Changeset 12095 for trunk/language

Sep 7, 2011, 7:05:52 PM (13 years ago)

[trunk] - language - update af_ZA - Afrikaans - Thanks to Marius Loots and Mignon Smit - feature:2320

1 edited


  • trunk/language/af_ZA/common.lang.php

    r11992 r12095  
    347347$lang['validate this comment'] = 'keur die kommentaar goed';
    348348$lang['html tags are not allowed in login'] = 'html mag nie in aantekening gebruik word nie';
     349$lang['%d rates'] = '%d graderings';
     350$lang['Rating score'] = 'Gradering telling';
     351$lang['The number of photos per page must be a not null scalar'] = 'Die aantal fotos per bladsy mag nie nul wees nie';
     352$lang['Number of photos per page'] = 'Aantal fotos per bladsy';
     353$lang['Enter a username or email address'] = 'Vul gebruikersnaam of epos adres in';
     354$lang['Invalid username or email'] = 'Ongeldige gebruikersnaam of epos adres';
     355$lang['Password reset is not allowed for this user'] = 'Wagwoord herstel word nie vir hierdie gebruiker toegelaat nie';
     356$lang['User "%s" has no email address, password reset is not possible'] = 'Gebruiker "%s" het nie \'n epos adres nie, wagwoord herstel is nie moontlik nie';
     357$lang['Someone requested that the password be reset for the following user account:'] = 'Iemand het gevra dat die wagwoord vir die volgende gebruiker herstel moet word:';
     358$lang['Username "%s" on gallery %s'] = 'Gebruikersnaam "%s" op gallery %s';
     359$lang['To reset your password, visit the following address:'] = 'Om jou wagwoord te herstel, besoek die volgende adres:';
     360$lang['If this was a mistake, just ignore this email and nothing will happen.'] = 'As dit \'n fout was, ignoreer hierdie epos en niks sal gebeur nie.';
     361$lang['Password Reset'] = 'Wagwoord Herstel';
     362$lang['Check your email for the confirmation link'] = 'n Bevestigingskakel word per epos aan jou gestuur';
     363$lang['Invalid key'] = 'Ongeldige sleutel';
     364$lang['The passwords do not match'] = 'Die wagwoorde pas nie';
     365$lang['Your password has been reset'] = 'Jou wagwoord is herstel';
     366$lang['Return to home page'] = 'Gaan terug na die tuisblad';
     367$lang['Please enter your username or email address.'] = 'Vul asseblief jou gebruikersnaam of epos adres in.';
     368$lang['You will receive a link to create a new password via email.'] = 'Jy sal met epos \'n skakel ontvang om \'n nuwe wagwoord te skep.';
     369$lang['Username or email'] = 'Gebruikersnaam of epos adres';
     370$lang['Change my password'] = 'Verander my wagwoord';
     371$lang['Enter your new password below.'] = 'Vul jou wagwoord hier onder in';
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