skaļumu';
     108$lang['Default 1500 milliseconds.'] = 'Pec noklusejuma 1500 milisekundes.';
     109$lang['Show stop button'] = 'Radit stop pogu';
     110$lang['Show volume'] = 'Radit skalumu';
    111 $lang['Show subtitles switch'] = 'RādÄ«t subtitru slēdzi';
    112 $lang['Stop stops loading'] = 'Ar Stop aptur lādāššanu';
    113 $lang['Keyboard shortcuts'] = 'Tautstiniscelš';
     112$lang['Show subtitles switch'] = 'Radit subtitru sledzi';
     113$lang['Stop stops loading'] = 'Stop aptur ladešanu';
     114$lang['Keyboard shortcuts'] = 'Tautstiniscelš';
    114115//tab2 : options -> subtab8 : Miscellaneous
    115 $lang['PHP streaming'] = 'PHP straumešana';
     116$lang['PHP streaming'] = 'PHP straumešana';
    116117$lang['RTMP server URL'] = 'RTMP servera URL';
    117 $lang['(Adobe Systems for streaming audio, video and data)'] = '(Adobe Systems priekšš audio, video un datu straumēššanas)';
    118 $lang['FYI: all these options might be used or NOT by the inbound player (template).'] = 'FYI: visas šis iespejas ir lietojamas vai NAV lietojamas ar iebuveto atskanotaju (paraugu) (template).';
    119 $lang['Reset ALL Charlies\' configuration'] = 'Atjaunot (Reset) VISU Čarlija konfigurāciju ';
    120 $lang['Reset ALL Confirmation'] = 'Atjaunot (Reset) VISUS Apstiprinājumus';
     118$lang['(Adobe Systems for streaming audio, video and data)'] = '(Adobe Systems priekš audio, video un datu straumešanas)';
     119$lang['FYI: all these options might be used or NOT by the inbound player (template).'] = 'FYI: visas šis iespejas ir lietojamas vai NAV lietojamas ar iebuveto atskanotaju (paraugu) (template).';
     120$lang['Reset ALL Charlies\' configuration'] = 'Atjaunot (Reset) VISU Carlija konfiguraciju ';
     121$lang['Reset ALL Confirmation'] = 'Atjaunot (Reset) VISUS Apstiprinajumus';
    122123//Tab3 : colors
    123 $lang['Players colours selection'] = 'Atskaņotāja krāsu izvēle';
     124$lang['Players colours selection'] = 'Atskanotaja krasu izvele';
    124125$lang['Background'] = 'Fons';
    125126$lang['Subtitles background'] = 'Subtitru fons';
    126 $lang['Top border fading'] = 'Augššējās robežžas saplÅ«dums';
    127 $lang['Player'] = 'Atskaņotājs';
    128 $lang['Bottom border fading'] = 'Apakššējās robežžas saplÅ«dums';
    129 $lang['Loading bar'] = 'Lādēšanas josla';
    130 $lang['Player buttons'] = 'Atskaņotāja pogas';
     127$lang['Top border fading'] = 'Augšejas robežas sapludums';
     128$lang['Player'] = 'Atskanotajs';
     129$lang['Bottom border fading'] = 'Apakšejas robežas sapludums';
     130$lang['Loading bar'] = 'Ladešanas josla';
     131$lang['Player buttons'] = 'Atskanotaja pogas';
    131132$lang['Leftbar gradient fading'] = 'Kreisas joslas gradients sapludums';
    132133$lang['Hover player buttons'] = 'Hover atskanotaja pogas';
    133 $lang['Rightbar gradient fading'] = 'Labās joslas gradientsaplÅ«dums';
     134$lang['Rightbar gradient fading'] = 'Labas joslas gradients sapludums';
    134135$lang['Buffer'] = 'Buferis';
    135136$lang['Hover bar gradient'] = 'Hover joslas gradients';
    136137$lang['Buffer background'] = 'Fona buferis';
    137 $lang['Play icon'] = 'Atskanošanas ikona';
     138$lang['Play icon'] = 'Atskanošanas ikona';
    138139$lang['Title'] = 'Virsraksts';
    139 $lang['Play icon background'] = 'Atskanošanas ikonas fons';
     140$lang['Play icon background'] = 'Atskanošanas ikonas fons';
    140141$lang['Subtitles'] = 'Subtitri';
    141 $lang['Color usage might be just for information (Players could just ignore them or use them differently)'] = 'Krāsu lietoššana varētu bÅ«t tikai informatÄ«va (Atskaņotāji to var ignorēt vai lietot atššķirÄ«gi)';
     142$lang['Color usage might be just for information (Players could just ignore them or use them differently)'] = 'Krasu lietošana varetu but tikai informativa (Atskanotaji to var ignoret vai lietot atškirigi)';
    143144//Tab4 : curtain
    144 $lang['Active curtains'] = 'AktÄ«vie aizkari';
    145 $lang['.png without transparency are recommended. Maybe you can change a set of curtains by yours.'] = 'rekomendēti .png bez caurspÄ«dÄ«guma. Varat nomainÄ«t aizkaru komplektu ar savējiem.';
     145$lang['Active curtains'] = 'Aktivie aizkari';
     146$lang['.png without transparency are recommended. Maybe you can change a set of curtains by yours.'] = 'rekomendeti .png bez caurspidiguma. Varat nomainit aizkaru komplektu ar savejiem.';
    147 $lang['Autohide delay ']['0-9999'] = 'Autoslēpššanas kavējums [0-9999]';
    148 $lang['Play icon transparency ']['0-100'] = 'Atskaņoššanas ikonas caurspÄ«dÄ«gums [0-100]';
    149 $lang['Player transparency ']['0-100'] = 'Atskaņotāja caurspÄ«dÄ«gums [0-100]';
    150 $lang['Subtitles font size ']['8-24'] = 'Subtitru fonta izmērs [8-24]';
    151 $lang['Title font size ']['12-72'] = 'Virsraksta fonta izmērs [12-72]';
    152 $lang['Volume ']['0-200'] = 'Skaļums [0-200]';
    153 $lang['Wrong filename. RTMP (Real Time Messaging Protocol) is a TCP based propriety protocol developed by Adobe System for the purpose of streaming Audio/Video data between Flash Player and media server.'] = 'Kļūdains faila nosaukums. RTMP (Reālā laika Ziņapmaiņas protokols) ir uz TCP bazēts protokols, ko Adobe Systems izstrādājis Audio/Video datu straumēšanai starp Flash Player and media serveri.';
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.